
107: Mist

Time passed, Klein and Zagreus spent their time together in the Hidden Gardens, year after year their relationship grew stronger to the point where they couldn't spend more than 5 minutes away from each other. Klein grew as clingy as he could, to the point where he would always be by Zagreus side no matter where he went or what he did, Zagreus also grew used to it and he enjoyed having Klein at his side, he grew so used to it that sometimes when they are apart, he still tries to hold Klein's hand by extending his hand to his left side, it is somewhat embarrassing when he does this unconsciously and Klein isn't there.

Together, like any other Divine Entity, they watched humanity. There were wars between Pantheons that pushed humanity's progress back, on every single one of them, Klein and Zagreus stood neutral to any side, as well as Hades and the entirety of the Underworld. Olympus fought against Asgard and the Norse Pantheon several times and those fights pushed humanity back as it destroyed not only their progress but also the earth. Not only did Asgard fought against Olympus but also a new sudden war started between Heaven and Hell that fought against each other, and the battle camp was earth as well, which resulted in some Demons and Angels dying and even some having offspring with humans creating new species.

This new religion was started by Yawheew, Chaos told Klein he was one of the Primordials of this Universe together with them. Yawheew was a chill guy, Klein and Zagreus met him and they also met his first creation Seraphin Metophizael that was the second in command when regarding things related to Angels, which were also his creation. The hierarchy was made by him so they could live in order, the Hierarchy went: Seraphins, Cherubins, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangel, and Angels. Yawheew only created these creatures to protect humanity from the Demons, these creatures were created by his firstborn.

He was known to be the first demon, Klein could tell that Yawheew could use Divine Energy, Cosmic Energy, and Holy Energy as well... And when Klein met Lucifer, the first Demon, he quickly noticed that Lucifer could use Unholy Energy, Void Energy, and Divine Energy which was the complete opposite of Yawheew. He was very polite to Klein, but Klein could easily tell that the Demon was ready to kill anything that moved, he only did not because he knew Klein was stronger than him. Klein also saw the 72 Demon Lords of the Circles of Hell, they were all direct descendants of Lucifer or how he liked to be called Armageddon.

As Yawheew went to sleep because he wanted to recover his energy, Seraphin Metophizael took over as the ruler of Heaven and he placed conditions for the Angels, some did not follow these conditions and had their Holy energy stripped away from them, which made them fall and become Fallen Angels that used Unholy Energy like the Demons but were not weak against Holy Energy like the Demons.

As things got serious, the Earth was severely damaged, making Gaia enter in slumber to regenerate and keep the planet earth alive... Soon all the leaders of the Pantheons noticed the damage the earth received and also noticed that if they kept going, there was a chance that the planet would be destroyed and all the mortals die. And no mortals means no worshippers and no worshippers means weakness among Divine Entities... So there was a call from all the leaders of the factions involved in this great war as well as the neutral side, they were going to sign a peace treaty. Seraphin Metophizael, Zeus, Odin, Armageddon, and Klein or should I say, Katastrophe came together to the same place and signed a peace treaty, giving all Pantheons the right to wall among mortals as long as they don't wage war again.

The treaty was signed and everyone went back to their dimensions, of course, there was still some rivalry between them but, there was no longer direct conflict. Klein of course was neutral, but it doesn't mean he didn't do anything about it, quite the contrary! He saved humans every single day, he and Zagreus saved mortals from their certain death granting them worshippers amongst many cultures, in the end, humanity was reset to stage one saved some mortals that could only watch as the world was being rebuilt by the Divine Entities.

All they could do was start again, this time humanity progressed faster than before, so fast that they soon invented science and the divine became a myth, soon their own beliefs took over the mist created by Hecate and mutated it. Now the mist was over the entire planet and it protected the human mind by hiring the truth from them. It angered some pantheons that wanted to kill all of humanity and restart but the mist could not be removed because it became part of the earth, air, the water... It became part of the planet. As time passed, millenniums, the Gods learned how to manipulate the mist for their benefits and also placed rules to follow. These rules were enforced by the Primordial Chaos and the now titled Primordial Destruction Katastrophe with the approval of Yawheew the Primordial Creation.

The rules were made to restrain the Gods from doing anything stupid against humanity, and they also served to keep humanity safe from Divine Threats. Keeping their ignorance was the best course of action, so the Mist was the best thing that happened to mortals. And then, another thing was decided, every single Pantheon would have their memories erased of the events that happened so they could think this was the world they lived in and the war just happened, but they were stopped by the Primordials that made them sign a peace treaty to keep away from humans and not interfere directly. This law of course could not be applied to Primordials or those they permitted to, which Klein used to permit Zagreus to keep his memories and help mortals as he wished because Zagreus would always help mortals, he had a heart of gold.

After all these complications... History continued once again, repeating itself. But for the Pantheons, it was happening for the first time. World War 1, World War 2, and other important events of human history soon happened as well. The fall of Greece and the rising of the Roman Empire, the fall of the Roman Empire, humanity evolution from worship to understanding, and the mist protecting their innocent minds as their belief in the supernatural started to fade. Of course, some mortals had Clear Sight, a blessing from the Primordial Destruction named Katastrophe. Mythology became just a story in the eyes of mortals while the Demigods and Legacies knew they were real.

And like that, the world was on the brink of destruction, was brought back, humanity was almost destroyed, the supernatural world was then separated from the normal world and mortals no longer believed blindly in the supernatural.

And Klein?

At the moment, he and Zagreus are living happily. The year is 2006 in mortal years following the death of Jesus, technically the year would be 101.810.970.279, but we don't talk about details here. Zagreus wanted to live like a mortal for once and Klein agreed, they soon took mortal forms and suppressed their divinity, Zagreus recently became a doctor while Klein became a world-known artist. His passion for art only grew as Zagreus was his muse, he would paint, write, sing, and more about his love for Zagreus which made Zagreus happy but also embarrassed about how corny some things were.

And what happened to the mortals Klein and Zagreus helped? Well, they did not die, they became a special type of humans, humans that could use magic and could see through the mist... They became a secret society named Hunters that was known to hunt and kill monsters of different mythologies, their origin was erased from their history, but they knew they worshipped only two Gods: Katastrophe and Aimatís.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Now you may be confused: Why did you just tell us about which period they were just to fuck everything up?

Well, my dear readers, that place is still there, the place that Klein carved with his Divine Energy still exists and is the Hunters' base of operation, which contains some documents regarding Pantheons and other things. I also changed everything because of a simple fact: I did not know how the mist came to be in the Percy Jackson world, so I created an origin for it.

Hecate, Goddess of Magic, used her divinity to create something to hide her worshippers away from monsters and mortals, where they could practice magic in peace... And then came the war, which only worsened when Yawheew appeared he was always there, but he never made an appearance. He had his firstborn who came to use Void Energy, was corrupted by it, and created Hell (in this universe), which he then proceeded to create Demons, Yawheew fearing for humanity that he liked to observe, made all the Angels and the others, and sent them to protect humanity in case the demons came, and they came because Lucifer now named Armageddon hated his father.

Zeus and Odin started a war, which damaged the earth, Gaia went to sleep because she could only take the damage and repair the world, and Chaos could not intervene directly. Klein saved mortals and protected them in the Hidden Gardens of Refuge, these mortals later became the Hunters, that hunted monsters. And now the world is in peace, Gaia still sleeping, Chronos still locked away, and mortals progressing fast in their technology and disbelief of supernatural things due to the mist that mutated due to Faith Energy and covered the entire world to act as a veil to protect humanity.

Anyway, doubts?