
|The World Traveler | Crossover X OC | Emrys "The Immortal"|

Credit to @AsiTheTrans for help on making this, originally uploaded on Wattpad Immortality, a curse given to many, yet no one understands what it truly means. One Immortal, Emrys, had lived with this curse for so long he'd lost count of the years, seeing the heat death of universes and the rebirth of them. One day once again he dies, but this time some old 'friends' have an offer. [Dimension Traveling Styled: World Traveling System Obtained]

DarkTheLibrarian · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Quests and Trials

It goes without saying but characters won't have their canon personality either because of headcanons I may have (since we don't get too see every characters personality completely), alterations they may experience over time (or I simply interpreted their personality in a different way), or simply a writing limitation/error on my end.


'You wouldn't happen to be able to shorten my quest down a bit would you? Just the names objective and their rewards, just keep out the descriptions?'

The black box and white lettering reappears confirming his request.

[Quest Log:

World Missions - Kimetsu No Yaiba (3)

- Current - Survive the Mount Natagumo Arc

Objective - Survive the night

Reward - Acquisition of skills from current body to the System

- World Mission - Slayer or Demon

Objective - Kill an Upper Moon or Hashira

Reward - 25 Store Points, 200 Store Point Discount (Demon Slayer Shop Only), upon completion you may choose to leave this world to leave to another.

- World Full Completion - Complete destruction of the Demon Slayer Corp or Death of Muzan Kibutsuj

Reward - 150 Store Points, 1 Blood Demon Art or Permanent Demon Slayer Mark (No Drawback)

Continuous Quest (3)

- Continuous Quest Timeless Hunter

Objective - Kill a Reincarnator, Transmigrator, or a System User

Reward - 150 Store Points and Ability or Skill from the Opponent

Bonus Reward - Depending on the strength of the Opponent extra rewards can be given.

- Continuous Quest Savior or Destroyer

Objective - The Savior: Assist the world in a way that would benefits it

The Savior - Reward: 75 Store Points, 1 Item, 1 World Based Item, 1 Skill

Objective - The Destroyer: Be the cause of something Detrimental towards the world

The Destroyer - Reward: 100 Store point, 1 World Based Skill, 1 World Based Item

Bonus Objective - Completely Stop or Begin something that will destroy the world's future

Bonus Reward - 300 Store Points, 3 World Based Items (One High Grade Guaranteed)

Bonus Reward - Depending on how you complete each quest extra rewards can be given or removed

- Continuous Quest - World Completion

Objective - Complete the World Objectives

Rewards - 30 Days of Free Time (more can be given depending on circumstance), Store will be updated giving access to all items in world for purchase

System Note: Any and all quest/rewards may be tweaked as the system sees fit, this system is still being updated due to tweaks made for the current user and constant change of the worlds and rarity of certain abilities, skills, items, etc]

(Sorry that there is so much, I'm also not good at economics but I do have a system for how pricing and rewards works)

Scrolling through all the quest a couple things stick out to me.

One, it's possible that I can come across other reincarnators which means that these universes I'm in may be alternate universes or timelines due to the fact that many reincarnators are going to want to go into the same universe, and I doubt putting them all into one timeline or universe would end very well.

Second, the System seems to be open to taking both sides in good and evil, probably one of the many alterations made for me, though each side has its ups and downs.

Lastly, completing a world mission and completing the entire world are separate, it's possible that I may not be able to return when I complete world, though probably not the same for the world mission.

'I'll worry about the other quests at a later date, my current objective hasn't changed-', coming to a quick stop Emrys pulls out his sword slashing at something that jumped at him, a spider like creature falling back.

"How cute", the spider which had fallen slowly starts dissipating, it's body trying to crawl in hopes of achieving something.

'Odd that attack shouldn't-'

"I appreciate the compliment", from up above a feminine voice takes his attention, coming eye to eye with black and purple haired women, a pink, green, and white haori, and a set of pupil lacking purple eyes. Her hair is tied back by a butterfly like hair pin and most of her body is hidden behind a purple version of the standard slayer uniform.

"Well it wasn't meant for you but it definitely fits".

'She different from the others, far more composed, the air around her is off, and she is alone. Most people I'd assume would be sent with others but she has no blood nor backup'.

Stepping towards the edge her body flickers before appearing in front of Emrys, "You're injured, you've torn the muscle on your left arm, almost reaching your veins, there shouldn't be any permanent damage".

'She's fast, doesn't seem to be worried about her surroundings, and knowledgeable in the medical field.'

Pulling some bandages and a flask out of her pocket she starts wrapping up my wound, "this will have to do for now, you should wait here, my Kakushi will be here shortly".

'Kakushi? System can you tell me anything?'

["Kakushi are a rank of Demon Slayers, they're given to non-combatant types who help out the Demon Slayer Corp, most commonly they can be seen taking care of injured Demon Slayers. Kakushi serve the Demon Slayer Corp but most commonly a single Kakushi is tied to a specific Pillar or Hashira."]

'So she is a Hashira, or close to one, good to know'

["She's a Hashira, that much I can tell you as it's tied to your quest."]

"You wouldn't happen to have seen any Centella would you?"

(A plant commonly used for injuries and healing, it's commonly used a cream or paste)

Having gone to left the Hashira stops turning around, her eyes slightly wide. 

'He knows about Centella? I wasn't aware of many new slayers who had even the slightest amount of medical experience, the master normally would tell me this, did he learn it while serving?'

"Centella doesn't grow on this mountain so I'm afraid not, I'm on an important missions so I can't help you any further for now", crouching the Hashira burst off a bit towards where Emrys had came from.

'And here I was hoping to talk longer. If I can get access to medical supplies it should help me grow my body faster, I think I remember some old medicines, sucks I have this Soul Seal, makes many of my memories hazy'.

Looking around his eyes land on the string held building, crouching he dashes, planting his feet onto a nearby tree before kicking off towards the roof, drawing his blade he manages to stab the bottom of the building and use his momentum to throw himself up before heading towards the very top.

'There's someone up here? He seems to be poisoned pretty badly, his limbs are shrinking, explains why she was up here. I should be fine up here for now, doubt demons just go around checking floating buildings.'

Laying on his back Emrys stares up at the moon awaiting the Kakushi to come.

'That woman was strong, at least compared to this current body. Would it be worth to hunt her down and kill her? The rewards seem good, it's just store points sure, but it'll probably complete the Destroyer quest too. But she seems like a good person, if anything she seems sad, plus I don't really feel like killing someone for personal gain right now. I could also possibly die fighting her, this body is previously exhausted, injured, and I can't use any of it's skills. My personal weapon skills should be good enough but I'm too exhausted, or I need an excuse to not kill her.'

Laying back he closes his eyes deciding to take a nap instead of doing as most reincarnators do, butting into stuff that they don't need to at points they're not ready for when they can simply sit and watch as the world should run itself without much issue.

It doesn't take long for the Kakushi to arrive, finding the two resting figures they're quickly hauled off towards the butterfly estate, an estate run by the Insect Hashira, Shinobi Kocho, a place for healing and recuperation as well as studying poisons to take down demons, headed by the same Hashira that owns it.

Not long after Inosuke Hashibara, Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko Kamado, and Murata (A slayer who assisted the 3 previous mentioned people) would be found by the Insect Hashira and a recently arrived Giyu Tomioka, the world moving as its canon intended.


Sun rays wash over an open field, an open garden taking in light making it ever more beautiful.

Near the garden an open window flutters slightly, a light breeze fluttering set of black hair.

'This place is rather nice, I'm curious as to who owns it, they have quite the taste. Then again Japan always was just naturally beautiful.'

Turning away from the window Emrys looks at the screen in front of him, leaning himself up against head of the bed.

[Would you like to accept quest rewards?]


Clicking yes several pop ups appear, the showings of his 'survival' blooming into a reward.

[<Sword Proficiency (Mid)>]

[<Tapetum Lucidum Generation>]

[<Total Concentration Breathing (Low)>]

[<Enhanced Body (Low)>]

[<Enhanced Senses (Low)>]

'Not many skills but they're still pretty good, but Tapetum Lucidum Generation?'

Clicking it a new screen pops-up, appearing slightly to the right of the current one.

[Tapetum Lucidum Generation:

Tapetum Lucida, layers of tissue in the eye of many vertebrates. Lying immediately behind the retina, it is a retroreflector. It reflects visible light back through the retina, increasing the light available to the photoreceptors.


-Bioluminescent Eyes

-Night Vision]

'I was wondering why my eyes looked a bit off, guess since they were locked the body didn't know how to make them react, the bioluminescent is cool but makes sneaking more annoying and the night vision is great. I'm curious if this is just luck I was put into this body or if some strings were pulled, not like it matters at this point.'

A soft knock takes his attention, opening the door a Kakushi stairs up at him.

"You're required to head the main garden immediately."

"May I ask why?"

"You're the sole awake survivor that was at Mount Natagumo from the beginning and you were the only one who was stable enough to bring to the master mansion. Miss. Shinobu and her Kakushi were already headed this way so the Master thought it best to talk to someone personally, take his kindness with gratitude!"

The Kakushi's eyes flare with a burning passion, the mere thought of the gracious Master enough to set his heart ablaze.

"I see, well if you wouldn't mind guiding me, I wouldn't want to keep them waiting".

'Even if I try to relax it seems like the world won't let me stay away from important things, then again I have no doubt everyone probably dies originally, my interference must have altered his decision.'

Taking little time Emrys is lead throughout the masters mansion, having been put in one of the side houses used for guests it takes a while.

Stopping the Kakushi pulls roughly on Emrys' sleeve stopping him in place, "We're about to be in the presence of the Hashira and the Master himself, keep yourself quiet and wait till you're addressed as we're also being present for the trial of Tanjiro Kamado!"

"I'm aware on how this all works", continuing forwards, almost causing the Kakushi to fall as they hadn't let go yet, they enter an open garden, several people already there.

'Tanjiro? Must be that Manjiro boy, big mountain with a Hashira, injured people, big trial, all the Hashira at one place, sounds a lot like a main character so it only makes sense that two similar sounding names in a situation like this are the same person.'

(I don't think it's outrageous to reach such a thought)

Confirming my suspicion Tanjiro Kamado lays unconscious, tied up and with a Kakushi pinning him, his body and face covered in scars.

Glancing to his right there are an assortment of characters.

A bulky figure with prayers bears, every crying eyes, and white eyes waiting. Despite his blindness he does take notice of Emrys' arrival

The same small women from before beside him, her resting on Emrys, her mood shifting slightly, though unnoticeable.

A similarly ever-smiling man with red-tipped yellow hair, his haori and eyes the exact same, his eyebrows extremely bushy, noticing Emrys a simply keeps smiling as he awaits something.

A boy with abstinent and clouded eyes staring off at the sky, his hair turquoise at it's ends and his eyes the same.

A woman with lime-green tipped pink hair, her eyes a similar green and a rather large amount of cleave being shown, her eyes widening at the sight of a newcomer.

In a nearby tree a man black hair, a single covered eye, and a snake with multicolored eyes glares down at this new arrival, though he stays unmoving.

Lastly a man with black hair, a split colored haori, blue eyes, and a blank face stands not too far off from where these two newcomers arrived from.

Let the trial begin!

(Sorry about the lack of description with the Hashira but I assume most already know who they are, also Sanemi isn't there yet)
