
78: Lewd Activities

Klein watched, as once again the son of Persephone came to visit her, he could only speak some words before falling to the ground, dead. Klein would see the pain in Persephone's eyes each time he came to speak to her, he has been analyzing the energy he felt from him every time, he even got a sample of it... And it felt very mixed and interesting, there is some Cosmic Energy, Void Energy, Kaos Energy, Time Energy, Death Energy, Shadow, and Darkness Energy and a curse made of Unholy and Fate Energy... It was sincerely a lot in only one person, all these energies were connected to the Underworld and formed the curse on his body that tied his existence to the Underworld and not allowing him to stay on the surface.

It was sad to see Persephone break down after Zagreus does each time, so Klein decided to at least help them, but he doesn't want to offend Chaos and by removing the curse completely from Zagreus's body he will change the whole 'Bound to the Underworld' thing and maybe change fate completely, which will anger the Fates and possibly Nyx, which will probably anger Chaos. So all he can do at the moment is give them more time to speak and not only some seconds, while the curse bounding him to the Underworld was complicated, the effects were not so much.

Basically: Leave Underworld, Lifeforce gets sucked out of his body very fast, dies, returns to the underworld. Only some Gods have this curse, making t impossible for them to leave the Underworld in their Godly form, and when Nyx entered the Underworld with her Divine body, she was also caught in this curse, she did it willingly to give Chaos a realm to interact with. While it would suck the Lifeforce of Zagreus, it would absorb the Divine Energy of stronger Gods and Goddesses, making them mortal and eventually killing them very slowly and painfully, sending them back to the Underworld after death and reviving them. Now, what can Klein do to give more time to Zagreus to speak to his mother and appease the pain he suffers every time he leaves the underworld?


Let the curse consume his Lifeforce, which is way higher than Zagreus's Lifeforce, and would give both him and his mother a few minutes to talk about everything they want to talk about until the next visit. However, there is this little problem... Lifeforce can be shared at long distances, but at short distances, it is shared the best and not wasted... So he would have to be touching Zagreus. Yeah, that's kinda embarrassing, but Klein just went with it when Zagreus was on the ground, dying again.

He bent down, held his hand, and began to share his Lifeforce with Zagreus. Klein felt his whole body lose energy quickly, but it still had a lot more to burn through before he even gets tired, while Zagreus's body was greedily sucking the life out of him with vitality, he could feel the slight burning sensation of the curse flowing through his body. Klein soon knew from who this curse came from, Tartarus, although the Titan could never leave his domain named after himself, he could still use his Divinity and Magic, casting a curse in the whole Underworld must have been something he had done before Titanomachy.

Anyway, as Zagreus was slowly dying, he suddenly felt a warm sensation in his hand and opened his eyes to see another man sitting beside him in the grass of the Hidden Gardens of Persephone, holding his left hand. Zagreus looked confused as he could feel his body not breaking apart like it usually does before being rebuilt in the depths of the Halls of Hades, no... His body was fine, no, it was more than fine! The strange man (Zagreus never noticed Klein just sitting in the sideways whenever he came to speak to his mother) looked at him in the eyes and Zagreus saw something behind them... It was something he only saw in his father before, power. Raw power. He could tell the man was powerful, as much or even more than his father!

Persephone looked at Klein who was holding Zagreus's hand and was about to ask him what he was doing when she noticed that Zagreus didn't fade like regularly. "I've found a way to give you two more times to talk." Klein smiled at Persephone without noticing the look he received from Zagreus, he held Zagreus by the hand and said: "Just hold my hand and you won't die so fast... You have at a maximum of 10 minutes, maybe next time it will be more, I can learn how to prolong this." Persephone hugged Klein while crying and thanking him, Klein just smiled and Zagreus frowned when he looked at the arm holding his hand... It was whitering.

Why hasn't Klein adapted to this yet? Well, when his ability [All Mighty Powers: Superior Adaptability (EX)] became [Omnipotent Powers: Absolute Adaptability (O)], he could choose to adapt or no. He didn't want to become immune to this because if he did become immune to this, he wouldn't be able to help Persephone having more time with her son. As his fingers turned into rot, he smiled, Zagreus thought he was in a lot of pain in truth he didn't feel a thing because of his [Immunity: All Pain (A)] that blocked the pain from having the life sucked out of him. Zagreus thought he should pay Klein and could only think of gifts from the Underworld, like Nectar or Ambrosia, maybe some golden drachmas, or something he might have use of... A weapon? He doesn't see this man wielding a weapon, how does he fight then? Why does he look so strong even though he is disarmed?

As the somewhat naive God that he was (A/N: Zagreus is 20 years old in my fic, just saying), Zagreus didn't know much about Divinity and magic, so he just assumed weapons were the way to go. As the conversation between Zagreus and Persephone went on for another 10 minutes, Klein couldn't hold on anymore as his body had little to no Lifeforce left, he let go of Zagreus on that instant and his body simply turned into red dust of blood that was blown away by the wind. And Klein? At first only his fingers were black and whitering, then his hand, his arm, his shoulder, half of his face, all of his face and upper half, and then his whole body was whitering. After a few minutes, his whole body began to return to normal as he produced more Lifeforce super fast.

[Abilities Registered:

[Meta Powers: Fast Lifeforce Production (A)]

[Resistances: Death Energy (C)]

Please have a nice day.]

-Scene Ends-

So today we got to see this wonderful scene... Anyone doubting who the ML is now?