
07: Za Warudo

After Klein left, both Max and Chloe were surprised by the dust cloud that surged around Klein right before he disappeared. "That was..." Max murmured while Chloe asked: "Cool?" Max shook her head a little and said: "Strange and creepy. How does he know I can rewind time? Does he have some kind of power too?" Chloe sighed and said: "That guy is a mystery. Appeared two months ago, on the beach almost dead... He says he doesn't remember anything other than his name, but it is sure that he knows way more than we do." Max was curious about that man... He was a mystery. He has powers like her, he must have, or else he wouldn't be able to easily disappear and appear in a dust cloud like that! Also, they lost him when he left the diner... Wait, did he followed them there? How did he do that without them seeing him? Can he become invisible or something!? Wait... He might be able to.

"Chloe I think I might know what is that guy's power," Max said while trying to get Chloe's attention, but before they could continue, another man appeared. This man was Frank, Chloe's drug dealer... He wanted her to pay what she owed him, which she promised she would. He began harassing her, approaching her making her push him away, and notice a bracelet he had, it was Rachel Amber's! Chloe demanded to know where he got that, which Frank answered he got from a friend, making Chloe think he stole it from Rachel, which resulted in a hight.

Soon, Frank took a knife out and threatened Chloe. Max had the gun Chloe just had, she pointed it at Frank. "Come on! Shoot me! I dare you." Max was nervous, but the look on Chloe's face reminded her of what happened in that bathroom... When Chloe was shot in the guts and killed. She pressed the trigger and... Nothing. The gun had no bullets left. Frank was sincerely impressed by Max's courage in shooting, he was fairly certain she would miss because of her trembling arms and the weak hold on the gun, after this, he left leaving a warning for Chloe. Chloe was also impressed by what Max just did and thanked her, they decided to walk over the train rails and talk, where Chloe gets stuck... Suddenly in the distance, they hear the train, Max runs to get something that might help Chloe to get out the way, which she finds a crowbar near the station room beside the train tracks. She uses it to damage the tracks and get Chloe out of the way before the train passed.

They were panting... Just now there was too much adrenaline involved in this, they were tired. As in the way back to school because Max still had classes even though she just saved her best friend's (and possible girlfriend in the future) life... AGAIN. Chloe must have the disease, like IDAT: I die all the time... That was not funny at all, it was better on her head. Chloe talked about her powers and connected them to the storm, and also about Klein. They remembered his words, like how Max was playing with time and how she could destroy reality, and also how he said they were connected by fate... That was strange and mystical, like some fairy tale bullshit -Chloe.

Max thanked Chloe for the ride and went to her dorms to take her books, quickly she found David who wanted to talk, she talked to him about things that he said, right after she got a text from Warren... If Klein would meet Warren, he would call him, quote on quote: Cute. It was obvious that he had some crush on Max, he asked for her help in the Science Lab in an experiment and she helped him. After helping Warren, she needed to go to Art Class where she saw Professor Jefferson talking to Kate, he said something that made her run away crying... Max was sad for Kate after everyone began bullying her, she was never the same. She encouraged her to report Nathan's possible rape attempt on her, which she hopefully did.

She entered the class not before confronting Jefferson and going to her table to find both Nathan and Victoria sitting on her desk... She is teased by them, which she ignores and sits down after they leave, Professor Jefferson begins to talk about black and white photography and Max looks at the window, where she sees Kate walking in the distance and David following her. Sometime later, someone bursts into the room, interrupting the lecture Professor Jefferson was giving saying that something happened in the girl's dorm. Despite Professor Jefferson's demands, everyone leaves the room to see what happened.

Max has a bad feeling about it but continued I walk forward. As everyone approaches the girl's dorm, they all see Kate jumping and hitting the ground, she was dead. Max panics and rewinds time with difficulty as she felt a huge headache from the visions she was having. She goes back, she tries to go a little more back but finds something strange... Time stopped. Everything around her is frozen in time, the raindrops, the leaves falling from the trees, the people around the dorm... Everything, except her. As she weakly walks upstairs to the girl dorm's roof, she coughs and her nose begins to bleed from the strain she was putting on herself. When she arrived on the roof, she saw something incredible.

Klein Knight, with light golden angelic wings sitting down beside Kate, moving his head towards her, Klein says: "I know I told you to stop rewinding time... But I guess I never told you anything about stopping it, right?" He chuckles at his joke, his wings expand and he flaps them to fly a little bit above the girl's dorm and says to Max: "I can give you enough power to rewind time once, save her, okay?" Before Max can ask what he meant, time was moving again and Klein was gone, Max felt her headache lessen a bit, and if she tries she can rewind time only once. She wants to save Kate, and she will...