
36: Runner

Klein continued to do his things, which was to train his abilities, he would feel comfortable enough with his ability to control space and time to go to another universe when they are at least both rank (B) at a minimum and (A) at best. But it still hasn't ranked up even after a few months of training, but Klein did not give up as he wanted it to be rank (C) at least before this year is done. Chaos will soon begin when in one week Everything will change when 90% of the human population awakens some kind of power. Soon, he will have his fun as he watches humanity do what it does best: Chaos.

There's also war, which is going to happen pretty soon, Klein estimates that war will happen in one to three months from today, which is kinda fast. And it wouldn't be full-on war, some small conflict that would eventually grow into a war. The USA and North Korea have a pretty tough relationship, as does the USA with every nation in the world, which is not that surprising.

Did you know that some famous people awoke their powers before too? One good example is Queen Elizabeth, she is immortal and can shapeshift her appearance. She is her mother, grandmother, and even great-grandmother. Her powers awoke a very long time ago, she learned how to survive by herself as she fought and was even hunted by other people for being a 'witch', but she was able to become part of the royal family when she was able to change her age, which helped her become Queen. Klein used [Meta Powers: Meta Time Manipulation (D)] to see the past and watch Queen Elizabeth's past, and he must say, she was very badass!

Back to the topic of world chaos, Klein has given this information to Shunsuke so he could prepare himself and others for the chaos. He can predict some things that may or may not happen. Some people would awaken their powers and get consumed by greed and even lust and would rob banks or try to have sex with the person they had an interest in, some even may rape that person, when someone is consumed by the power they are corrupted and end up going over their heads with power and try something stupid. Like, take over the world.

Of course, there won't only be people wanting to do bad, but people wanting to do good. So Klein knows that most certainly heroes will appear in this world. or rather vigilantes or something like that. Klein already knows what he wants to do, he will join the war as a mercenary and fight! Maybe his abilities will increase in ranking as he fights and experiences a war again, he has been feeling a little rusty these days. He also is going there to make a bigger name for himself, for when he leaves he wants to write his name in the anus of history! (got the joke?)

Most people that have some knowledge of the deep web know about The Wicked Angel, most people take it as a rumor, but some know he is real and very deadly. They even tried to contact Klein to try and get him to do assassinations, which honestly looked like a good way for him to keep his bloodlust under control.

Klein shook his head as he focused back on training his abilities, he has a long way to go if he wishes to travel the multiverse. Only one day later, he received a call from Shunsuke again! He sighed and did the whole password thingy and as soon as Shunsuke passed he said: "Teacher. I need your help."

-Scene Ends-

Shigaraki Akunaegi, also known and referred to as One for All stood up and tall as he watched himself in the mirror. He had recently given an ability to his younger brother which permitted him to absorb energy from around him and use it, but his brother rejected his gift and acted like an ungrateful brat! And all because he killed a kid in front of him... What? It was a child, there's like, millions of them I'm the world! One more or one less doesn't matter to him at all, also the kid was one of that man's children. And he swore he would kill every single member of his family, and he is going to keep his promise.

"Master, the reunion will start in 10 minutes." A gorgeous girl with a tight, thigh cut red dress with res gloves in her hands and matching red hair and eyes entered the room. To woman's makeup was also red but in different tones and shades, to create a contrast of the same color and give a different feeling than the place and repetitive red. "Yes Katrina, keep them entertained, please... Also, tell Kizume to feed my brother, after 6 days of starvation he must be pretty weak now, and I, even though he attacked me yesterday, do not wish to see him dead." Katrina, the servant of his, nodded as she walked away to find Kizume, another one of All for One's subordinates.

8 minutes passed as All for One was getting ready to leave his room to have a reunion with some bosses of different organizations that wished to strike a deal with him, he saw the door open as Kizume, a 6'5ft, a burly barbarian-looking man with big scars and a missing left ear, entered the room in a hurry. "Master. Your brother escaped." All for One sighed. He, knew his brother would eventually escape his grasp, but where would his brother go? They grew up in that laboratory together! He was nothing without him and he would eventually come back when he notices that. "And?" Seeing that Kizume had something else to say, All for One asked in a slightly bored tone.

"The police is outside, they have us cornered. We cannot ascertain if there is more than one super-powerful individual within them. Our Sensors are getting blocked by someone out there and we can't find the person. We might need to engage in combat with them, possibly having casualties." Despite his appearance, Kizume was quite intelligent, and One for All expected as such, no subordinate of his can be stupid... Extremely stupid... Super Extremely Stupid... Stupid to the point of clearly seeing poison and still eating the food. Yeah... That much isn't acceptable.