
12: New Beggining

What happened next was simple. Klein cleaned himself from the blood and found clothes for himself, they weren't exactly perfect but he could wear them.

Chloe and Max searched for their friends and family, which was easy to find. Joyce and David were rescued by Klein, who used his wings to bring them out of the city before the typhoon arrived. There were casualties, but they were low casualties, the typhoon went through half of the city only was destroyed, debris still around as they searched for people. The Two Whales Diner building was partially destroyed, but everyone inside was still alive, Max still remembers how it exploded in a different timeline. Another difference was that Chloe's and Max's fate strings were now tightly attached and the butterfly above Chloe's head was gone... This means the Butterfly effect passed and reality was back to normal. Anyway, about the Blue Whales Diner:

Inside there were some students of the Blackwell Academy, later they left and searched for Joyce and David. It was easy to find them with Klein flying above everything and using his eyes to look around. He even got to test his new ability out... Which was pretty powerful.

[Ability Registered:

[All Mighty Powers: Erase (SSS)]

Erase almost anything from reality.

Concepts, luck, magic, energy, races, time, space, memories, elements, or even reality itself.

This ability is a weaker version of [Nigh Erase] which is also a weaker version of [Omnierasure].

Take note that only because you erased something from reality, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Please have a nice day.]

This ability permitted that he could erase anything from reality! Well, almost... To test it out, he took a small rock in his hands and thought about erasing it, just then the energy inside his body completely moved and the rock was gone from reality without any after effect! The energy inside his body was the ability which he just used, this ability had some reality-bending properties which made Klein scared about using it... What if he accidentally breaks reality into an unchangeable reality! Like an endless void of darkness and pain... Klein decided to use this ability only if necessary, after all, he doesn't want to destroy everything he likes.

When he found Joyce and David, he landed next to them creating a dust cloud and deactivating his invisibility. As soon as he surged David pointed his gun at him for a second before sighing and putting it down. "It's you." He said slightly sighing in relief, soon Klein got a phone and called Max and Chloe, telling them he found Chloe's parents. Soon a discussion began, about powers. Joyce and David wanted to know how he had wings, which Klein promised to explain when Max and Chloe arrived.

When they arrived the first thing that happened was that Chloe jumped and higher her mother so tight that Joyce thought she would die because she couldn't breathe, after that Klein began explaining some things. He didn't tell them everything, he just made a story about himself.

"My name is Klein Knight and I am... I don't know how old I am but possibly above 60 years old." This made the four listeners look at him in shock, after all, he was such a young and handsome man! "I am human, but I just have special powers... Like you Max." David was the first one to ask: "Wait, powers? Like those wings? And Max has powers too?" Klein just nodded and continued to tell them 'his' story. "I don't remember much about my past... I know that I am alive and was born a long time ago... And I also know that there are others like us, Max. So many." Klein smiled at Max's thoughtful expression. "I think you should explain for them your power a little, so they don't get too confused."

"*sigh* Okay. I can rewind time, I first discovered this power when I saw Chloe being killed by Nathan Prescott in the girl's bathroom... It feels like it was years ago but it was only some days ago!" Max rested her head on Chloe's shoulder as she sighed. "That typhoon... It was my fault, I went back on time and changed a lot of things I shouldn't, and then came the butterfly event which would have wiped the entire town." Max was finally relaxing a little, after all that rewinding and investigation she and Chloe did, she was finally able to rest. "Then I met Klein... He kinda warned me about the dangers of playing with time and I didn't listen... Then the typhoon came in and wiped half of the town." Max began crying, she was so stressed and finally, she could rest!

Chloe patted Max's head as she explained: "Then he, Punk Puncher, slowed down the typhoon so we could get everyone to run... Some idiots still died, but most of them are alive now." Klein chuckled at the mention of his nickname he received from Chloe. Everyone needed to rest, even Klein, the stress he went through was great and he wished to rest. "We should get some rest... I'm very tired..." Klein sighed in relief when his wings returned to his back and he lied down on the back of the truck, he didn't care it was wet from the rain, it was comfortable enough for him. He was in complete peace now... He needed to relax, maybe he should get an island for himself to call home? That's a great idea!

A desert island that he would live alone for some time... In peace for a while... Maybe he should steal some money to buy some things for himself and put them on the island. Maybe he should buy an island! With his powers, he can easily manipulate someone to give him money so he can live a comfortable life and he is not afraid to do so. But first, he must keep in contact with both Max and her ''' friend''' Chloe Price. Why? Because if someday she needs to rewind time, she can find him easily.

He discovered that he could do something similar to what Max does. When goes back in time using a photo, she can stay there for a little while and change some things, after changing it she will then come back to her present self... Klein can be there simply by transferring his present mind to his past body or transferring his present body and mind. The difference? The difference is that if he transfers his present mind to his past body like Max, his mind will return to his present body and the past body and mind will have to take care of the aftermath. This is one other way to time travel... Confusing, right?

Now it's time for his new begging...

The first he needs to do is prepare. Prepare for what you ask? Well, sweet child, prepare for anything.