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I had spent the rest of the next day working on putting together the web slingers. I can't lie, I'm pretty proud of it. When I pressed the button I could hear the hiss of the empty web cartridge. I even rigged up the connector bit to the compressor to inject web fluid into the cartridges. All that was left was to finish the web fluid itself. 

Sadly even with Peter's impressive mind, I still wan't done. The web fluid kept coming out runny and weak. A far cry from what I knew it could be. Even well into the night I had still yet to make a breakthrough.

Calling it a there, before I lost anymore sleep, I stepped outside to find it raining. I almost ran for the house when I saw my widow was open. I had gotten an idea. I peaked around making sure no one was watching and after deciding it was safe, I crouched down and leapt into the air. Ten feet of lawn and one story up I cleared the distance in no time landing on the wall next to my window. I stuck there and crawled inside.

I looked like water wouldn't be an issue when wall crawling. Suddenly an idea hit me, water may not be an issue for me but it would be for my webs. Maybe the moister in the air was causing my problem. Because the web fluid absorbed the ambient air molecules to expand, it also absorbed the moister. 

Grabbing a fresh piece of paper I got to work.


The last day of school was as boring as the rest. At least with nothing to do in class I was free to work on the web fluid all week, which I did. I only cracked the cod in class today, I was so exited that I almost ran out the door and skipped the rest of the day. The only thing that really stopped me was the idea that May might ground me for the summer for doing it.

So here I sat and watched the movie the teacher put on for the last day. "So, has Flash gotten a hold of you yet?" 

I turned to my right. MJ had started more conversations with me as of resent, it was kind of strange considering the lack of memory's of her doing so with Peter. "No, but not for a lack of trying. He tried to do the same thing to Harry but a teacher caught him mid wind up. Almost landed him a suspension."

"I'm surprised you and Harry had the balls to do it. I don't blame you either, he's an okay guy but he really takes it to far with you two." She scribbled on a piece of paper while she talked.

"I don't think we know the same Flash, he's the peak of the bully stereotype, but after today I don't have to worry. I'm so exited to leave." She peaked up at that seemingly interested.

"Got any plans for this summer?" She asked.

"Yes? Nothing concrete but I've got ideas of what I'm gonna do." I thumbed the slingers on my wrist.

"Like what?" She asked, I looked at her.

"Why the sudden interest in my going on's? Eh Gasp!? Don't tell me the infamous Marry Jain Watson has a little crush on me?" I pretended to be flabbergasted.

"Ha! Keep dreaming Parker. I'm a free spirit . . . buuut this free spirit also sucks at physics. Which I'm taking next year. I figured who better to ask then the infamous P.B. Parker himself." I chucked at her come back. I thought about it for a moment. 

"And what's in it for me? I don't know if I have the time to deal with miss all american free girl." I hoped the proposal of having payment would dissuade her from pursuing my help.

"I can pay. Just name your price and I'll set it all up." She came back immediately. 

'Damn it! The allure of money is strong. I - Must - Resist! "Sure, Lets exchange numbers so we can get in contact.