
▪| Chapter 28: Igrin, The Expert in Using a Weapons |▪

{Nargia Town: Office of Lord Ninth Daiki}

El group had returned to their hometown when they finished their mission. They immediately informed the ninth hero Daiki.

"Is that so?, they may be forming a new organization now because half of their colleagues have been exhausted due to the ignition of the power of the azaroth siblings!"El statement.

"Forming?, is it bad grandpa!"El asked.

"You're right!, that's very bad than our last fight"Daiki answer.

"I see, thank you for the information lord ninth, we will take our leave first!"El said.

When they left, Luxana and Feitan went home first while Charlie was stopped next to El.

"Hmm!, you don't want to go home Charlie?"El asked.

"Sensei!, I want to learn to release my true power, can you help me about that?"Charlie request.

El was suddenly surprised by what he heard from Charlie because this is the first time he seen it and heard him asking for help.

"Is that so?, sure I can help you"El smiled say.

After that, Charlie went home for what they would do the next day with El's mentor.

The next day Feitan went to their meeting early but he only saw Luxana and her first mentor Giselle. Giselle and Luxana could see him so they waved and Feitan came a little closer.

"Hmm!, where is Charlie and El?"Feitan asked.

"I remember he said that they would go to the grandson of the seventh hero to help Charlie training"Giselle answer.

"If Charlie is getting stronger, I won't let him down, sensei Giselle, come on!"Feitan enthusiastically said.

And at the same time they left and took on another mission and for gaining a lot of experience on fighting also improving their strength.

{Nargia Town: Fire Mission Center}

As they enter, Feitan sees Harichi's group also taking on their second mission. Feitan and Harichi immediately lined up, whom he immediately greeted.

"Hey Harichi!!, how are you?"Feitan greetings.

"Oh Feitan!, I'm fine also where is Charlie?"Harichi asked.

"He is training now, but he'll come back and make sure he's strong!"Feitan answer.

Harichi's mentor Russ turned around and saw Giselle who had been he's crush for a long time but couldn't get close due to El's frightening presence.

"G-giselle, I've been wanting to shake your hand for a long time, can I?"Russ request.

"Huh?, okay sure"Giselle smiled said.

Giselle immediately shook Russ's hand which immediately gave Russ a very strong heartbeat and great pleasure. Giselle noticed that Russ's face suddenly turned red as if it was about to explode with its excessive redness.

"A-are you alright, you seem sick?"Giselle worried say.

"Please forgive me about my sensei, he's always like this when he see's a beautiful girl"Harichi apologize say.

When Harichi gets their next mission, he pulls Russ away so as not to disturb the others who will take the mission.

"I didn't know that you're famous sensei?!"Feitan gently asked.

"I-it's not like that, it's good that my older brother isn't here because by chance there might be more trouble"Giselle answer.

"Hello!, what mission you wanna get?"The mission provider question.

"Uhm what is the vacant mission there?"Gissele said.

"She is really El sibling"Feitan said to himself.

"Uhmm there's class-a and class-b available also there's a class-s but it's a hero ranked job!"Mission provider answer.

"Okay, we will get the class-a one!"Giselle smile reply.

The female mission provider has already given the class a mission to be performed by Giselle's team.

They went out and stopped temporarily to take action for their mission. Giselle read the mission statement and then explained the strategy and even their mission.

"What is our mission about?"Feitan asked.

"Uhmm, this mission is from the small town of Solen and it states that they are asking for help to find the three rings of their mayor of that town, let's go there to find out the full information!"Giselle statement.

When Luxana and Feitan heard that, they immediately understood it and immediately went to the said town.

{Nargia Town: Small Forest of Kazeganawa}

As El and Charlie were walking, they came across a small forest near the town of Kazeganawa.

"Sensei, are we near?"Charlie asked.

"Yes, we are almost here!"El answer.

{Nargia Town: Small Village of Solen}

As they traveled through El the town of Kazeganawa they reached Giselle in the town of Solen peacefully. When they entered the town they saw the scattered people and when they saw Giselle a boy immediately approached them.

"G-good afternoon!!, are you the one sent to help us?"Litte boy question.

"Yes we are!, can you bring us to the leader of this town?"Giselle request.

The boy responded quickly and accompanied them to the home where the man in charge of the town was and who had asked for their help.

They saw Giselle the serious condition of the mayor of the solen and they were very sorry for its condition.

"Can I know why is he lying there?"Giselle asked.

"Two days later there were three bandits who we did not know and they entered the residence of our mayor, he tried to fight them but they were very strong, when our mayor could no longer fight the bandits they took the three rings of our bandits after he had done!"Little boy answer.

"if so!, depending on those rings will be your mayor's life here?"Luxana said as she predicted.

"You're right young lady, when our mayor was young he almost lost his life but thanks to a magician with us who saved his life by protecting the three rings that were powerful in his life!"Old woman statement.

"They possibly stole it because it was powerful thing or they wanted to sell it in exchange for an enormous amount!"Feitan say as if he knew what are the intention of those bandits.

"Yeah, it may be their intention why they do that!"Giselle reply.

While Feitan was thinking of another way something immediately came to his mind so he approached the people of solen and asked something.

"Are there any leftovers or anything from those bandits that we could use?"Feitan asked.

A little girl approached and handed the piece of a green cloth to them Feitan which came from a robe of the bandits. It was immediately taken and it was discovered that it was a robe of one of the bandits.

"Did you take this?"Feitan gntly said.

"Y-yes, I grabbed his clothes but when he sees me he kicked me away so this is all I got"Little girl reply.

"You did great job!"Feitan happily say.

Then Giselle and Luxana saw Feitan suddenly sit up and be silent for a while.

["Feitan's Mind]

["Rikuo!, I know you already know what I wanted you to do for me"]Feitan question.

["I can't turn back the time but I can see the event with the help of a piece of things, when something come up in front of you, be patient because I can't turn back that event!"]Rikuo answer.

["I understand, I will watch carefully!"]Feitan response.

While Feitan was holding the piece of cloth given to him, Rikuo used their power to see the situation that attacked the town of solen.

While Rikuo was looking for this incident it immediately showed disrespect and at this time Feitan also saw the incident in the town of solen.

There were three men wearing a green robe that was quite black. They are hidden in large trees while the citizens of the solen are about to rest.

One of them can released a kind of chain that had a strange look to Charlie's chain. When the people of the solen began to rest, the three bandits acted and hurried to the house of the mayor of the solen.

{Nargia Town: Small Village of Kazeganawa}

El already saw the town of Kazeganawa and they seen not many people here but it is very beautiful and clean in this town.

They went in to look for the grandson of the Seventh who became the hero of the town of nargia. They reached the outskirts of this town until they saw a dark cave.

"Sensei!, are you sure this is the right place?"Charlie ountable question.

El didn't say a word and Charlie noticed El who was just quiet and stunned inside the cave. So Charlie looked there too and felt like someone was coming out so he prepared themselves.

Charlie sees the old man come out of the cave with a variety of weapons behind him.

"He arrived at the exact time!"El smiled say.

When the Old man saw them he suddenly stop and asked them.

"Why are you here and who you want to see?!"Old man question.

"I would like you to help this child unleash the true potential of his power and teach him more!"El request.

"I'm sorry, it seems you asked the wrong person"Old man answer.

"I'm sorry about that too, but you can't pass me by peeling you, grandson of the Seventh hero!"El response reply.

"H-huh!?"Charlie said in shocked.

The old man in front of them Charlie was suddenly startled and nervous. Suddenly the old man smiled and the old man gradually diminished into a boyhood.

"By the way, I am Igrin, the grandson of the Seventh hero, and you are so deceitful, why do you always know that I am just skinning!!"Igrin said.

"Next time, could you improve your speech when you change your personality HAHAHA!"El teasing reply.

"El, you idiot!!"Igrin angrily say.

After that Igrin calmed down and so did El.

"Why are you here again?"Igrin asked.

"I-i am here to learn to use my chains and unleash my true potential power, can you train me?!"Charlie direct request.

"Is that so, then let's go inside!"Igrin answer.

They entered a very long and dark cave. As they walked, they came out of a very long cave and when they came out, Charlie was surprised to see a huge house and people training with different types of weapons.

{Small Village of Solen: House of the Mayor}

When Feitan found out what had happened he informed Giselle and Luxana by holding their heads.

"Thank you very much Feitan, tomorrow morning we will leave to go to the place where those bandits are hiding!"Giselle suggestion.

And they immediately rested in the town of solen so that they would have the strength to go to the fort enemies.