
|The World Traveler | Crossover X OC | Emrys "The Immortal"|

Credit to @AsiTheTrans for help on making this, originally uploaded on Wattpad Immortality, a curse given to many, yet no one understands what it truly means. One Immortal, Emrys, had lived with this curse for so long he'd lost count of the years, seeing the heat death of universes and the rebirth of them. One day once again he dies, but this time some old 'friends' have an offer. [Dimension Traveling Styled: World Traveling System Obtained]

DarkTheLibrarian · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - New Beginnings


Immortality, some call it a curse other a blessing, some dedicate their entire life too it. Saying how they want to obtain some sort of 'godhood' or using to be the next 'messiah', hell some do it just for personal gain. 

Some claim they understand the loneliness of living through every age of mankind, seeing all your loved ones die and fade out of existence, they talk about how the heat death of universe will cause you torment, how you will never recover.

The truth is they're all wrong and right, at one point yes, the loss of constantly losing loved ones is a never ending pain, the heat death a horrible torment almost comparable to the bowels of Tartarus itself.

But eventually, eventually it all becomes easier, life becomes something you learn to cherish and care for, my first heat death was painful, every fiber my being ripped apart only leaving the remnants of a conscious that was once a man, forced to drift in that empty space before a new big bang would occur.

I couldn't remember if it was months, years, or maybe just seconds, all I remember is awaking in a new body, one different from my own, it wasn't some sick reincarnation either, my mind simply drifted in my universe until it found a new suitable host, the first man, but not Adam, no, this time the gods had a different fate for me, then again my world didn't really have any strong gods, only watchers from a higher plane, so maybe it was a sick and cruel fate I made myself live. 

(Small Note: I use the word 'World' in tandem with the words like Universe and Reality.)

I was forced once again to live in this world, over and over again, each time new evolutions happened. Many have heard of the 'Egg Theory', theory has it that the universe is a giant egg waiting to hatch to create god, every living being inside the universe is actually a single being constantly reincarnating, after all, eggs only bare one creatures.

But I found the truth, at least my original worlds truth, I call it the 'Darwin Theory', the world constantly resets over and over again, each time the world evolves and grows, a form of evolution that gods can't even control, this occurs over and over again never ending until humanity evolves out of its shell into new beings, ones capable of wielding magic, superpowers, and things beyond comprehensions.

I can't recall how many times this happened, millions, billions perhaps? I stopped count, after all each reset took so many years that it all became numb for a long time. Eventually along the way I broke, I joined in on humanities depravity on occasion, slaughters, wars, drinking, alcohol, lust, you name it I've probably tried it along the way, and can you truly blame me?

...Probably, but I stopped caring a long time ago.

After awhile I found a new way to live, I taught myself to suppress the person I once was, having lived as every gender, every president, every lord, every Tokan (Fake Word) it all slowly got boring, or maybe I just wanted something new.

It wasn't difficult, sealing the people I used to be, it allowed me to live new lives, and at the end of each one I would awaken, gaining all my previous memories again, sometimes I wouldn't seal myself, sometimes I would continue to live as who I was as a collective.

Compared to what people say you can learn to love again, it was hard, but I learned to cherish the time people had and be the will that carried them on, but just as quickly as I learned to love I learned to hate, Yin and Yang and all that.

But nothing ever last, you know the saying right? 'The Snake has bitten it's own tail and won't let go', or more commonly known as Ouroboros, the symbol for the constant destruction and rebirth of everything, but it also represents the fact that when you start getting greedy and you don't stop this greed, eventually, one day, you'll eat yourself.

So that's what happened, we ate ourselves, the universe crumbled and slowly shattered as our greed, our evolution, it was all too much, we over evolved and we over ate.

But I lived, I experienced a new form of reincarnation or was it a transmigration at the last minute, can't remember to be honest. One by one, I lived lives, made families, friends, enemies, eventually I obtained a true 'Godhood', then I lost it all, over and over again.

Slowly but surely I learned to enjoy it all, every so often I did grow into a depression, the constant suicides, constant slaughters, but I managed, I mean sure I lived in the circles of hell, the abyss, and a couple other nasty places for a couple eternities, but hey it all worked out in the end, and finally that leaves us where we are now, the present, or maybe a distant past, hard to tell when time becomes a blur.

***3rd POV***

In an empty colorful space a couple figures 'stand', two of which dressed in higher quality clothing. One befitting a Victorian King and the other a high class angel.

Across from the two is a floating bubble with an ever changing body, body made completely off a blue mist with several energies swirling around inside of it.

"Good morning !%^$?%>?", from the Victorian there escapes a female voice, far betraying the male appearance they adorn.

"Hm? Wasn't expecting to see you Lila", despite speaking to separate languages the mist and Victorian seem to converse clearly.

"How dare you! An insolent Immortal dare address one of the most pristine and well respected High-Gods? You out to be-".

"Stop", their voice caries a heavy commanding presence, freezing the sporadic angel in its place.

"High-God? Congrats on the promotion Lila, and her I remember when you were just a cute-"

"That went for you too, plus I'm not a High-God yet, I was recently instated into their 'Ascension Program', they're trying to make me a God of Messengers. Even then it's not like I need praise right now, becoming a High-God isn't entirely difficult for anyone born in one of the Mid-Realms."

"Mid-Realms? Never heard of them, guess that answers where or not I've been in your world before huh? Tell me about them."

"No, I've got things I need to do so let's finish this already", despite the uncaringness from the mist and the 'calm' situation the two 'human' like figures are both seem annoyed, both for entirely different reasons.

"Someone's grouchy~"

"When dealing with you and-... Anyways, I've got a request from the higher-ups this time, you might find this more... interesting then your normal reincarnation, but if I tell you then you can't take-"

"Sure sure get on with it, I'm a bit annoyed at my last world so anything you'd find interesting must be better than a normal reincarnation".

"You-", not able to contain his frustration anymore the angel releases some of his divinity.

"Lila, if you're going to have a trainee or assistant with you, please keep them in check while I'm still in soul form", the mist counters with his own, the angel being forced to take a couple steps back.

"W-who", stammering a bit the angel almost falls, though they're quickly caught by the mist and pulled back up.

"Sorry about him, this is Mairdrick, he's close to a promotion, but is also new to this side of the job, they're trying to promote him quickly to another higher-up role that suits him better, he's not a people person and follows the rules to a T".

"It's fine, continue on now, these things always tend to take forever and this is only making it last longer", Lila nods their head before opening a palm face up, materializing shortly after is a screen.

"A system? Been awhile since I've seen one, are you trying to bribe me with one in exchange for something?"

"No, we're offering it to you almost free of charge"

"Almost? An what that might entail, you might be of divinity, but don't think I'm unaware of your tricks, so play nice."

Nodding their head text starts appearing on the screen, 「Dimension Traveling Styled: World Traveling System」, "This System will be given to you and you'll be reincarnated, the main catch is that we will have to place a Soul Seal on you as to not destroy your new body and so the System doesn't have any mistakes when initializing. The Dimension System absorbs dimensional energy whenever it transfers for reasons you'll find out upon acquisition, but because of this and how it works your body won't be able to evolve to match your current souls embodiment as any future body will need to intake your current soul, the system, and all of its skills. Also no leveling up or classes, it'll make sense when you obtain it."

"Hm... Those are some pretty nasty catches, specifically the Soul Seal, you know that I can still die if my soul is destroyed conceptually, after all your people tried it once before, it'd be very convenient if I so happened to get sealed with a god candidate in front of me now wouldn't it?"

The 'air' in the void tenses up as the two stare at each other, the angel unsure of what to do in this situation.

"The Soul Seal won't interfere with your actual soul, at least not to a degree that you'd die from me attacking you, your body would die too fast and you'd enter your soul form, also you'll get one free... ticket, if you will, to release the Soul Seal, if that helps any".

'Well I did technically accept already, plus I get free ticket, I could erase the Soul Seal upon release if need be, fine by me, plus it's always nice to have to get stronger all over again and I get to travel worlds as I please without reincarnating.'

"So how do you plan on transporting me to the initial world is my first question, Soul Seals only activate when I've got a body, and I can't get a body tied to this new world until after I reincarnate, but then when I do the body might react badly with both the Soul Seal and the System entering at once".

Without hesitating an answer is immediately given, "Simple we'll use the 「Singularity System」, it contains enough power and precisions to warp dimensions like this, it shouldn't be a problem to send you to a canon or side timeline as you please, after acquisition you should naturally gain the ability to do so... upon completion of your world that is."

"Completion of a world, makes sense, fine hit me with it then", hearing the mists words Lila walks up to, placing their hand on the mists center mass as several talismans appear around it's body, hundreds of spell circles, chains, and many divine and demonic sigils joining with as they're slowly sealed.

"Huh? Feels weirder than I thought, suppose that makes sense, though I should've asked before, but won't this void eat me now?"

"No, the seals will protect you from that for now, they're recently applied so your remnant power will protect you."

Taking the screen Lila closes their fist, the screen turning into a cube like objects as they insert it into the mists stomach, withdrawing their hand they open up another screen, one called the 「Singularity System」, slowly the abyss like space starts cracking and crumbling the 'air' cracks like glass, multiple dimensions reflecting off of it.

"On you go now, I've got stuff to do", turning around they starts to head off.

"Hey, you never told me my first world, or do I decide later?"

"You've started with a preset world, not very powerful but that's to be expected, the System itself and you yourself will choose from that point onwards, though I should mention that your system it special, it's been tweaked by one of the Primordial's.

"A Primordial huh? When this is all over remind me to take you on a nice lunch, take is a nice payment for giving me something like this".

Lila stares at the mist for a minute before nodding, "Sure, couldn't hurt, after all I'll probably ascend by then, heard it's good to take breaks every once in awhile".

Slowly the two figures dissipate in a golden energy, the lone mist turning towards the dimensional shatter in front of it.

'Can't remember the last time I've felt so powerless, gotta say, I've missed it a bit'.

Slowly, like the other two, the mist disappears, the void being left alone once again to slumber.

「Dimension Traveling Styled: World Traveling System Obtained」


Wooo! I've started yet another book, though this one I've actually got ideas for and I've been working on with AsiTheTrans, another books writer and good friend of mine. 

I'll hopefully continue this one as I can fit in any ideas I want because of the World Traveling, it'll be a trip though, and don't worry for any readers of my Living Singularity Book, I'm still definitely updating that.

Hope you all enjoyed!