
Gaymer Wolf (#11)

Derek sat down, he was at his break. He had worked for 5 hours since the shop opened for business for the day, knowing very well Stiles would make him work for 10 whole hours just to spend the next 14 with him by his side, working or simply cuddling now that they are together... Derek couldn't believe it still, that he's with his Mate- Does he even deserve it? He doesn't know, but the thought of the answer being 'No' makes him extremely anxious, and when he's anxious, he eats. And he loves sweets, he can't get fat anyway, his metabolism is too fast for that- And if he can get fat, he will just exercise- and the thought of being fat and unattractive to his Mate makes both him and his wolf howl in grief. 

Maybe he is just being a Drama Queen like Uncle Peter, but his anxiety doesn't think so. So he does what helps him, he eats. Sweets, they are a nice distraction, and since Stiles gave the order to all the Fairies to treat him like royalty, he can ask for any type of sweet and they'll give him or make it for him. And he's definitely going to take advantage of this, well, he is taking advantage of this right now! With several plates with different kinds of sweets that he is tasti g and trying for the first time, he repressed and avoided doing what he liked in a way to make himself suffer, he saw it as righteous- like he deserves it, but after years of therapy, he finally started enjoying again things he likes. 

Like sweets.

With a mouthful of baked goods in his mouth, Derek chews happily, if he had a tail, it would be wagging right now. He silently thanks every single deity for the existence of sugar while thinking back at Stiles and how well all of this was going, how everything was going- He's, sincerely, waiting for the shoe to drop, for the tragedy to happen. 

Like it always does.

So he wants to enjoy this as much as he can, he tried going with Stiles to where he was going- Dealing with Hunters he said- but he was rejected right away by the Spark who couldn't help but repress the urge to pinch Derek's cute pout face- He's always so expressive without saying any word, and miraculously Stiles always knows what he wants to say without him actually saying it. Like he can read him like an open book, that only Increases his love even further and makes him a little anxious since he doesn't know Stiles that much- He knew Stiles, hut it's been 5 years, he definitely changed after all he went through, he doesn't dare to think that Stiles is still the same because he definitely isn't. "Master Hale, Master Hale!" A little fairy with long green flower dress flutters towards him, holding a tray with pastries triple her size and probably weights thrice of her weight, but she doesn't seem to be affected at all by all this.

"Here we go, Master Hale. Enjoy." She gives him a little smile as her wings flutter like a Hummingbird's wings, she flies away fast as Derek looks down at the- he sincerely doesn't remember how many sweets he had today, but if he was human, he would probably be diabetic by now. "Mm..." Derek represses an embarrassing moan as he bites into the chocolate filled cookie, a circular slab of cooked dough filled to the brim with chocolate and put on the fridge just to be cold. The crispy cookie was cold to the touch and was surprisingly good, Derek thought it would feel like an ice cream cookie, but no, the filling was not soft at all, but hard and with this bitter taste- He liked bitter chocolate as well, he liked all kinds of chocolate to be honest, once as a kid he dreamed of owning the Chocolate Factory that Willy Wonka had, but that was just a dream.

It's his favorite movie, he always feels a little sad such factory isn't real.

But oh, maybe in the future? Stiles already plans on giving him as a birthday gift a box that has an infinite amount of chocolate cookies inside it, with the use lf runes and Transmutation he make a material duplicate indefinitely, just placing a limited can make sure the item never goes beyond what it needs to- otherwise the box would break down on itself, breaking the enchantment itself. 

And maybe he'll give him a ring too. Who knows?

Morris Moriel, son of Marsques Moriel, of the Moriel Family is a 35 year old Human Hunter of a long family of Hunters and Slayers of the Unknown, a title carried by those who [Hunt the Wicked Beasts that Hunt in the Night] as their own family vow says. Not every single Hunter is a psychopathic murderer like not every single supernatural creature is a saint, but some families of Hunters are known among the Supernatural to be ruthless, non-code abiding individuals.

Such examples are the Argents, the family of hunters that is now- accordingly to many- trying to repent from the huge blood stains two members caused a huge loss among the Supernatural World, them being Gerard and Kate Argent, vile creatures that are hated among the Supernatural and Code Abiding Hunter Families around the world. Another such family are the sadistic and ruthless Moriels, a family of destructive, power hungry, and abnormal even among Hunters! They are all taught early in life- the moment they are able to walk, since as they say in their family: "Old enough to walk and talk, old enough to kill "- several different ways on how to maim, torture, and kill several types of different Supernatural Creatures, mostly Werecreatures.

Because, apparently, is very standard the Werehate- Hate of Werecreatures, poor things cannot rest for a second- among Hunters. 

They are also one of the families that produce and transport Wolfsbane and Mistletoe to various Hunter Families around the world, so even if the council wants to get rid of them, theh cannot since it would practically doom the whole Hunters network. 

Anyway, back at Morris Moriel, the man was standing at the edge of the highest skyscraper in the immediate vicinity, looking down on the world below as he silent sipped his red wine with a rather arrogant smile on his face. He was the patriarch of the Moriel Family now, he successfully took over a week ago and things were going smoothly for him, after all he planned for years just for this! He gets to enjoy this, and no one can take this from him! His father, Marsques Moriel was sadly- please notice that thick sarcasm- assassinated by a vicious Werecoyote, the Werecoyote was from a pack that sought revenge for their fallen comrades, so to cut the loose ends they exterminated the pack completely.

Oh, the truth is that no, there was not a Werecoyote, he just destroyed the pack for fun. Had to celebrate somehow, right!?

Looking down at the thousands of lights shining through the streets of New York, he felt like a God watching the humans, these little ants, going on their merry way to live their lives while he- The God, watched them. He felt powerful because if he wants to, he can go and kill another pack of those monsters- in fact, he has been planning a way to fully remove these creatures from the Earth, Earth is for humans only after all! So he made connections, most of them were on the government, he showed them how dangerous these creatures can be, how perverse they are- and they agreed. 

Soon they'll reveal these creatures to the world, use the fear of the population as an excuse to exterminate all of them- Werewolves, Werecoyotes, Werefoxes, Weredogs, Werecats, Weretigers, any creature that is unnatural in this world. In fact, this already started with Gerard Argent and his genius mind, Kate Argent was an angel in Morris Moriel's eyes, she deserved to live and finish her job of cleansing this earth... But dadly she was killed by one of those mutts. With a sigh, he turned back just in time to see a man he did not recognize, sitting on his chair and drinking his wine as well. Immediately Morris went for his gun that had mistletoe bullets, they are effective against all and every single supernatural creature he has fought in his life! 

The bullet left his gun, and that was it, the gunshot echoed and he watched in a slight shock as the bullet stood there... Floating in front of the man wearing only black, his caramel eyes staring directly into Morris' soul with a grin...

"Well, that was rude." Stiles chuckled, he focused and willed the bullet to turn into ash, and it did. "Now, I wanted to talk, but why should i?" Before the man could react, Stiles kicked his chest, sending him falling down the skyscraper screaming profanities about him, cursing his existence, and calling him a freak of nature. "Well, at least that's one last part of my quest..."

[Fall of the Supernatural:

The supernatural has been hidden by powerful allies in both the human and supernatural sides, but recently a man named Morris Moriel, of the Moriel family took over as the patriarch and killing his father, he slowly and surely poisoned the minds of several politicians and government officials, including military and more. He has a plan, to get rid of every single creature he deems "unnatural" in his eyes, a complete and utter psychopath.


[Kill Morris Moriel (1/1)]

[Collect Information About Morris' plans (0/1)]

[Stop this Madness]


[Skill Book (Killing Morris) Can be retrieved]

[Unique Skill (Information Collecting)]

[One True Magic (Life, Death, Time, Space, Fate, Void, Order, Chaos) {Stopping this Madness}]

Failure may cause the destruction of the supernatural world.]

He decided to take a moment to check his Status, since he would need some time to search through all of this Skyscraper- That was Morris' home, so he probably has some information about who he was contacting and what's his plans were. 

But first, Status.


[Name: Mieczyslaw Stilinski]

[Age: 22]

[Gender: Male]

[Lvl: 70] (+10 Extra Stats Points per Lvl)

[Race: Human (Spark)]

[Party: Derek Wulfric Adam Hale (Mate)]

[Class: Wizard lvl 6]

[Familiars: [Erebus (Lvl 12)]

[Wizard: Int MP Multiplier ×10]


[Draconic Darksteel Helmet (1×): 1000/1000]

[Draconic Darksteel Chestplate (1×): 1500/1500]

[Draconic Darksteel Legging (1×): 1000/1000]

[Draconic Darksteel Boots (2×): 1000/1000]

[Draconic Darksteel Shortsword (1×): 2000/2000]

[Titles: [He who runs with Wolves], [Spark], [Survivor]

[He who runs with Wolves: You are a human who has run among Werewolves. (+5 to Agility when running alongside Werewolves)]

[Spark: You are a rare spark, a being of pure magic, trapped within a mortal anchor. (+ [Spark Magic])]

[Survivor: You survived something that you shouldn't have, this makes you stronger than ever before (+10 to Endurance and Will when below 50% HP)]

[Experienced Fae Slayer: Does +30% Damage to all Fae/Fairy Type Creatures]

[Experienced Undead Slayer: Does +30% Damaga to all Undead Type creatures]

[Master Aquatic Creature Slayer: Does +50% Damage to all Aquatic Type Creatures.]

[Master Monster Slayed: Does +50% Damage to all Monster Type creatures.]

[Master Dragon Slayer: Does +50% Damage to all Draconic Type Creatures]

[Apprentice God Slayer: Does +10% Damage to all Divine Type Creatures.]

[HP: 500/500] (Vit ×5)]

[MP: 40,000/40,000 (Int ×20) = (10× Wizard lvl 3 + 10× Archmage lvl Max) + (2× from Archmage) ]

[SP: 1000/1000 (End ×10)]

[Strength: 25] (Physical strength, physical damage)

[Endurance: 100] (Resistance to damage, pain, and physical ailments such as disease and poison)

[Dexterity: 104] (Flexibility and control over your body)

[Agility: 100] (Moviment speed, reaction speed)

[Vitality: 100] (Life force, life span, health)

[Intelligence: 200] (Memorization, gathering of information)

[Wisdom: 100] (Experience, knowing how to use said information)

[Charisma: 100] (Aura, Presence, Beauty)

[Will: 100] (Resistance to Mental ailments such as Confusion and Pain)

[Spirit: 100] (Strength of the soul, ability to sense things beyond human senses)

[Extra Stats Points: 120]

[Skill List:

Passive: [Sharpshooting Mastery lvl 20], [Lying lvl 34], [Hand to Hand Combat lvl 20], [Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 10], [Reading lvl 90], [Research lvl 90], [Mumble lvl 80], [Driving Mastery lvl 17], [Pain Resistance lvl 90], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 60], [Magical Damage Resistance lvl 60], [Charismatic lvl 75 (Char +50)], [Iron Will lvl 99 (Will +50)], [Magic Manipulation lvl 99], [Elemental Magic Affinity lvl 99 (Int +50)], [Supernatural Senses lvl 67 (Spirit +50)], [Rune Making lvl 78], [Enchanting lvl 75], [Writing lvl 58], [Cooking/Baking lvl 98], [Bladed Weapon Mastery lvl 89], [Sage Wisdom lvl 76 (Wis +50)], [Intimidate lvl 89], [Elemental Damage Resistance lvl 87], [Crafting lvl 85], [Magical Talent lvl 99 (Int +100)], [Superhuman Agility lvl 73 (Agi +50)], [Increased Lifespan (Vit +50) lvl 53], [Potion Making lvl 85], [Attractive Aura (+100 Charisma) lvl 85], [Sturdy Soul (+100 Spirit) lvl Max], [Accelerated Thinking Process (+100 Wisdom) lvl 69], [Perfect Memory (+150 Intelligence) lvl Max], [Archmage (+200 Intelligence) lvl Max], [Meditation lvl 99], [Underwater Pressure Resistance lvl 28], [Iron Body (+50 Endurance) lvl 66], [Regeneration (+100 Vitality) lvl 87], [Magic Forging lvl 71], [Unbreakable Will (+100 Will) lvl 26], [Enlarged Endurance (+100 Endurance) lvl Max], [Superhuman Reaction Speed (+100 Agility) lvl 9], [High Flexibility (+50 Dexterity) lvl 1], [Elasticity (+100 Dexterity) lvl Max], [Sex lvl 11], [Mental Attack Resistance lvl 33]

Active: [Spark Magic lvl 99], [Run! Lvl 82], [Observe lvl 78], [Summon Fairy lvl 92 ], [Draining Touch lvl 74], [Ghost Transformation lvl 63], [Mana Shield lvl 55], [Mana Manifestation lvl 52], [Mana Blade lvl 53], [Mana Thread lvl 51], [Spinning Mana Arrow lvl 52], [Root Strike lvl 43], [Mana Barrier lvl 54], [Mana Entanglement lvl 46], [Void Form lvl 44], [Void Walker lvl 32], [Void Control lvl 25], [Mana Eyes lvl 19]

Class Skills: [Thunder Clap lvl 57], [Telekinesis lvl 75], [Telepathy lvl 72], [Minor Illusion lvl 65], [Magic Missile lvl 83], [Firebolt lvl 65], [Frostbite lvl 63], [Shocking Grasp lvl 52], [Catnap lvl 60], [Find Familiar lvl 39], [Prestidigitation lvl 51], [Fireball lvl 32], [Dancing Lights lvl 31], [Earthquake lvl 40], [Counterspell lvl 21], [Dispel Magic lvl 21], [Internal Illusion lvl 31], [Syphon Life lvl 51], [Slow lvl 21], [Haste lvl 21], [Ray of Frost lvl 11], [Control Flames lvl 12], [Control Water lvl 13], [Shatter lvl 1], [Scry lvl 1]

Unique: [Gamer Body], [Gamer Mind], [Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 17], [Inventory], [Allspeak], [Wizard's Book of Spells], [Touched by the Void]


[Lvl 1: Fairies], [Lvl 10: Zombies], [Lvl 20: Ghosts], [Lvl 30: Forest], [Lvl 40: Sea], [Lvl 50: Underdark], [Lvl 60: Dragon Mountain], [Lvl 70: Abominations]

[Time Dungeon]


Loot: [Fairy Wings (259×)], [Fairy Glitter (30×)], [Fairy Hair Brush (10×)], [Long Battle Needle-Sword (3×)], [Zombie Teeth (195×)], [Zombie Flesh 107×)], [Zombie Heart (49×)], [Zombie Core (10×)], Ectoplasm (128×)], [Broken Ghost Core (127×)], [Ghost Essence (32×)], [Pure Ghost Essence (2×)], [Pure Ectoplasm (2×)], [Ghost Core (3×)], [Treant Wood (84×)], [Magical Leaf (33×)], [Brown Mushroom (29×)], [Treant Core (6×)], [Magic Treant Core (2×)], [Rabid Beast Fur (12×)], [Giant White Rabbit Fur (33×)], [Giant Fox Fur (21×)], [Giant Rabbit Meat (30×)], [Giant Fox Meat (32×)], [Giant Bear Fur (55×)], [Giant Bear Meat (32×)], [Giant Deer Fur (76×)], [Giant Deer Meat (79×)], [Dryad Core (7×)], [Dryad Flower (2×)], [Wood Elemental Core (4×)], [Wood Essece (2×)], [Giant Fish Scale (55×)], [Giant Fish Meat (89×)], [Giant Eel Hide (66×)], [Giant Eel Meat (77×)], [Giant Leviathan Scales (157×)], [Giant Leviathan Meat (105×)], [Giant Leviathan Head (1×)], [Giant Leviathan Heart (1×)], [Deep Sea Kelp (179×)], [Sea Dragon Scales (133×)], [Sea Dragon Bones (187×)], [Sea Dragon Head (1×)], [Sea Dragon Blood (166×)], [Sea Dragon Meat (134×)], [Sea Dragon Hear (1×)], [Water Elemental Core (7×)], [Water Essence (8×)], [Dragon Turtle Shell (1×)], [Dragon Turtle Scales (225×)], [Dragon Turtle Meat (356×)], [Dragon Turtle Head (1×)], [Dragon Turtle Heart (1×)], [Shadow Creeper Hide (384×)], [Shadow Creeper Fangs (223×)], [Shadow Creeper Core (121×)], [Shadow Demon's Fang (122×)], [Shadow Demon's Shadow (9×)], [Shadow Demon's Eyes (21×)], [Shadow Crawler Skin (77×)], [Shadow Crawler Fang (88×)], [Giant Spider Venom (98×)], [Giant Spider Silk (126×)], [Giant Spider Venomous Claws (66×)], [Giant Centipede Carapace (150×)], [Giant Centipede Paralysing Venom Gland (76×)], [Giant Bat's Leather (76×)], [Giant Bat's Fangs (71×)], [Lich's Bones (77×)], [Lich's Core (8×)], [Red Dragon Scale (98×)], [Green Dragon Fang (82×)], [White Dragon Hide (84×)], [Black Dragon Scales (89×)], [Black Dragon's Blood (52×)], [Moon Dragon Scales (87×)], [Moon Dragon Horns (76×)], [Moon Dragon Hide (66×)], [Crystal Dragon's Crystal Shards (88×)], [Crystal Dragon's Crystal Scales (87×)], [Forest Dragon's Core (7×)], [Forest Dragon's Bark (92×)], [Forest Dragon's Roots (33×)], [Tiamat's Heads (5×)], [Tiamat's Draconic Hearts (5×)], [Tiamat's Dragon Scales (132×)], [Tiamat's Draconic Wings (5×)], [Tiamat's Draconic Core (1×)], [Abomination's Rotten Flesh (22×)], [Abomination's Teeth (33×)], [Abomination's Eyes (89×)], [Abomination's Core (2×)]

Bought on Shop: [Fairy Seeds (30×)], [Spiral Seeds (30×)], [Gook Seeds (30×)], [Peluny Seeds (30×)], [Burum Seeds (30×)], [Holy Water (10×)], [Zombie Venom (10×)], [Steel Long Sword (1×)], [Dust of Deliciousness (999×)], [Ghost Detector (1×)], [Cursed Mirror (1×)], [Ghost Essense Compactor (2×)], [Ectoplasm Compactor (2×)], [Long Steel Bow (1×)], [Steel Arrow (78×)], [Woodland Seeds (999×)], [Elder Treant Seed (2×)], [Burhir Seed (30×)], [Firecracker Flower Seeds (30×)], [Vermilion Root (30×)], [Woodland Bow (1×)], [Random Magical Plant Seeds (999×)], [Deep Sea Sword (1×)], [Dragon Hunting Sword (1×)], [Woodland Magical Staff (1×)], [Dragon Staff (1×)], [Deep Sea Aquarium (80×)], [Dragon Turtle Egg (1×)], [Sea Dragon Egg (1×)], [Giant Leviathan Egg (1×)], [Deep Sea Ore (99×)], [Woodland Heavy Battle Hammer (1×)], [Dark Ore (99×)], [Long Darksteel Sword (1×)], [Dark Steel Arrows (999×)], [Dark Steel Longbow (1×)], [Sturdy Darksteel Shield (1×)] , [Random Chromatic Dragon's Egg (99×)], [Tiamat's Dragon Egg (1×)], [Draconic Shield (1×)], [Dragon Slayer Longsword (1×)], [Dragon Slayer Long Lance (1×)]

Miscellaneous Items: [Water Bottle (2×)], [Condoms (10×)], [Pan (1×)], [Kitchen Knife (3×)], [Paper Sheet (109×)], [Blue Pen (2×)], [Candle (7×)], [Backpack (1×)], [Headache Medicine Pills (2×)], [Butter (1×)], [Plastic Containers Tupperware (10×)], [Important Notes by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (8×)], [Broken Pen, Poorly Fixed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (1×)], [Poorly Crafted Red Wool Sweater by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (1×)], [Poorly Crafted Clay Pot by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (5×)], [Special 2.0 Menus by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (99×)], [Standard 2.0 Menus by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (99×)], [Potion of Healing brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Antidote Potion brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Overdrive Potion brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Potion of Fast Digestion brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Potion of Pure Wolfsbane brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Wolfsbane Alcoholic Drink brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Giant Battle Hammer poorly magically forged by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (1×)], [Magically Enchanted Rune Carving Knife Magically Forged by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (1×)], [Deep Sea Longsword magically forged by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (1×)], [Water Breathing Potions brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Failed Darksteel Materials poorly fused with Black Dragon Scales by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (78×)]


Copper: 12

Silver: 28 (1= 100 Copper)

Gold: 41 (1= 100 Silver)

Platinum: 18 (1= 100 Gold)

Black Gold: 9 (1= 100 Platinum)

Seeing not much of a difference, Stiles sighed, he hated the Abominations, they were all Eldritch Horrors made directly by H.P fucking Lovecraft! His mind was filled with pain when he entered the dungeon, he was surrounded by hundreds of those little bitches, they all destroyed his mind and he almost fucking died by all the pain- He instantly got his [Iron Will] to the threshold while [Unbreakable Will] increased in level by a lot, he also got a new skill that reduced the damage he received from mental attacks, and also his [Pain Resistance] Increased in level by a lot.

After remembering a little of what happened, Stiles promised to himself to not take Derek with him to the [Abomination] Dungeon. Never. "Let's go, Erebus." The little dragon jumped out of his shadow- apparently this is something he can do- and landed on Stiles' shoulder. "We have a skyscraper to look through. Lets find some information..."

Derek felt a little restless, it's been 10 hours already and he still hasn't seen Stiles... His wolf is howling inside his head and heart, his hands are clutching hard against the skin, probably tearing it, but he doesn't care... he's too worried about Stiles. Luckily, he can sniff Stiles' clothes and calm down a bit, the mating bond was just recently formed so he and his wolf can get overprotective of him. A sudden drop in brightness around the room startled Derek as he watched a shadow grow out of the floor, before he could get on a defensive posture, he saw the shadow take the form of Stiles Stilinski, his mate and lover. "Ah, hi Sourwolf, i thought you were asleep by now." He gives Derek a small smile, making Derek's heart bleed at the fragile expression and weakness he's showing to him right now- The amount of trust to do this is enormous, Derek could never do this to anyone but Stiles, show his weakness, show him his vulnerabilities.

"Are you okay?" Derek quickly approaches his beloves, picking him up in a bridal carry and rushing to the bathroom, where upon he watched as Stiles' clothes disappeared into thin air. What he doesn't know is the [Equipment] function where you can [Equip] and [Remove Equipment], so he can get naked at a single thought... Derek would find out later on that day, because right now, Stiles needed his help bathing because he was exhausted! So no sex that night, but it doesn't mean Derek didn't enjoy taking care of his Mate- on the opposite- he adored doing this for Stiles... Taking care of him, probiding him comfort, love, happiness, a sense of security. Purring, Derek takes Stiles to the bed, freshly out of the bathroom. Derek couldn't help but bite Stiles' mark, making the younger male shiver and moan in delight...

I said they didn't have sex, but Handjobs are merely foreplay!

Foreplay i say.

Derek had to change the sheets, gladly letting Stiles rest his head on his chest as the Werewolf purred him to sleep. it's been quite a while since Stiles felt like this, he just remembers his mother holding him, singing him a lullaby to sleep, since his brain was even more active in his childhood, so to sleep he had to hold his mother while she sang him a lullaby... They were simole hummings, he couldn't remember the lyrics because he never heard them, but the memories he had were... Beautiful.

What Stiles did exactly was to send a wave kf magic through the whole Skyscraper, the wave of magic scanned the whole building and he could feel where some things were, most of them were hidden away behind walls, surrounded by Mountain Ash or completely covered in Mistletoe which would be highly poisonous to him if he was a Witch or any other supernatural creature, but technically he's still human! He just returned home using [Void Walke] to teleport to his room, where Derek was waiting for him... As he laid there, head on his beloved's chest, Stiles drifted off to sleep at the sound of Derek's peaceful purring.

Oh how he would miss these peaceful moments.