
38: Stare

[6 Days Till Dawn of the Quirks Start]

Klein did not care about the giant man he was controlling with [Mental Powers: Telekinesis (S)] and threw him away from him. He came here because of Shunsuke's request, which was reasonable enough. Shunsuke asked him to find Shigaraki Yoinaegi, brother of Shigaraki Akunaegi aka All for One. Why Shunsuke wanted to talk to him was known by Klein because even though Shunsuke tried to be secretive, he can't hide secrets from the man that taught him everything he knows. They wanted the brother of All for One to ask questions and get information about All for One because Yoinaegi is Akunaegi's little brother, they suspect he might know something.

And by "they" I mean Shunsuke's superiors. Klein still doesn't know why Shunsuke chose a job that had him in inferior ranking, where he could be ordered around by those who have a superior rank than his own. Like the military or anything related to the government or any kind of job. Klein doesn't have a "job", he teaches children for fun and to not feel too lonely, which worked. Klein gets money from his rich "friends", which means he uses [Mental Powers: Suggestion (A)] to convince people to give him money.

Using his [Mental Powers: Clairvoyance (A)] to feel all the minds in a radius around him, he suppressed the ability so he wouldn't feel every mind in a 10km radius around him, focusing underground he felt 10 minds. He could see that they were in a room together, so some things may be happening right now:

One: They are having an orgy

or Two: They are having a reunion of some sort.

Klein doesn't care though, soon his body begins to be swallowed by the earth as he used [Manipulation: Earth (S)] to control the concrete and earth below to move himself down towards the room where all the minds were together. He could feel some scattered minds moving through the corridors of the underground base as he phased through the earth and silently entered the room. His eyes observed the 3 men and 2 women sitting at a table with 5 other people beside them. Klein searched for his obvious target and found it! There, sitting on the north side of the table, was Shigaraki Akunaegi. And beside him a woman with red hair, eyes, and dress.

The man seemed to be talking to these people, discussing something. Klein clearly could see the people beside him, including All for One and the woman, 7 people had powers in this room. Klein could feel the C-01in their bodies actively flowing through their veins! It was slowly getting absorbed by their bodies, but Klein could still feel it. Then, suddenly, one of the men standing up looked at him, the man's eyes locked on his as the man froze in fear. Everyone in the room stopped and looked over at the man, let's find out why.


[5 Minutes Before Klein arrived]

As soon as One for All entered the room, he noticed the atmosphere and fake smiles around. They were all here because they wanted the same thing: Power and connections! These two things can be used to drive a sane man insane if he had too much power all of a sudden. because absolute power corrupts absolutely. All of One wanted powers and he will get ir even if he has ro destroy a country for it! He sat down and smiled too at the others, with Katrina at his left side, he smiled and said: "Thank you Katrina but for now we will speak business." Everyone stopped pretending and their smiles dropped, being replaced by cold and expressionless faces.

"So, why did you call us here?" One of the two women that were in the room, blue-ish hair, pink eyes, and big eyebrows, asked. All for One smiled and said: "Oh well, I wanted you all to join me in this vibrant and relaxing evening so we could discuss matters of the underworld. Possibly gain territories and money, business partners if you know what i mean." All for One invited the leader's underworld gangs he deemed important, and they all have connections, what they want and need is subordinates with powers, which is what All for One can give them. "I also have what you need and want, let me who you." Suddenly, All for One's fingers in his left hand transformed into tendrils of black and red tissue.

They all moved quickly and penetrated the man beside one of the females, the man grunted as suddenly his veins began to also take the color of the black and red tendrils of tissue. But not nearly a second later, the tendrils returned to be no more than fingers in All for One's hand. Soon the man stopped screaming as everyone in the room took out guns and pointed at All for One, the men beside the leaders were different though, one of them changed his hand into a spinning drill, another one was holding a glowing red dagger, also another one was looking st him with glowing eyes. There was also a guy that changed his fingers into daggers, which was interesting seeing all these different powers. "Such aggressiveness when I was giving him a gift..." All for One faked a hurt expression while everyone was looking at him with stoic expressions.

"I'm all right." The man who was given the ability said. "I feel strange..." All for One took this chance to explain what he did: "All I did was give you a minor danger sensing ability, that's all. You feel danger around you with that, it can be used ro analyze and predict someone's strength." The explanation brought shock to those without powers there, the man just got the power they desired as a gift, luckily he was the subordinate of one of them, or else they would kill him. "Use it, you can see whoever is the most dangerous of us right now." The man could use this opportunity to sense how dangerous All for One was and if he could take care of him if trouble arises... Soon he felt something strange, like an aura around people, he could see it and feel it.

His boss's aura was slightly pink-ish and he felt a relative danger coming from her, as she could kill him and nothing would happen. Next, he began to look around and see the threat level of others in this room, everyone had pink to blue, green, and red auras around their bodies, which indicated their threat. When he looked at All for One, he gasped for air as he felt suffocated. All for One's aura was the biggest aura there was in this room, he could feel it covering the whole room as he tried to breathe and deactivate his ability. "It's true. I can *cough* I have an ability *cough*" This news excited everyone who wanted power in that room, All for One smiled and began to negotiate with them.

He obviously won't give them strong powers, he will keep those for himself and subordinates that are loyal! After 5 minutes of negotiation, All for One was ready to begin a serious discussion when suddenly the man that he gave powers was looking at the wall... That much wasn't suspicious, but he was not moving, not blinking, just staring it.