
74: Who are you?

Even though Klein momentarily lost his ability to feel emotions, he could tell that this situation was a little bit awkward. There, floating in the Halls of Cosmus was Klein, the Halls of Cosmus was an open Greek-style palace, the ceiling reflected the stary sky with some planets here and there, Klein could feel that gravity didn't exist here, nor did air as well. "So, may I ask you why you've come to my universe... Oh, please forgive us, what was your name?" Chaos asked, all their faces morphed into a curious expression, showing that Chaos was curious about Klein. Klein followed the rules, he was in an unknown place and needed information after all.

"My name is Klein Knight, and I came to this place to flee from destruction... The Void came to consume my previous reality." As soon as Klein said that, all of Chaos's faces morphed into shock, sadness, and anger. Soon, all mouth moved in unison and they spoke: "Oh, poor creature... To come to this universe you just have paid a price, haven't you? Do not worry, I won't kick you out, every single entity against the Void is an ally of mine." Klein nodded and questioned: "If I may ask... Chaos, right?" Chaos nodded while Erebus looked offended for some reason, he released a blast of dark energy which was also merged with black energy that resembled him of the liquified form of Void Energy, but this one was less destructive.

Klein was hit by an energy blast, and what would have killed a normal immortal by now, just made Klein stronger. At first, Chaos was shocked when they saw the energy blast hit Klein, looking at Erebus as all their faces morphed into angry expressions, but they soon turned into surprise when Klein moved again, shaking his head. "Where was I? Oh yeah, Chaos... Would you mind telling me a little bit more about this world?" Chaos noticed as Klein simply ignored Erebus's attack that would have killed or mortally injuries a low-level God, this immortal without divinity was completely fine after, it was something incredible. "Ask right away." Chaos said. "And please forgive my foolish son for trying to murder you." Klein just nodded and asked his question: "Can you tell me the creation of this universe? I am curious about it."

Chaos smiled and began to explain:

-Story Mode, 3rd Person POV-

At first, there were two entities... Void and Cosmic. They were complete opposites and would fight against each other, soon their fight gave birth to something incredible, it was a huge explosion of colors and energies... Several types of energies were born that day, and that day Chaos was also born. Chaos was the result of both Void and Cosmus's fight, Cosmus was disgusted by Chaos's existence became they had Void energy within their soul, and Void was disgusted with Chaos's existence because they had Cosmic energy within their soul.

Without love, Chaos was left alone, but not before a curse, a chain was placed on them by both Void and Cosmus together. They agreed that Chaos should not exist, but because Chaos was their essence and part of their being, Chaos got some of its powers and memories, mostly about the multiverse and omniverse, Chaos could not be destroyed even by both Omnibeings. So they locked Chaos in their universe, cursed to never leave and never interact directly with the universe that created unless interacted with first. But there some holes in this rule that Chaos could explore, using parts of themselves, Chaos created Nyx, Erebus, and Gaia... Gaia was their favorite daughter, Nyx cane next followed closely by Erebus, Gaia then created Uranus, and together they created Oceanus and Tartarus, followed soon by their other sons and daughters, all of them were called Titans.

After this, Chaos could interact with Gaia, Nyx, and Erebus as well as they could come to interact with them, but soon it changes when Gaia no longer desired to speak to Chaos, cutting off her connection with the planet... Erebus ha still had the connection with Tartarus and Nyx wanted to go to The Underworld that was now ruled by Hades and leave her mother behind because she wanted time for herself. Erebus decided that he wanted to go back to Tartarus, so Chaos would alone again.

Chaos continued the story about the creation of the universe...

After Gaia had a son named Chronus (Kronos), it once again changed. Chronus wanted to be the king of the Titans, so Chronus overthrew his father and became the king, cursed by Gaia that the same would happen to him, he decided to eat his children with Rhea, but Zeus was not eaten and later overthrew his father, sending him to Tartarus, where he would be locked forever... And then the story went on how Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were chosen to get their domains and got bounded to them, they could leave their domains but they would be too vulnerable if not mortals, so to leave their domain they need to seal their power away and become mortal.

Chaos told the story of how Hades kidnapped and married Persephone and now that they were together in the Underworld until recently when she left and never came back, Nyx wanted to go there, maybe she can establish a connection with Chaos down there so Chaos can interact with their creation?

Chaos also told him about humans and how interesting they were, and in the end, they explained to Klein about some of the Gods... Olympians they were called, for living in mount Olympus where the was a thing they called 'Civilization', or 'Heart' there or something.

-Scene Cuts-

"And that's how the world is nowadays." Chaos finished the story with a smile, on all their faces. "Thank you very much, may I ask you if I could be able to visit this place, or would I be prohibited?" Klein asked, can't try and enter in someone's daughter without their consent, wait...

"You may." Chaos smiled, this was the best conversation they had in millenniums. Klein was curious and asked questions which Chaos would answer truthfully. "Thank you, I will return to speak to you once again." Klein bowed to show respect and disappeared. Chaos smiled.

Meanwhile, Klein was falling small garden, he didn't want to teleport here, why was he teleported here? It could have been Chaos maybe they wanted to show him something? Klein's burning, meteor-like body on the ground causing a shockwave, soon he was deeply buried in the dirt. Suddenly, a voice said: "Who are you?" Standing near Klein was a young woman, with blond hair and green clothing...

-Scene Ends-


For those who guessed Percy Jackson, they are right but forgot that this was a crossover so there was another world mixed in. Now, I will change a lot of things and won't go deep into the Percy Jackson lore or anything, I'm using this word as a foundation for the relationship between MC and ML

ALSO! I forgot to add this:

[New Abilities Registered:

[All Mighty Powers: Divine Energy Manipulation (FFF)]

[Enhancement: Darkness Divinity (SS)]

Please have a nice day]