
05: Out of Time

8th October 2011

Klein woke up a little late, he was late for his job at the Two Whales Diner... He sincerely likes his job there, Joyce is a nice woman, he met her daughter Chloe sometimes and she is a punk-ass delinquent who likes to smoke weed... Klein has nothing against it! If he starts to smoke, he probably will have no everlasting damage because of his regeneration which will negate the damages done by the cigarette or any other addictive item. So that's why he doesn't have diabetes when he loves to eat sweets... As he opened the door to enter the dinner, he quickly saw Chloe and another girl sitting at a table near the end of the table rolls, Joyce called him and asked why he was late, to which he answered:

"I have a grave case of Insomnia... I couldn't sleep the whole night. I need some coffee." He slowly sat down by the balcony holding his head in fake pain, as he tried to relax a little. He was thinking a lot last night about this whole time travel, destiny, and fate bullshit that he had almost no sleep... But he was alright! He had almost no sleep in the arena before, so he is kinda used to it. As he was ignoring the sounds around him so he doesn't get any headache, he saw Joyce giving him a mug with coffee, he said: "Thanks." Joyce smiled and went to serve the others just as a man dropped his mug making Joyce angry, a police officer talked to his partner via radio as the sounds of the sirens echoed away... Two teenagers began fighting and the jukebox began making strange noises, it was fine because it always happened when from time to time.

Just as he thought everything was normal, he felt it and saw it, everything going backward. He couldn't control his body as it began doing things in reverse, his memories are not affected by the effects of temporal memory-erasing, but his body is not immune to time-space reversing the movement that his body had done before! He found himself out of the Blue Whales Dinner, he could only enter again and see what happened because the time reversing effect happened when he was inside the dinner and he felt it coming from the girl Chloe was talking to. He sat down in the same place he had sat before, talked to Joyce watched as the man dropped his mug, the teenagers began fighting, the cop's partner went to take care of some cases, the jukebox began to act strange again...

He then focused on hearing the girls talking, the girl called Max seemed to be the name of the one who could reverse time... Soon Klein could see strings around people's heads, this was something he could do, see and remove the strings of fate from people. Strange was that there were two strings of fate on top of Chloe's head, Max's string of fate was indecisively moving between them as if trying to choose her destiny. It was like Max could decide Chloe's destiny, which was something Klein hasn't seen yet. One of the strings looked to be black while the other was white, which he could only describe as life and death. This was different because not only these two strings were there, there was also the image of a blue butterfly above Chloe's head.

"A butterfly... Butterfly effect huh? Interesting..." Klein smiled just as time began to rewind, he left once again the dinner. This repeated five more times until Chloe excitedly began speaking to Max as what Klein knew was about her 'power to reverse time'... Max was bleeding from the nose, which could classify Max's powers as at least rank (A) Mental Powers or Meta Powers. Klein suddenly heard a conversation about something interesting...

Yesterday snowed, but Klein didn't know that he was on his home too busy with his thoughts to notice the snow, and when he arrived at the diner, the snow had already melted, giving the sense that it had rained and not snowed. The climate changes are going crazy! Klein knows that it was the job of a single butterfly's wings flapping, the girl named Chloe who shouldn't be alive by now and has her destiny in her friend's hand... They just don't know it yet. Klein could observe it all or simply stop them at whatever they are doing... He decided to observe for now, after all, he doesn't know them and they can be dangerous! How often do people have the power to go back on time!? Rarely!

Should he do something? Maybe it will be fun? He doesn't know what to do, he maybe can make friends? They aren't necessarily needed for survival, but at least for now Klein doesn't need to survive, he just wants to live for a while without the need to fight and have friends and a lover to share his happiness with.

Cliche? Klein is very indecisive and sometimes doesn't know what to do. After all, when your only objective was to survive a battle of life and death between billions of living beings, and you survive, what will you do next? Live obviously, but how? Will you crave battle? Will you crave love? Will you crave lust? Will you crave killing? Klein was having a slight existential crisis when his hearing, which he was suppressing a bit, caught the sound of something falling. His body moved and he caught the mug that was falling, in pure reflex. The hot coffee splashed his skin and burned it, but he didn't feel much pain if none at all. "You should be careful," Klein said to the trucker who just almost dropped the mug, he could hear in the back the two girls speaking:

"That wasn't supposed to happen..."

"Maybe you don't have a superpower... Or maybe this is something nerdy like a different timeline or some shit like that."

"Maybe... But I know it will happen."

Just as she said that the two teenagers began fighting and Joyce stepped up to stop them, the cop received an emergency call, and his partner left without him, the cockroach entered the jukebox and it went crazy. Klein was the only 'anomaly' that Max predicted. He could hear what Chloe and Max were discussing, Chloe then invited Max to go to her secret place, but then as they were leaving the girl Max received a call that she took, soon Chloe and Joyce began fighting because of something Klein ignored because he was looking at the girl, Max. He finished his coffee and apologized to Joyce and he needed to leave for today, he told her he needed to have a check-up at the hospital because he was feeling a headache.

Just as he went by the girl, she ended her call and he whispered so she could hear: "You should stop playing with time." When she moved her head to look at him, he smiled and left the diner without a destination. To speak the truth he wanted to whisper to the girl to stop playing with time because it was dangerous for herself and everyone. It would cause several time paradoxes and even reality crashes if she does that. As he left the diner he saw the blue-haired girl Chloe waiting for her friend Max while she was there... Stunned. Klein smiled at her, they knew each other for two months by now, she thought he was a cool guy because he beat up some punks who tried to cause trouble in the diner once.

As he walked, he could hear Max speaking with Chloe, who made a surprised exclamation, making Klein looked at them and smile while going to the alleyway mysteriously vanishing~ Which was not true because he just developed a new power to make himself mysterious because he liked to mess up with people.

[Power Registered:

[Meta Powers: Invisibility (C)]

Please have a nice day.]