
61: Chimera Rat

[Flashback Continues]

Klein had watched the little successor return to his normal personality, but this time he was a little more mature, death can change someone you know... And Klein made sure it was for the better, after 'experiencing' death several times he would cherish his life and would also grow up faster, Klein deliberately weakened the boy's psyche to make it stronger. Well, his cowardice was gone by the day, and he had a little bit of confidence inside him yet. He had some time till the U.A entrance exam.

Klein knew the principal of the U.A, after all, he saved the chimera from being experimented on. The little creature was but a child when he saved him, he took as one of his apprentices, and although the chimera that chose to call himself Nezu was physically weak, his intelligence was impressive and he learned martial arts easily. He got to master 4 fighting styles, 2 of the [Flexible] and [Defensive] of the [10 Paths to Power] so he could escape or defend himself against enemies while using his intelligence to make plans and eventually win. He doesn't like to fight physically as he would rather have a battle of wits, he loved playing with his enemies, and even more so if his opponents were humans. Klein had some sentient animals as students as well, like four penguins that awoke their quirks which also enchanted their intelligence and body...

They were quite powerful for penguins.

Nezu was a sadistic bastard, but who is Klein to judge? He is also a sadistic bastard, worse than Nezu by several times. "I think I should pay my little chimera student a little visit..." Klein murmured to himself while his fingers moved around, he was doing something he learned how to do: Touching the threads of fate, before he could see them, but now he could interact with them. Looking at the sky and focusing on that ability, he could see the threads of fate, everyone had one, some people were deeply connected to fate itself which granted them some luck or unlucky depending on their fate. Klein has been ignoring this ability because he doesn't feel comfortable messing with fate because of his lack of control over external factors, but now he wants to try.

His fingers touched one of the random strings he could see and he instantly saw it, the person's whole life. Her name was Kuzumi Yamaki and she was 19 years old, she had a sister that wanted to be a hero and she also did, her parents were divorced and her mother died of cancer, she has some mental issues such as lack of self-esteem and anxiety, but sue is doing well for the moment. Klein even saw how she would have died, she would die when she was 20 years old, raped to death by a random villain, but that was only one of her fates. When Klein was holding the thread of her fate, he saw several other threads spread out of the thread he was holding, he saw how she would marry someone and how she would become a hero, and even how she would become a villain if her little sister died.

Klein could see different timelines with [Meta Powers: Meta Time Manipulation (D)], but only for a few minutes, but with [All Mighty Powers: Fate Negation] he could see and even interact a little with fate.

He could negate, or rather destroy that fate, making it impossible to happen or even cancel the control of the fate of this person's future, but what Klein was trying to learn was to manipulate fate, which was harder than manipulating time and space. He had a little control over Cosmic and Void energy, and he could slowly manipulate them, but fate was trickier to manipulate, just like Kaos Energy.

Klein decided to try it later, now he had a little chimera principal.

-Scene Break-

Nezu was having a great evening, after dealing with the annoying Hero Association, he could now drink his tea and play chess with one of the teachers of U.A to mentally torture them as they try to win against him, he can make them feel like they are winning when in truth, they are falling right into his trap... That feeling was something amazing and he liked when humans would suffer, well, he didn't dislike ALL humans. Children were not at fault so he didn't dislike them, Toshinori was also a good human in his opinion and as his fellow Fallen Angel, he would never attack him after all. Nezu touched his left arm, where below the fur was the tattoo of a pair of feathery white wings with his name written in black ink too.

He remembers when his Sensei saved him from that horrible place. Every time he closes his eyes he remembers the needles on his skin, he remembers the voices, the pain... OH, THE PAIN!

Nezu opened his eyes when he suddenly felt a presence beside him, he sighed and said: "Hello Sensei." He knew very well his Sensei, well, he knew his habits, he could not understand his Sensei at all. Opening his eyes, Nezu smiled at the black-haired man that was beside him, a blue circular portal just closed behind him as his tall figure started to hover beside him. "Hello Nezu-kun, how have you been? I decided to come and play some chess with you, aren't you happy?" Nezu instantly shivered, the only person who could defeat him at chess was Klein, and Klein was just as sadistic as he was, and to say that Klein would not take the game seriously was something completely stupid. "Of course Sensei, we can play chess." Nezu smiled while saying, in truth he was cursing Klein's very existence right now.

Klein smiled and Nezu felt shivers on his whole body, soon Klein said: "It's not nice to think bad things about your Sensei~ And even curse his very existence? So rude... Don't make me punish you, Nezu." Nezu's blood froze, he remembered when he begged Klein to take him as an apprentice and make him strong... When he arrogantly thought he was strong enough to take over the world, he was slapped by reality, and by reality, I mean Klein's fist. Arrogance can only exist if it is backed by strength, by Omnipotence! Klein did not dare to be arrogant, he doesn't want his students to be arrogant either. So he punished Nezu, the punishment was going through the training process 10 times over and over again, and if he failed only once he had to go over it all again.

What was the training process? Well, Nezu's training with the [Defensive] and [Flexible] styles were different.

In the [Defensive] he had to block attacks or dodge them, every attack was faster than the other and they came from several directions.

In the [Flexible] training he had to bend his body and even break bones to fit somewhere or escape from something, he also had to dodge attacks, but this time he could not leave a certain area nor could he block the attack, he had to rely on flexibility.

To say it was painful was not enough to explain.