
Something Original

Damn my head is spinning.

'What was I doing just a second ago?' I glanced around. A room full of people I . . . don't know? I think.

I played with the camera in my hands while I try to remember what I'm doing here. Camera? 

'This isn- Is mine?' I felt a hand on my shoulder, holy hell that hurts.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be taking pictures right now? Get one of me in front of this. Make me look smart." A boy stood next to me, mid length red hair that curled at the ends, pale blue eyes, and a toothy grin. He thumbed to a Info bored next to him.

"Sorry, just, feels like my heads all over the place right now." I rolled my shoulder, no help. "And no. I already see too much of you. Last thing I need is to memorialize it."

'Do I? I'm pretty sure I've never seen him before. Hows he know me?' I click a picture anyways, making sure to get the flash in his eyes. 'Always fun to mess with him tho.'

"You two. Stop lollygagging and catch up with the group." A man passed me and lightly patted my back with a rolled up note book.

"sssiii" Now that really hurt. 'What the hell's going on?'

"You alright? You know he barely hit you, if even grazed you." Curly rubbed his eyes and followed the man. "Anyway, I'll meet you up front."

What is wrong with me? I can't remember where I am, who any of these people are, or why they know me . . . well except for Harry . . . 'Do I know a Harry?'

When I took a step to follow the group I apparently forgot I was standing on stilts. 'Aren't I wearing thin soles?'

The ground was an unwelcomed guest.


Luke warm water really does wonders for a head ache.

After a Half forgotten car ride with my uncle, I ate 5 pounds of food then hopped in the shower. My memory is still a little hazy but some of its coming back. People keeping calling me Peter even tho I'm sure that's not my name, however, one knee jerk reaction later and I respond every time.

And there's this house, I know I've never been in it before but at the same time I know that I'm going straight to my room across the hall right after this shower. Well I would but . . .

"OouGH!" Another chunk of something that is NOT the food I just ate. Most of it is inky black with chucks of what looks suspiciously like fat mixed in, and there's a lot of it. And about every 30 seconds more comes up.

"OouGH!" I spit it out. It tastes a little to much like iron to be comfortable. I rap my arms around my stomach. 

'Thin' That's probably not good.

After spending 15 minutes in the tub, and wondering if I could get any thinner then I already was. I finally tracked my way to my room. No amount of sleep could repair this damage but I'll be damned if I don't try.

I don't even remember getting passed my door way.

Alway thought Peters transformation goes a little too smoothly for my liking.

Tree_Leavescreators' thoughts