
53: Younger Generation

[Flashback Continues]

It's been 10 years since the war ended. Today Klein received the call from Yoineagi, he was curious why but soon he understood. Yoinaegi challenged his brother, he, however, lost. Klein asked how he lost and the answer he could get was that All for One got several quirks and learned not only how to take them and give them away, but also fuse them, creating new and more powerful quirks. He combined 10 quirks into one, creating a quirk that could erase all matter around him in a 10 meters radius, however, he could not control it at all.

Yoineagi lost an arm that didn't regenerate when Klein examined the stump, he saw traces of very powerful energy that he felt before... Void Energy. It was on its purest form he had seen yet, which was incredibly destructive. Yoineagi only survived and wasn't completely erased because of his Kaos Energy, which derived from Void Energy and flowed through his body since his birth, making him resistant to Void Energy. Klein thought about dealing with All for One, but Yoinaegi begged him to not erase his brother. Even though they were enemies, they were still brothers, and the memories still there... Klein found that ridiculous, but because it was one of the few requests Yoinaegi ever asked him, he sighed and complied.

However, he erased All for One's ability to fuse quirks and erase everything in a 10 meters range. Klein just did that so All for One wouldn't become a bigger threat to himself, he let Yoinaegi do whatever he wanted to do, after all, he was his student and not his servant that needed to obey his orders. Yoinaegi fought against Akunaegi once again, this time his Kaos energy was weaker due to it being consumed by the Void Energy from All for One's quirk. This time they fought for days, in the end, Yoinaegi lost and had to leave. He could get help from Klein, but this was his problem and he would take care of that himself! After a few more fights, in which he lost every single one, he realized that All for One was getting stronger with each fight.

He soon decided to ask Klein about a solution, which Klein decides to punish Yoinaegi who selfishly wanted to take care of it himself, so he let him find a solution to his problem alone. Soon Yoinaegi decided to pass down his quirk to the future generation and let them take care of his problem, you know, like a fucking boomer!

Klein was sincerely disappointed, but he could only sigh and let his students learn from their mistakes. Soon Yoinaegi lost his quirk and slowly taught the new user of the quirk what he knew... The Age of Vigilantes started 5 years ago, there are several "heroes" as people call them, around in cities with secret identities running around in tight clothes and combating crime.

Yoinaegi taught his successor everything he could, but it wasn't enough by Klein's standards so he made Yoinaegi bring his successor to be taught by him... Which he agreed, noticing that he was childish for trying to defeat his brother alone, leading to becoming stronger, and leaving his problem to the next generation... Klein lectured him for 10 hours straight about his errors and just let him go because he fainted near the end of the lecture... His body was slowly being destroyed from the insides by the reminiscent Void Energy, which was weakening his body and regenerative abilities slowly. Klein soon removed the Void Energy from his body and absorbed it, soon he received the notification from his oh so fateful Ability Keeper:

[Abilities Registered:

[All Mighty Powers: Void Energy Manipulation (FFF)]:

Manipulate the very fabric and concept of Void, one of the strongest energies in existence and non-existence.

[Resistances: Void Energy (C)]:

You are resistant to Void Energy's deteriorating process.

Please have a nice day.]

With new energies to work on, Klein was excited, but he had to train his new students. Yes, not only Yoinaegi's successor but also his Godchildren. Amanda's children are now 15 years old, they have been trained by their parents ever since they were 10 years old, but it was only light exercising and getting a hold of their powers. The girl's name was Emira and she could produce heat from her body, which she could use to light things on fire or even cause illusions! The boy's name was Remiro and his powers, however, were different from all his parents... He could shoot some silver energy rays from his hands, Herald theorized that it was 'moon' energy since when he was hit by that energy he almost transformed and lost control.

Not only he had Amanda's children and Yoinaegi's children to teach, but he also had Shunsuke's and Azuka's demon spawn! The boy apparently could not control his powers at all and they would randomly explode... Azuka's power was to create and control threads, Shunsuke's power was return in time! So, what was their child's power? His power was to create green threads made of energy that would flow around him, with those threads he could attach them to someone and control their time like a puppeteer controls their puppets. He could make someone young, old, or simply not exist by reversing their time to a moment they did not exist.

And it didn't only apply to people, but also everything! A worse, he could not control it, so he accidentally accelerated the entire house in time, making it crumble and fall, turning into dust and sand... Klein was sincerely surprised to know about that, to know that both parents' powers fused and created a new one was something he didn't know could happen. So he agreed to teach them all, so he was once again a teacher, but for the younger generation this time.