
84: Shippers be Like

Klein had already noticed Zagreus before he even got to see him, but he didn't care much, after all, he sees Zagreus as but a child but it seems like Zagreus started to develop some sort of crush on him. It would be bad to break the child's heart, so Klein let him be because he is sure that this "love" is nothing but a simple crush, a childhood crush if you will. Klein guessed that In some years or even months the feelings Zagreus holds for him would die out because who would hold feelings for someone who completely ignores their feelings? Also, why would anyone hold feelings for him? He wonders if Zagreus has some sort of complex because Klein sees nothing attractive about himself.

When Zagreus saw Klein's naked back he didn't care because, in his mind, he still considers Zagreus a child and you wouldn't feel anything if a child is seeing you naked... Unless you are a fucking creep, in which case Klein isn't. Klein knows Zagreus would be considered legal by today's standards, but his standards are somewhat different and he doesn't feel anything for Zagreus... Yet.

As soon as Klein moved his head and locked eyes with Zagreus, he could see the blush form in the boy's face, making tomatoes jealous of how red he is. Klein was moving his body towards Zagreus, he could see Zagreus's eyes trailing down slowly as he saw every single muscle and scar he had, Klein wanted to be attractive for his future partner, so he chose scars because they represent strength! You could look at someone's scar and wonder how did they get that? You would probably assume it was from a fight they survived or something deadly that scarred them, in general, scars make you sexy because they give you the feeling of strength and experience.

When Zagreus's eyes were locked in with Klein's front lower body, Klein could see Zagreus's nose bleeding. Now, he didn't know if it was from excitement very anime pervert, or if it was because he was dying... More of the latter than the former, because his pale skin was starting to crack. Klein soon rushed over and held Zagreus's hand and restored his Lifeforce completely, while the curse absorbed his Lifeforce he didn't know what was passing on Zagreus's head. The position they were in was... Interesting.

Zagreus fell on his back as soon as he saw Klein's little (not so little) friend, Klein was pretty sure he muttered something about "It's so big" before falling to his back on the ground with blood flowing through his nose, eyes, and mouth. Klein bent over and stood close to him, at the edge of the river with water flowing through his legs, he held Zagreus's hand. Zagreus soon gasped for air as he coughed the blood out of his throat, he kept coughing, and all the blood spilled over his body and in Klein's body, making both a red mess.

"Are you okay, Zagreus?" Klein asked, it Zagreus dies so quickly, his mother would be sad... And Persephone has been so good to him he doesn't want ro make her sad, after all, she was the mother he never had... "Y-yeah." Zagreus coughed one more time and sat down, looking at his completely bloodied body, soon he saw Klein's bloodied body and frowned. "I did that?" He asked a little shocked to see such a good amount of blood leaving his body. "Yeah... Now I need to clean again." Klein answered, and only then did Zagreus remember he was naked. He quickly closed his eyes and sighed, apologizing and explaining how he didn't know Klein was taking a bath.

"It's okay. I don't mind." Klein said, and he doesn't mind. Zagreus, however, minds a lot because now he can't take the image of Klein's not-so-little friend of his head... "I just have to clean up again... And you should too, after all, you are completely covered in blood." Zagreus frowned and soon realized, Klein was looking at him and he was naked, and Zagreus was dirty right now, both in his mind and body, he needed to clean up and drink the Horny-Away potion. "Urgh..." Klein sighed, the child would of course be uncomfortable to take his clothes off near him, so Klein just shook his head and said: "You don't need to take your clothes off." Zagreus gulped a little, after all, he did want to take his clothes off but Klein would be able to see his boner.

Klein simply raised his hand and water began to float around them, Zagreus watched as the water slowly moved around his body and removed every single bloodstain, Klein's body was now once again clean and Zagreus could swear he saw it shining or at least reflecting the sun.

"Now we're clean." Klein sighed and trusted his finger forward, bringing it down and tearing a hole in the space before him, he inserted his whole arm inside the hole and pulled out a robe for himself and Zagreus, after all, his previous robes were full of blood and Persephone would be worried about what happened to him and Klein didn't want to tell her how her son fainted when he saw Klein naked. Persephone grew up being protected by Demeter from Zeus, so even though she one about sex (because she lived in Olympus, so of course she knew), she only had her first experience with it when she married Hades, and also her mother explaining to her about responsibilities and what she should do...

She of course talked about that with Klein, they knew each other for more than 20 years and have been interacting every single day, so he knew that Demeter taught Persephone how marriage is about fidelity and if she finds her husband cheating on her, that is to her break his bones and drag him back home to be punished. Well, Persephone is called amongst mortals 'The Dreadful Lady' for a reason after all. And if she knew Zagreus saw Klein's naked body, she would go further beyond and start comparing their personalities to see if they match, and if they do, she will want them to get together...

Let's just say she spent too much time with Aphrodite when she was young.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

The thing about the scar is true, I have a scar on my left eyebrow and it looked like I got it from a fight, some people even ask me if I fought someone, but it was a dumb accident. Almost lost an eye.