
121: π

"Where is he!? Who hid him!? Who hid my grandchild!? If I don't see him in five minutes, I'm going to start killing." A seagull screech accompanied by the death threats was all everyone in the Knights Residence (Mortal surname) could hear, Persephone just arrived from the Underworld together with Hades, as the world was reformed for the second time, Klein decided to use his authority as a Primordial to remove the curse placed upon Hades and all those bound to the Underworld, so they could leave when they so wished to. "WRYYYYYYY" A screech once again echoed through the house as Persephone made a pose that would remind everyone of a blond bisexual vampire, but it was nothing but terrifying for the young Amando, who looked at his grandmother with his square golden pupils and heterochromatic eyes.

Looking over at his grandson and ignoring his wife, Hade's face continued expressionless while his insides were melting like butter at the sight of his adorable grandson. Persephone grabbed him and began to snuggle close to him, his initial fear quickly changed to laugh as Persephone began to tickle him. Sean and Brian watched on the sidelines as Klein had to hold Zagreus before he could attack his mother for scaring his baby. Zagreus was a very defensive father it seems. "Hello, Persephone." Klein greeted his friend, who smiled brightly as she hugged his son. Even after the world was reversed and all the memories of their friendship were erased, Persephone was still his friend. He couldn't get rid of her as she would visit them every single day after he and Zagreus got together. Zagreus technically wasn't 'THIS' Persephone's son, but because she had the memories of him growing up with her in the Underworld, Zagreus liked her even though technically she wasn't his mother.

However, if Persephone doesn't stop now, there will be a war of tickles from Zagreus and- Oh, never mind. It already started.

Zagreus leaped towards his mother, his fingers dancing in the air, and Persephone watched in slow motion as Zagreus, like a cheetah, Persephone stood there, like a deer looking at a headlight, paralyzed. Zagreus's attack was successful as Persephone released the boy from her oh so evil fingers that tickled and tickled his skin, but now it was time for the tyrant to be taken down! Amando took the opportunity and struck, his fingers dancing upon his grandmother's ticklish skin, successfully knowing her prone to the ground with his attacks. Time returned to normal as if the slow-motion was but an illusion, Klein sighed before he looked at his lover, son, and friend all on the ground laughing happily.

Little did his on know that a new challenger had just entered the battlefield! Klein smirked as he slowly approached, Zagreus noticed his approach but he did not react, he looked down at his son and smiled, the boy was going to be betrayed by his very first ally in his very first battle. Soon Klein grabbed his son's waist, making the boy shriek like a smalls seagull in surprise, making everyone raise an eyebrow. "He is Persephone's grandson," Hades commented, making everyone chuckle, which was rare for the Lord of the Underworld! He added this little victory to his mental notes, about every time he made someone he loved laugh at one of his jokes. The boy looked up at Hades in wonder, Hades quietly and patiently waited for the boy to ask something or do something, which the boy did:

"Why are your eyebrows so big?" Zagreus had to force himself to hold the laugh in before he could breathe, Klein stood by his side with a wide grin on his face while Persephone could care less about everything, she laughed louder than a drunk Scottish man.

(A/N: I've met someone who has Scottish blood and I must say, that pers. laughed very loudly, louder than me even! And I sound like a nuclear siren when laughing)

Hades could no longer hold his expression as he looked like had seen Cerberus when he was a puppy all over again. Zagreus and Persephone were both shocked to see the cold-hearted man that was Hade's melt under the eyes of his grandson. Klein could only raise an eyebrow as Sean pondered if he and Brian should have a child...

"Babe, please get off the floor." Klein offered his hand to Zagreus, who smirked and pulled him in, Klein fell on top of Zagreus which wasn't an odd position for both as they stared down at each other's eyes. Persephone clicked her tongue before she said annoyed: "You two can bone when we are gone. Now I want to give attention to my handsome grandson! So tell me, what is your name, handsome boy?" Amando chuckled as he found his grandmother funny, he pointed to himself and said: "I'm Amando. Amando... Dad!?" The boy shouted, making both Zagreus and Klein answer at the same time: "Yeah?"

The boy churched at this, both Zagreus and Klein looked at each other before saying at the same time: "He is talking to me." "What? No! He is talking to me! Not you." "How is he not talking to me? I'm the dad! You are the father." This would be more believable if not for the smirk both had as Amando giggled at their performance. Persephone and Hades observed this exchange that looked perfectly natural between both lovers, they were together for millenniums now, even beyond what both Hades and Persephone could remember. "Yes, honey?" Zagreus and Klein stopped their little game, Klein taking his lover to his arms as Zagreus initiated a conversation with his son. "What is our surname?"

"Mortal or immortal?" Klein raised made a pensive expression as Zagreus asked this question, which Klein answered: "For our mortal surname, used only for mortal documents and around mortals, we are the Knights. But I would tell that our House would be the House of Ápeiros, or simply the House of Infinity in English." Hearing his explanation, Zagreus nodded as he held the symbol of the house, a simple yet very representative symbol: "Our house is represented by π or simply Pi. This little thing is amazing, it contains every single combination of every single number in this world. It's so small yet holds so much power... Just like you." Zagreus booped his son's nose before smiling.

Their afternoon was spent talking amongst themselves, sometimes Sean and Brian would comment about something, but they were mostly on their world talking amongst themselves.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

A little wholesome little chapter... I also have you the name of the house that both Zagreus and Klein will in the future build. A big house for a big family.