
02: Information Gathering

First things first, to explore the needed locomotion method that is stealthy and fast enough... He could fly near the clouds and try to adapt and get an enchantment that lets him see from far away, he could get an ability stronger than (C) if he sees someone using that ability/he understands that ability completely. This was one of the requisites to have a stronger ability! That's why he had [Manipulation: Blood (B)] and not [Magical Powers: Blood Magic (?)]! Lack of understanding. So knowledge for him is very important and he needs it, he could also increase the rank by training... Quickly making his decision he extended his wings, he was sure he was alone, he flapped them and flew high to the skies and near the clouds as he looked down and desired deeply to see far away. Soon:

[Ability noted:

[Enchantment: Eagle's Eyes (C)]

Please have a nice day.]

This ability was enough for him to see even further than an eagle could! He clearly could see ants a tiny furred creature hopping to a hole in the ground near a tree, a burrow... A rabbit, grey rabbit, cute it was. But he did not want this ability to check on rabbits! He wanted this ability to gather information on this planet because he needs to know where he was to be able to quickly form a plan of action. He looked as far away as he could and the only thing he saw were animals that were nationally part of the African continent... Elephants, Lions, Giraffes, Zebras, Hippos, and others. So he now knew where he was, in East Africa near the sea, his vision could go very far away and he could see at least 100 kilometers ahead.

The first thing he will now do is go to a country he knows how to speak the language, he can go to a small coastal town in North American and pretend to be a member of a ship that sank and everyone died but he miraculously survived and was found in the beach without memories and to get his memories back he would get information too! But for that, he would need to have a boat sink... Or not, he could only pretend to lose his memory after awakening on a beach naked. That's good enough for him! He flew inside clouds to keep the stealth, he was slowly getting more used to having wings on his back, he could fly faster than before... Not quite like breaking the sound barrier, but he could fly fast.

As soon as he found his destination or what he thought was his destination because he flew in a direction that would mostly take him to North America! He began to search ashore for a town, it took him hours of flight to find the perfect town! It was called Arcadia Bay... Where has he heard this name before? He doesn't remember. As he waited for the night to arrived, he dived into the sea, because he could breathe underwater easily he stood there playing around chasing fishes.

What? He can do that! Who says just because you are a grown-ass man you can't have fun playing around with fishes? Exactly, no one. As the moon shone down on the blue waters of the sea, he swam closer to the beach, he saw a couple lying on the same watching the stars so he decided to take this opportunity and let his body be pushed over to the beach by the waves. His body caught the attention of the couple who first thought he was dead and had drowned in the sea, but Klein quickly coughed all the water inside his lungs and gasped for air as he "fainted". He heard the conversation if the couple, the guy wanted to leave and not look back while the girl wanted to help, they discussed for a second before the girl ignored him and took the phone and called 911 and went to check if Klein was breathing.

She visibly sighed when she felt his heartbeat... But it was slow and almost faint. She began explaining what happened and told them the location of the beach, 15 minutes later an ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital where tests were performed and they detected a blunt head trauma in the region of the brain that keeps the memories, so the man could have lost his memory but they would know when he wakes up. The very next morning, the sleeping Klein woke up, he had learned how to act like he was dead in the arena when he was mortally injured to use that moment of relief the enemy had when the opponent was dead to attack the enemy who had their guard down.

"Where am I...?" Klein murmured as he opened his eyes looking around slowly, he suddenly saw a nurse who looked at him and called the doctor. The doctor quickly arrived and asked some questions: "How are you feeling? Discomfort? Confusion? Don't worry, we will explain everything." Klein answered some questions, when asked about feeling any pain he said his head hurt and when he didn't want to answer he would say "I don't remember." or something similar. The doctor told him if he remembered anything about himself to notify the nurse so they could search for something. His face was not found in the database so that meant he had no identity which could be two things: He was a (possibly) criminal or he was not North American...

The second option would mean he survived floating in the sea for several kilometers till reaching shore, which would be hard or impossible. Suspicious it was but the patient had trauma in his head, so he did not remember much, sadly he did not know that it was Klein's [Manipulation: Blood] ability which he used to imitate internal bleeding in his head, which led the medic to believe that he had heavy head trauma and essentially lost his memory. As Klein laid there, he waited till it was night time to leave his room and gather information as fast as he could because the hospital had the staff to leave the patients to rest at night and not disturb them, so it pretty quiet as there aren't that many people checking the patients.

The first thing Klein did was to look out of the window, his window led to the back of the hospital which was pretty empty. He jumped while bamfing out his wings from his back, he was shirtless because it would destroy his hospital attire and the hospital pants were the only thing he wanted to use. I guess he doesn't like wearing clothes that much, after fighting for months without clothes you get used to it. As Klein flew just above the lights to keep himself hidden he observed the pedestrians and began gathering information, all he did was desire great hearing.

[Ability noted:

[Enchantment: Great Hearing (C)]

Please have a nice day.]