
Amazing Title

The police questioned me about what happened, and I told them word for word how it went. Everyone involved was already there. I went inside to get some stuff for a project, and the gunman pulled out a gun and asked for the cash. When he got it he shot the clerk dead. The police told me the store clerk was also holding a gun. Apparently while he was getting the money, he grabbed an unregistered gun from the safe and shot the gunman in the arm. I didn't even notice it in the moment.

Then the man ran outside, and I thought about Ben who was waiting out there and I followed him. When I saw him about to shoot Ben I went for the gun, pulled it away from him, and hit him, hard. The police laughed at that, calling it an understatement. I had apparently broke a rib, caused some bleeding, and gave him a concussion.

They told me they only ever saw that in cases involving pro fighters, but chocked it up to Adrenalin. I stayed quiet and let them brush past it. When I heard they checked security footage the store had of the inside and outside, I became worried they might see my excessive speed for my size. luckily I didn't show anything abnormal inside and the outside footage just barely showed me coming into frame behind the gunman and throwing him out of frame.

The police decided that they had all they needed, asked if Ben and I could show in court to help prosecute if needed. Ben was all for it, but was reluctant to let me, for fear of bringing back bad memory's. When I was asked, though, I immediately said I would. Ben just smiled and said, 'alright.'  

When we got home, we realized that we'd have to explain everything to May again. Ben sent me upstairs and said he'd do all the talking. I didn't even have it in me to argue this time and up I went.

I sat down on my bed and stared at the wall for a bit, 'I still need to get those parts.'


May and Ben let me take off the next couple days. I know I could push it for the rest of the week but I didn't want to abuse their trust. In that time I asked Ben if we could go into town and get the parts I needed from somewhere else. 

"We haven't had a real conversation about what happened. Do you want to talk about it Peter?" Ben spoke up, I could tell he was picking up the down vibes I was giving off.

I sat there for a bit thinking about how to put it into words, "Remember when I asked you what you thought about responsibility? Is this what you meant?"

"Goodness Peter! No! I meant if you can help someone, go for it. Not throw yourself in front of a gun! That example with May was a metaphor. I didn't think you'd really be put in that situation." He reached over and gripped my shoulder.

"I know but . . . of course I get that. It's just, I couldn't let you get shot, and I would do the same thing again to make sure your both safe. - I just can't help but think I wouldn't be brave enough to do the same with someone I don't know." We came to a stop at our destination and Ben stared at me for a while. 

Just when I thought I should say something, He burst out laughing. "Bwah ha ha ha! Oh Peter!" He suddenly pulled me over and hugged me.

"W-what? I thought you were upset with me? Why are you laughing? Why are we hugging?" What the hell was this crazy old man thinking.

He pulled back, "Peter. That's what you're worried about? I was worried you were afraid to go out anymore, or that something might happen to May or I. No! Your just worried if you can help save everyone else!" He turned the car off and sat there for a bit with a big grin on his face.

"Peter listen. May and I don't want you going out charging every man with a gun, but I know that if an innocent person was standing there, you wouldn't hesitate even a second. You'd run out there and do the same thing and I can't be anymore proud of the man you're becoming. Just promise you won't go jumping head long looking for it." I didn't really thing someone telling me they're proud of me could make me feel as good as it did, but now I know better. 

I couldn't look him in the eye, the next choice was easy but it was exactly what he told me not to do. If Ben thought I could do it even without powers, then why should I disappoint him. Spider-Man had to live and I had to save people. I looked back at him, "No promises about jumping head long into it, but I promise I'll be safe."

He laughed some more before unlocking my door, "That exactly what I thought you'd say. Now hurry up. May may think we'll get shot if we stay out any longer."

"Right. I'll be quick."