
Gaymer Wolf (#10)

"Have you found him yet?" A rather worried Cora Hale looked pleadingly at the man in front of her, she was worried about her bother- He's been gone for 24 hours now, and whenever Derek vanishes or he has been kidnapped or he ran away, but his pack is here, the possibility of him running away is thinner than a human hair. "We know where he went, but the place is closed and we can't get in no matter what. It was closed yesterday and it's closed today ad well, we got inside information for m the Poltergeinst that they'll open tomorrow." The man, Mars, the Left Hand to Alpha Venus, sighed and placed the photo of the place. Void Caffee was clearly visible, Erica, Lydia, Cora, and Allison all relaxed a little when they knew where Derek has been last, after all, this was Stiles' shop. "Okay then, thank you very much." Mars smiled at Cora who felt Erica's hand tighten on her hold. 

Once the man was out of their room and the doors were closed did they all began discussing. 

"Where is this place?" Poor Isaac, who was sitting on the couch with his Mate asked, the 6'6 man was holding him close as he nibbles on Isaac's exposed neck, there you could see the bite scar he had on his neck, a clear Mating Mark that was just recently bitten again. You can receive another Mating Mark, but this one's for pleasure rather than marking, it brought the same orgasmic sensation a Mating Mark brings, but it can be done anytime anywhere. Edward was licking the bite while his left arm had these black veins crawling upwards, he was taking his pain away, after all he just wrecked poor Isaac's hole a few minutes prior. The scent of sex both of them had was something the pack grew used to, after all, Edward is hard to satisfy.

"This is Stiles' place, he owns it." Erica smiled, but even her smile was sad. Jackson decided to ask the question everyone seemingly had on their heads: "Stilinski? Since when he owns this place?" It was a relatively good looking building, it was three stories tall, they couldn't see the interior but Lydia saw it from inside, it was nice. They proceeded to talk about the place, with Lydia, Erica, Allison, and Cora giving the information they had about the staff, clientele, and building itself. 

"There's this guy called Taylon, he's apparently a Poltergeinst that Stiles saved or something, and there's this other girl i don't know about." Erica said as Cora placed her hand on the woman's thigh, Allison commented on the side, her hands on Lydia's hair: "And the fairies. Don't forget about 'em." Cora chuckled as she nodded, saying: "Can't forget about those annoying little shits, they are adorable."

Meanwhile, Derek Hale was in a blissful post-coitus cuddling session with the unconscious body of Stiles Stilinski, his instincts helping him take care of his Mate in a way only he could. He hummed with a growl as his lips connected to Stiles' neck, just above the- strangely not bleeding- mark, all the holes his teeth made could be seen by Derek, he also knew Stiles marked him the same way by also shifting- He didn't know about what Stiles was, maybe this was just another ability of his? He did not care for the moment, he felt himself cumming once again- This was normal, but he couldn't help but snarl in pleasure as he moved his dick deeper inside his Mate. 

He had his Mate's consent, but he didn't want to fuck him while he's asleep because then he wouldn't be able to enjoy it fully. But moving his dick when he needs to isn't something he considered bad- right? He hard Stiles groaning and knew this was only his natural rsaction, jit his Mate awake and conscious, so Derek laid down with his back to the grass with Stiles lying on his stomach, his head on his furry chest. Derek saw Stiles rub his face on the hair he at first thought made him ugly, but seeing his Mate enjoy himself on it made him and his wolf proud to provide a nice chest for him to lie his head on. 

As time passed by, Derek completely forgot about the outside world, his hand caressing Stiles', enjoying how they smelled like themselves, Stiles smelled like Derek and Derek smelled like Stiles... He loved this. 

He got to enjoy having Stiles beside him for approximately extra 6 hours before he woke up, his knot was no longer in place but he had yet to take his dick out of him, and Stiles didn't seem to mind at all- In fact, he moaned as soon as he woke up because Derek sensed him waking up and thrusted his dick on his sensitive prostate, making Stiles horny again. They had another 30 minutes fuck before Derek once again cummed inside his Mate, watching as his unfocused eyes filled with tears as he moaned. He was so beautiful and Derek loved Stiles wat more, he wanted to hide him away so only he could look at him, but at the same time he wanted to go around and show everyone Stiles belonged to him now. 

Conflicting feelings.

Anyway, after he woke up, they laid there for another extra tem minutes before Stiles had to get up so they could take a bath. The world around him shattered as Stiles and him appeared in Stiles' bedroom, they took a shower together and couldn't help but fool around a little bit before Stiles helped Derek on one of his underwears sine he... Well: "I vanished them." Derek's eyebrows raised in confusion, making Stiles answer in the same manner, pulling his eyebrows appart and raising one of them up while lowering one of them down. Derek huffed, for the first time in his life he pressed Stiles' head to his chest and growled the words: "Tell me in words, Stiles." That made Stiles shiver in arousal, this sweet scent that filled the room, making Derek slowly hornier. 

"Well, when you were-" he was interrupted by a soft kiss on his lips. "Clothed and i wasn't, i wanted your clothes gone, so-" he was kissed again, with a warm tongue thjs time, trying to make it's way inside his mouth. He gave up resisting the incessant attempts of his Sourwolf at tryinf to put his tongue on his mouth. After a minute, Stiles was breathless, he panted as Derek took tiny bites at his chin and neck, just beside the sensitive mating mark, licking at it too. "I... Was saying... When i used magic, i wished your clothes to disappear, and they did. That's called Vanishment, when you vanish, ir makes something disappear from a reality, essentially destroying it permanently." Derek paused, his teeth scrapping against the bite mark, making Stiles moan as his legs got weak, he whispered to Stiles'- surprisingly sensitive- soft ears: "So you destroyed my clothes...?" 

"Yeah." Stiles moaned and answered, more focused on moaning than answering the question, so he didn't notice the flash of red that passed through Derek's eyes. "Hey, Der?" 


"I'm still mad at you."


"I'm still mad at you for leaving me behind. I forgave you, but I'm still mad."

"That doesn't make sense."

"That does. And if you don't shut up I'll be more angry... And you know how to make me feel better?" Stiles'ambiguous tone was enough if an answer, but he still gave one to the Alpha Werewolf with a mischievous smile on his lips: "Your big, thick, cock-" Derek didn't let him finish that sentece, he was already going at it. They fucked for another two extra hours on that bathroom, Derek pressed Stiles to the wall and held him there with only the strength of his thrusting, gravity did it's job and Stiles could feel the huge cock slam on his prostate whenever he want down and up, bouncing on Derek's dick was an amazing experience that he'll like tk repeat. 

When they finished, Derek took Stiles to the bed and they talked, Stiles told him his plans for the shop- How he wanted to expand it, make it more of a bakery too as well as maybe a club for the supernatural- and Derek fully supported him, going as far as offering all of his money to help Stiles on buying the buildings around to use as well, connecting them and making this place the hotspot for supernatural activity- Their territory. "This is not a bad idea... This place being our territory, i mean. For our pack..." The look on Derek's face when Stile said our pack (cue Communist Anthem) was priceless. "What? Just because i haven't forgiven them yet it doesn't mean i don't love them... Do you have an Emissary yet, Der?" Derek shook his head, they didn't have an official Emissary, Lydia took care of that but she couldn't use magic. "Then, that's my position. As the Alpha Mate and Emissary of your pack... Look at me, already taking control of your pack- You must stop this power hungry little mate of yours before he takes over the world." Derek chuckled at Stiles' antics, he missed this.

"Power hungry?" Derek's hand went down on Stiles' body, touching his- still full of cum- hole, he smirked victoriously as Stiles shivered under his touch. "You're more like cock hungry... Can't have enough of my cock on you, can you, little Mate?" He purred on Stiles' sensitive ear, this would be their third time already just today, and to many more to cum- get it? To cum.

Like Stiles did, several times that evening.

Thankfully he placed a Silencing Ward on his bedroom or else his neighbors would've heard him shouting and begging for Derek's huge penis.

"Is this the place?" Jackson looked at the building in front of him, the whole pack was with him. His Boyd had a hand on his shoulder, calming him down as he stared at the [Open] sign on the door, this was Stiles' place- They would see each other after 5 years! "Yeah." Lydia nodded, he looked at hee and smiled, at first thought you would think she was confident and not worried about anything, but Allison's red hand begs to differ- Lydia's clenching Allison's hand so hard that she's almost breaking her Mate's hand. "Huh, it's... Nice." Ethan hummed while Aiden held Danny's hand, the young man blinked in surprise as he looked at the building strangely... Peter hummed as Chris looked around, their hands intertwined as they walked forward, entering the shop. At first, they didn't see anything wrong... 

But suddenly there was this feeling, this touch, something touched them.

Then- in a snap, they could see it. Several little humanoids carrying trays of baked goods and different liquids, there was this strangelyy magical atmosphere around, they saw several different supernatural creatures without a care walking around- Werewolves had their claws and fangs exposed, Vampires had their eyes all glowing red as they talked and beamed in happiness, Peter could also see a horse with blue fur and kelp for hair drinking coffee from a straw- a paper straw with the words [Save the Motherfucking Turtles, Bitch] written on the side. He looked to the side and saw a gorgeous woman with a voluptuous red hair made out of flowers and leaves, her dress was vines, green leaves and pink petals, her feet were roots, her skin light green as well as hee hazel eyes.

And yet, no one cared.

There was no panick and Chris didn't get a report from Hunters abour someone breaking the code, so he was curious about all this. "Welcome to Void Caffee, how may i help you?" Peter tensed, someone had just sneaked on him and he didn't even notice them there at all! He turned his face to meet a pale-skinned man, hjs short blond hair gave in to his pale eyes, he looked dead. Peter then noticed, he was partially through the wall beside them, he was phasing through it! "Ah... Table for two?" Peter tilted his head, asking more than answering, making the man nod and say politely: "Please follow me, Peter Hale, Chris Argent." Both men instantly tensed, this guy knew their name when they didn't know who he was- And he was able to sneak on Peter- They didn't like this at all.

At this moment, the other members of the pack walked in. Boyd and Jackson holding hands, Lydia and Allison standing close to each other, Ethanband Aiden were pulling a rather tired Danny, who yawned as he let them holding him in their muscular arms. Isaac had Edward's arms around his soulders as they moved together, Cora and Erica followed soon after with soft whispers to each other, then came the young Malia Hale followed by the Kitsune Kira, who had a tomato red blush on her face while said young Hale had a shit eating grin on her face, they all stopped one by one and looked around... The store looked... Different? Interesting. They all felt the touch in their minds, as if something was analyzing them and granting them permission to be here! At that moment they noticed the almost paper white pale man, who was being followed by their Uncle Peter and Chris.

Seeing no other option that could keep them together as a group, they followed Peter and Chris to the corner of the shop, where a lonely table stood alone there. "So, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, would you like company?" Taylon turned to look at the others, his head did a complete 180° and he was looking at them with his cold, dead eyes. "I see that Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Cora Hale, Lydia Martins, Allison Argent, Jackson Whittemore, Vernon Boyd, Danny Mahealani, Malia Hale, and Kira Yukimura arrived. As for the others, i do not have a description of your appearances nor a name to compare them to, so, would you like to add ten seats to your table? It'll cost you more for a bigger table." Edward, Aiden, and Ethan were the only ones Stiles didn't think would be part of Derek's pack, because of course, Ethan and Aiden tried to kill them while he didn't even know of Edward's existence.

"Ah, yes he please." Ignoring the Poltergeinst that knew all of them- perhaps Stiles told him about their appearances?- by name and face, Peter sat down as he continued: "Come join the table, little ones." After a group shrug, they just did exactly that, sat down. There were only a few chairs, which sucked, but as they sat down a chair conviniently popped out of existence beside the table, that somehow stretched a little bit to comfortably accommodate all of the fifteen costumers that chose to sit at the same table. "Huh, this is kinda neat." Edward commented as his hands never left Isaac's thigh, he was very possessive of his Mate after all. "This is so fucking magical, did Stiles copy Hogwarts?" Malia half-jocked as her eyes darted around the place, she could see several little fairies flying around, she could see some questionable plants growing on pots close to the counter, and inside the counter she could see so many pastries, cupcakes, baked goods, and other little things that were suspiciously shiny. "The decoration of this place improved since last time i was here." Lydia commented, a small smile in her lips.

"Oh, thank you very much, Lydia Martins." A voice they all recognized spoke from behind them, when they turned their faces they all saw the- not so skinny, not so hyperactive, not so ADHD-ed- Stiles Stilinski, wearing a long sleeved black shirt, black leggings, he also had on his hands a pair of fingerless black gloves, on his hips he had a rather intimidating looking shortsword attached to a hilt. The sword was also black, for a moment they all questioned Stiles' clothes when Peter suddenly said: "That's a rather fancy armor you've got there, Stiles." Stiles' confident smirk was visible to all those who wished to see, his eyes were focused on the table they were staying, he thought for a second before saying: "Well, i got some business to take care of- but! Taylon, Bianca and Newbie, would you please take care of our... Guests?"

"Stop calling me that..." A grumpy voice they all knew grumbled as his mind darted back to the conditions Stiles gave him to fully forgive him, so that's why Derek Hale is now wearing an orange apron ( He's wearing his normal clothes under, get your mind out of that guyter) while carrying a tray, his little pout could only be seen by Stiles, since the others were rather surprised by Derek's new job. "That's how you speak to your boss, Newbie? I'll fire you." Stiles jokingly- mostly jokingly, his words still carried a weight cause he threatened Derek with no sex for a week if he gives a reason for Stiles to fire him- said, making Derek frown and grumble: "Sorry Boss..." His annoyance was clearly heard, everyone with a good enough hearing could hear them anyway.

"Ah, and before i forget." Stiles double tapped the table, a sudden burst of energy left the table in sphere, and they could no longer be heard outside of this bubble. "There we go. You forgot to activate it, Taylon-" A 'sorry boss' was heard by them, Stiles chuckled and walked away, but not before saying: "Ah, and Peter? Thank you, its made of dragon." He winked and was suddenly gone, no one saw him leave, he just did. Derek sighed and turned to the speechless table before grumbling: "So... Can i get you anything?"

[Draconic Darksteel Armor Set Magically Forged by Mieczyslaw Stilinski:

A complete set of armor made from Darksteel and Black Dragon Scales, enchanted and forged by Mieczyslaw Stilinski.


[Draconic Darksteel Helmet (1×):

[Durability: 1000/1000]

A black helmet made from Darksteel and magically fused with Black Dragon Scales by the intricate waving of molten Darksteel into a fine thread, used to weave a rather flexible (and very comfortable) helmet.

Extra Abilities:

[Dark Vision: Due to the material Darksteel, this helmet gives whoever is its wearer [Night Vision], making you able to see completely even in the darkest pits of the Abyss.]

[Disguise: You can make this piece of armor look like any other clothing material or accessory (hat) at will. The color cannot be changed.]


[Thermal Immunity: You cannot feal hot or cold while wearing this piece of armor, your temperature will always be comfortable. Can still take Fire or Cold damage.]

[Auto-Repair: This helmet can automatically repair itself, regaining durability.]

[Clean: This helmet will automatically clean itself.]

[Magic Resistance: Reduces magical damage taken by a small margin]

[Enchanted Vision: Increases your vision range by a large margin.]

[Draconic Darksteel Chestplate (1):

[Durability: 1500/1500]

A black chestplate made from Darksteel and magically fused with Black Dragon Scales by the intricate waving of molten Darksteel into a fine thread, used to weave a rather sturdy (but flexible) chestplate.

Extra Abilities:

[Draconic Retribution: Sends a black, explosive energy sphere full of hatred and pain. Deals [Death] damage based on the damage you received, giving back 50% of the damage received.]

[Disguise: You can make this piece of armor look like any other clothing material (shirts, t-shirts, hoodies, and others) or accessory (necklace, if you gonna go shirtless) at will. This does not change the item's color.]


[Thermal Immunity: You cannot feal hot or cold while wearing this piece of armor, your temperature will always be comfortable. Can still take Fire or Cold damage.]

[Auto-Repair: This chestplate can automatically repair itself, regaining durability.]

[Clean: This chestplate will automatically clean itself.]

[Magic Resistance: Reduces magical damage taken by a small margin.]

[Enchanted Durability: Adds 500 Points in durability.]

[Draconic Darksteel Leggings (1×)]

A black leggings made from Darksteel and magically fused with Black Dragon Scales by the intricate waving of molten Darksteel into a fine thread, used to weave a rather flexible and comfortable leggings.

Extra Abilities:

[Dragon Tail: You can create a dragon's tail out of your tailbone, this tail is an extra limb and can be perfectly controlled by you. Is incredibly sturdy and has a rather sharp, pointy end.]

[Disguise: You can make this piece of armor look like any other clothing material (leggings, shorts, skirts, underwear, etc.) or accessory (belt or any waist accessories, if you're gonna go bottomless) at will. This does not change the item's color.]


[Thermal Immunity You cannot feal hot or cold while wearing this piece of armor, your temperature will always be comfortable. Can still take Fire or Cold damage.]

[Auto-Repair: This leggings automatically repair itself, regaining durability.]

[Clean: This leggings will automatically clean itself.]

[Magic Resistance: Reduces magical damage by a small margin.]

[Enchanted Agility: Increases your movement speed by a large margin.]

[Draconic Darksteel Boots (1×)]

[Durability: 1000/1000]

A pair of black boots made from Darksteel and magically fused with Black Dragon Scales by the intricate waving of molten Darksteel into a fine thread, used to weave a rather resistant and comfortable pair of boots.

Extra Abilities:

[Dragon Stomping: You kick the ground, sending a quacking wave to destroy enemies around, destroying the ground and doing [Force] damage]

[Disguise: You can make this piece of armor look like any other clothing material (sandals and others) or accessory (anything that can be an accessory for feet) at will. This does not change the item's color.]


[Thermal Immunity You cannot feal hot or cold while wearing this piece of armor, your temperature will always be comfortable. Can still take Fire or Cold damage.]

[Auto-Repair: These boots automatically repair itself, regaining durability.]

[Clean: These boots will automatically clean itself.]

[Magic Resistance: Reduces magical damage by a small margin.]

[Enchanted Jump: Increases jumping distance by a large margin.]

Armor Set Skill:

[Draconic Wings: You can sprout wings out of your back, giving yourself the ability of flight.]

[Black Dragon's Breath Weapon: You can use the Black Dragon's Putrid Breath Weapon, with the limiting range of 150 Meters, dealing [Death] damage]

Of course, let's not forget his shortsword:

[Draconic Darksteel Shortsword {1×)]

[Durability: 2000/2000]

A dark blade forged with the blood and scales of the dragons, woven magically into a short but incredibly sharp blade, very sturdy.

Extra Abilities:

[Dragon Slayer: Damage done to [Dragon] or [Draconic] foes is largely increased.]

[Dragon's Blade: You can, once a day, magically envelope your sword in a dark aura, sending forth a long ranged attack in the shape of a Dragon. Increases the amount of Dragons at each Dragon you kill with this blade.



[Auto-Repair: This blade will automatically repair itself, regaining durability.]

[Clean: This blade will automatically clean itself.]

[Increased Sharpness: The sharpness of this blade is greatly Increased.]

[Increased Strength: Increases your Strength by a small margin.]

[Mana Circuits: You can freely channel mana on this blade, drastically increasing the speed spells used through the blade.]

Stiles was very proud of his work, he spent most of his time on the dungeon explaining to Detek how everything worked and crafting this set of armor and blade for himself, he promised the Sourwolf that he would give such items tk him as well in the future, but for now he had to first need to be stronger. By the time they left the dungeon, he was level 10. Impressive really.

Now though...

Stiles has a bunch of hunters to take care of.


[Name: Derek Wulfric Adam Hale]

[Age: 28]

[Gender: Male]

[Lvl: 10] (+10 Per Lvl)

[Race: Werewolf (Alpha)]

[Party: Stiles Stilinski (Mate)]

[Class: None]

[Titles: [Alpha], [Hale], [Heir of the Chained Oblivion]

[Alpha: You are a Alpha Werewolf, you are in charge. (+ [Alpha Authority]) plus upgrades on all Werewolf skills]

[Hale: You are part of a very famous ancient family of Werewolves that are from way back to Lycaon, your family contains his cursed blood alongside the blood of a God Eater, Fenrir (+ Influence among Werewolves around the world)]

[Heir of the Chained Oblivion: You are the heir of Fenrir, his spirit lies dormant inside you, waiting to be awaken. Bare your teeth, for the Ragnarok comes. (+ [Ragnarok] + [God Devourer] + [Chained] Unique Skills + 20× HP and SP + Upgrade 1 Random Werewolf Skill)]

[HP: 20,000/20,000] (20× Vit) (+Alpha Werewolf Vitality)

[MP: 250/250] (5× Int)

[SP: 20,000/20,000] (20× End) (+Alpha Werewolf Endurance)

[Strength: 250]

[Endurance: 500]

[Dexterity: 100]

[Agility: 250]

[Vitality: 500]

[Intelligence: 50]

[Wisdom: 100]

[Charisma: 150]

[Will: 500]

[Spirit: 200]

[Extra Stats Points: 1000]

[Skill List:

Passive: [Hand to Hand Combat lvl 82], [Alpha Werewolf Senses lvl 92], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 88], [Magical Damage Resistance lvl 82], [Reading lvl 50], [Research lvl 41], [Fenrir's Regeneration lvl 9], [Alpha Werewolf Strength (+250 Strength) Lvl Max], [Alpha Werewolf Stamina (500+ Stamina) lvl Max], [Alpha Werewolf Dexterity (+100 Dexterity)], [Alpha Werewolf Agility (+250 Agility) lvl Max], [Alpha Werewolf Vitality (+500 Vitality) lvl Max], [Elemental Affinity (+50 Intelligence) lvl 1], [Alpha Werewolf Wisdom (+100 Wisdom) lvl Max], [Alpha Werewolf Charisma (+150 Charisma) lvl Max], [Attractive Aura (+100 Charisma) lvl 82], [Derek Hale's Unbreakable Will (+500 Will) lvl Max], [Supernatural Alpha Senses (+200 Spirit) lvl Max], [Poker Face lvl 62], [Lying lvl 12], [Pain Resistance lvl 99], [Bladed Weapon Mastery lvl 15], [Blocking Mastery lvl 16], [Underwater Pressure Resistance lvl 12], [Fear Resistance lvl 2]

Active: [Alpha Fullwolf Transformation lvl Max], [Alpha Roar lvl Max], [Alpha Eyes lvl Max], [Pain Syphoning lvl Max]

Class Skills:

Unique Skills: [Alpha Authority], [Ragnarok (Chained)], [God Devourer (Chained)], [Chained]