
41: Middle Age Crisis [Long Author Note]

"So, you found him?" Shunsuke asked after a few seconds of interrogation to know if he was the true Shunsuke or if someone just copied him or something. He was curious what would Klein do about the boy now that knew that the boy would be probably interrogated and locked away if he does not answer the questions, not locked away in a cell but locked in a room where they would get someone who can get the kid's trust so they can speak to them and tell them everything they need to know. Klein, knowing very well that was a possibility, said: "Oh well, tell your superiors to fuck themselves. I won't give him to anyone, the kid is so fucking scared! When I found him his arm was broken and he was limping around with it, dodging and hiding from people."

Shunsuke paused. It's been a while since he heard his teacher being protective of a child, after all, he liked children because they were pure and would not mean to suffer in this dark and cold world. They remind him of how he was before his life went downhill and he died, oh well, at least he is alive now. After talking to Shunsuke and answering some questions and making some himself, he decided to end the call. However, not only did Yoinaegi heard him speaking to Shunsuke, but he also thought he would send him back to his brother and ran away and hid to the best of his abilities.

And his abilities were shitty.

Klein had to coach the kid, which made him feel like one of those people on the white vans offering candy to kids and kidnapping them. After all, the word kidnapping cannot be written without the word "kid"! Just like a Funeral cannot be written without "fun" and Slaughter without "laughter". Anyway, getting off track here. Klein had to coach the kid to leave the burrow under the tree promising he wouldn't take him back to his brother or anything like that. After the boy left the hole full of dirt and dust on his body, Klein felt like a single father trying to take care of his chaotic son, which made him realize he probably was old enough to be this boy's gran-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grandpa or something like that.

Do you know when you suddenly feel old? Yeah. Klein had one of those sudden moments where his brain stopped and he began to process shit in his head as he began to think about things he probably was older than. He is quite sure he is not older than Queen Elizabeth though... No one is. He then began to think about his life, what had he been doing all this time? Hunting an organization because it was... fun? Why was he hunting them again? Why does he care again? Klein, just like the author. was having a moment where he suddenly became a philosopher.

"Uhm... Can you, like, put me down?" Yoinaegi's voice woke him up from his thoughts as he looked down and noticed that he was still holding the boy after taking him from that burrow. "Oh. Right." Klein put him down and walked in a direction, without a clue on what to do, Yoinaegi followed Klein as he walked further into the island. As he passed through the jungle he saw several colorful plants and insects, like a palm tree that had yellow leaves and a brown trunk with blue circles. This is one of the causes of the C-01 energy that evolved things, the insects were poisonous, so Yoinaegi did his best to not touch them. Klein had thoughts about this energy, it was at first simple energy that came from a comet, but it would react chaotically and change in different ways when interacting with other forms of energy in grand quantities.

Klein even thought of visiting a random world and drop a seed of a new species of the tree he grew, that tree could transform air into C-01 by doing photosynthesis, which is amazing. Who knows what will happen if he does that? Will something weird grow out of it? (Foreshadowing activate!) That's something to try later, and by later I mean hundreds of years In the future. After all, Klein is partially immortal! He cannot be erased from existence, he adapts to things fast, he regenerates, he can't get old, and time-based abilities can be countered with his own! Also, if he dies there's a possibility that he will come back to life and adapt the concept of "death" and become immune to it.

Yoinaegi's followed the hazed Klein as he was thinking and muttering some plans for the future as his emotions clashed again, that's what millenniums of killing and slaughtering do to you, they make you slightly off. In front of him now was a mansion, made out of pure white bricks with dark black wood stairs, door, window frames, and more. The clash of the colorful jungle and the black-white mansion in front of him was amazing, like he just left a carnival of colors and wonder and entered a monochromatic world of black and white seriousness.

As Yoinaegi was impressed, Klein made a decision: Ignore it. He is feeling like he did everything wrong with himself? Ignore it! He feels like he is torn apart between what he thinks he is and what he wished he was? Ignore it! Indecisive about what to do next? Ignore it.

He has better things to do now than think about it, so, with a simple [Mental Powers: Illusion (B)] he mascarade his worries as just worthless things. You see. illusions are used to fool someone, and that someone can be yourself. He is certain he won't regret it ignoring a time bomb of emotions ready to explode at any moment, right?


-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

For those that think I did nothing in this chapter, I did something.

I set up the next worlds. Two of them actually, the idea of going to one and what he will deal with in the next one.

This first world is to establish an image of Klein, then I will shatter that image and build it again. I'm setting him up as a cold ruthless killer/assassin/genocider/murderer, a ruthless man that likes children and denies the way he is.

He is just doing what was doing for most of his life when he didn't accept his sexuality. Denying.

He now is feeling torn between two sides:

On one he is what he thinks he is (What he became to survive the Afterlife Battle royale), a killer, cold, merciless, bloodlusty berserker. He is that person, but also another person. The gentle giant that likes children and cute things, like puppies and kitties, or any animal cub. He likes touching, for that is his love language, touch. He loves hugs and will deny it, he would die for those he loves but will deny that! He is a guy who gets jealous easily, will go yandere on everyone who flirts with (Insert Love Interest Name), and kill them/threaten them to go away.

And like that, I will try to make Klein a little more... how do I say this... Cute?

Because I think when you murder a lot of people, you will want some break one day, and Klein can't have his whole personality based around his murderous tendencies.

I haven't been posting chapters because I'm thinking about how to improve him.

Anyway. Thoughts?