
47: Papers

Klein was also quick to heal the little girl upstairs, recovering her mind to the point where she would only have mild headaches, which was a good improvement if compared to the coma she would never have wakened from if it wasn't for Klein's powers. Now there were new problems...

First, Daniel had too much energy that he could safely control, so he had to take him back to the island and teach him control.

Second, now that Klein developed [Mental Powers: Telepathy (S)] the emotions of other people began to feel more and more vivid, he still did not develop [Mental Powers: Empathy] because that would be a mess...

Third, there are lots of people awakening their power right now, which meant chaos! Chaos everywhere! Klein had to take Daniel back to the island because he will need a peaceful place, and he couldn't exactly leave his students here because of the chaos... He likes chaos, but he wouldn't let his students suffer because of it. There's also his friends, Maw, and his two lovers. He will just take them all to the island! Problem solved!

Fourth, it wasn't exactly a problem but it was something interesting. Yoinaegi's Kaos Energy reacted a little when it got in contact with Daniel's outburst of psionic/mental energy, which was something interesting. The effect wasn't exactly clear, but Klein could tell the difference between Yoinaegi before and after being affected by Daniel's psionic energy... His Kaos energy was a little more controlled, and seemingly powerful energy could contain Kaos Energy and stabilize it. Good information for later...

After this incident, it was obvious that things were going just to get worse, just like 2020 and 2021, so Klein took his students with him back to the island. His teleportation was quick and everyone arrived at the location he designated safe and sound... Well, if you consider heavy nausea something not so dangerous, then they were completely safe. Thinking about safety, Klein wondered what his other students were doing right now and if it was safe...

-Scene Breaks-

*glass breaking sounds*


An excited yell echoed followed closely by an explosion, bright, orange, and red flames bursted out of the building as it exploded. All of the materials made of glass in a 50 meters radius of the explosion shattered as the shockwave pushed everything. Mikaboshi was having his fun as he protected someone else from assassination attempts which were easy for him to do with his powers, after Klein's training he learned a lot and quickly realized his abilities and used them to his advantage most of the time. Like that he created a connection to the Japanese government and began to work under it as a spy. In the year after he ended his training with Klein, he became quite famous amongst other spies and some underworld regions for his works.

He was known as Mist Demon, a member of the Fallen Angel.

Just being from the Fallen Angel was enough to make him famous!

In case you don't remember, Fallen Angels are what Klein's students are called. This term was used by the leader of the Blood Rose, an assassin organization created by Arko, one of Klein's students. This term was used as a way to identify Klein's students in a certain way, and also because he was known as the Wicked Angel, It was a great comparison/metaphor about them being Fallen Angels. After all, an angel, when corrupted falls and becomes a Fallen Angel! And who better in corrupting than the Wicked Angel?

Every known Fallen Angel (Mikaboshi, Arko, Shunsuke, Shaun, Chloe, Daniel, Max, Azuka) had amazing skills. And before you ask how did they know about the rest, it's not like Klein is trying to hide his students, plus he will simply destroy anyone that tries to mess with his students as he did several times already.

There was an unwritten rule about the Fallen Angels that everyone that knows about them knows. If you have a Fallen Angel as your subordinate/boss/companion, do not provoke the Wickes Angel by trying to experiment on them or do anything that resembles experimenting on them, do not try to take samples from blood, hair, nails, skin, or any form of DNA! Everyone who did so would be found dead the very next day.

This was the way Klein stopped stupid people from doing stupid things such as trying to create clones from his students, which he didn't want to happen obviously.

Anyway, Mikaboshi's mission was to keep an eye on some big shot and save him if necessary, which was now. He just took the man by the arm and jumped out of the window for the 20th floor! The whole building was being exploded right now and Mikaboshi could tell that it was someone's power as the flames began to move up and down the building like snakes. Also, he looked at a paper earlier today.

The paper said:

"When the fire burns"

"When the world turns"

"Chaos reigns"

"A new dawn begins"

It wasn't exactly a prophecy about someone, but about the world itself, which was something strange. However, he could immediately take another paper, after spending some time with Klein and the others training on that island, being filled with C-01 energy, and eating Boost Fruits, Mikaboshi's powers mutated. He no longer needs a piece of paper and a water container as all he needs is a blank piece of paper, when he touches it a text will appear with the riddle for him. This was the best part about his powers becoming stronger, there was also the fact that he could re-write one word of the paper and it still would happen, making him able to, in a limited way, change the future and bend reality. He also could draw more than one paper too, which was good.

However, the phrase needed to make sense, or else it wouldn't happen. As an example, I will show you the unaltered, altered with sense, and the altered without sense:


"Darkness lingers in the corner."

"Light changes in the sky."

"Everyone is a mourner."

"For the men that had great might."

This paper above was the one he didn't understand at all, he could identify the words easily and even thought about several ways they can be understood. He even translated this phrase to other languages to see if there were some synonymous words in other languages that could help him understand everything about the word so he may interpret it the right way... However, even after he could guess it was talking about someone in the future, he couldn't get rid of the paper. It simply would not disappear like the other papers.

He decided to alter a word from this paper:

"Darkness hides in the corner."

"Light changes in the sky."

"Everyone was a mourner."

"For the men that had great might."

This would possibly change minor events from the future because would not mourn the man that had great might, for everyone "was" a mourner. Why would you mourn someone if that person doesn't die? So Mikaboshi might have changed the fate of someone with great might that would have died, making everyone mourn him.

And next and last was the incoherent one:

"Darkness lingers by the corner."

"Light changes in the sky."

"Everyone Is a mourner."

"For the man that had great might."

Adding words without sense simply would make the alterations useless.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Sorry for not posting chapters before.

Have a foreshadowing as compensation.