
95: Changes

"It was fun learning to do are with you, Klein."

"It was."

Zagreus smiled, his skin was pale as he held Klein's hand. The effect of the curse was almost killing him, he was ready to give up and be sent to the Underworld again, but this time he just wanted to be there till the end and watch the sunset with Klein, which was happening now. The atmosphere was a little strange as Klein held Zagreus's hand and he died slowly... It felt melancholic as Klein was reminded of the same scene he saw. Max and Chloe holding hands while watching the sunset, both too old... They died that same day.

Zagreus looked at Klein's face as saw the melancholy in his eyes as he watched the sunset with him, which made him wonder if something happened: "Klein... Are you okay? Did something happen? Did I do something?" Zagreus's worried words just made Klein look at him with a confused face, soon he noticed that there were tears in his eyes as he remembered the good times he had with his students that are now gone. He still felt the two other, Sean and Brian, their marks still existed. How? Because when Klein left that reality, it rearranged itself and erased the alterations his presence caused on that reality, and one of them was the existence of the Fallen Angels...

However, Sean and Brian were in Hell, another Dimension, where reality is different from the mortal dimension. How do you think different dimensions can exist? Some of them completely change reality within themselves to accommodate themselves and not collapse inside out, destroying themselves in the process. So while the Mortal Dimension's reality was being rearranged, Hell was completely fine! While the Fallen Angels became just a myth together with the Wicked Angel, it was real for Brian and Sean still because they had the tattoo. Klein could feel it from this world since those tattoos had bus energy inside them.

"No... It's nothing." Klein said as the tears in his eyes turned into steam and vanished from sight. Zagreus sighed and began to say: "Nyx always told me when I was young that lying is something bad and that shouldn't do it, so tell me the truth please?" Zagreus appealed to his most deadly weapon! [Zagreus used Puppy Eyes!] It's super effective! Klein faints~.

Klein held his chest for a second as Zagreus began to look at him with eyes that showed how much he cared, as he was doing cute eyes that made Klein stop crying for a second and smile at his try to make him talk to him. Klein just placed his hand on Zagreus's shoulder and said: "It's okay. I don't need to talk about it right now. Maybe one day we ca-" Klein's words were cut short by Zagreus's groan of pain as he held his chest, he knew exactly what this feeling was... He was dying. "Oh, it's time to return to the Underworld." Zagreus chuckled while Klein sighed, memories still fresh in his mind about the death of his loved ones, seeing another one of them die was hard for Klein even though he knew it wasn't permanent.

"Hum... I think I should try that method." Klein smiled and grasped Zagreus's hand just as he began to turn into blood and sink into the ground, his body also began to melt and change into blood as he forced his used [Manipulation: Blood (A)] to force his body to become blood.

[Ability Registered:

[Physiology: Blood (S)]

Can freely turn the user's body into a red liquid known as blood and fully control it.

Please have a nice day]

Klein felt his body liquifying as his blood fused with Zagreus's blood, he soon noticed another energy creeping into the mixture of both blood pools, it was the same energy from the Underworld, but this time it was forming a small hole in space and pulling the soul and blood of Zagreus into the Underworld more specifically a giant pool of blood in the Halls of Hades. Klein used his [Meta Powers: Meta Space Manipulation (C)] to expand this hole in space and stabilize it, allowing him to pass through it as well as Zagreus's blood and soul. His soul rested on the pool of blood of the Halls of Hades and his blood quickly began to recreate his body from scratch.

As Zagreus's body was reformed and he got up from the blood, Klein just stood there, he was... Stunned for a second as he saw Zagreus, completely naked, get out of the blood and lick his finger as he sighed. "Why can't I last longer...?" Suddenly, as if he felt Klein's presence there, Zagreus turned his face to stare at Klein very fast, his Divine Energy reacted to his will and it took control over the blood and quickly shaped it into a sword that was pressed against Klein's neck. Realizing who it was, Zagreus sighed while his guard went down instantly, but at that moment Klein used his left leg to make Zagreus lose his balance and he fell in the blood, Klein got out of the pool of blood and looked down at Zagreus's naked body with a smile.

"You have 364 days left, little prince!" Klein smiled before snapping his fingers and all the blood on his body began to float around him and formed a blood sphere, that he threw at Zagreus's head. With a *plop* the ball of blood exploded and Klein chuckled while leaving, when he was certain he was alone, he placed his hand on his chest and sighed... Okay, so his body just reacted to seeing Zagreus naked and licking blood. Klein had seen Zagreus naked before, maybe he has some kind of blood kink? Oh God, all those years of killing finally changed him completely! He is a pervert!?

Zagreus, however, was floating there on the pool of blood with a smile on his face...

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:

Don't worry, Klein doesn't have a blood kink, is just that he is starting to think of Zagreus as more than a child and slowly considering Zagreus an adult.

Images will be added for reference.