
[QT.BL] Phoenix Interrupted

18+ Quick Transmigration BL/LGBT, M-Preg MC/Phoenix/Bottom/Shou/Switch, ML/Top/Gong/Switch-only for MC Both MC & ML are complex characters, and each arc will highlight the different sides to their personalities so some arcs MC maybe a power bottom and in some ML takes charge. But mostly MC is bottom, and ML is top. Join us as we follow a young anti-hero named Phoenix, as he tries to free himself from the clutches of whom ever kidnapped him and imprisoned him, gain power & knowledge in order to take them down & regain his memory that's been locked away from him. It seems that someone else was after Phoenix too but for what and why would they help him escape? Solaris the sentient A.I. system that hacked into The Jailer System that had been forcibly bound to Phoenix's soul and helped to spring Nix from his prison but for what reason and at what cost? No good deed goes unpunished and nothing absolutely nothing in the multiverse is ever completely free. But what choice does Nix have? Surely following Solaris' missions cannot be worse than what he left behind right? Is this just another way for his captors to abuse him more? Can he ever be truly free when he just spent the last 32 thousand years being forced to live one horrific abusive life after the other. Can he even dream of healing when he cannot forget even a single moment, he spent in that hell hole? This story begins at the end of his imprisonment from "hell" and follows his journey to discovering himself, regaining his lost memory and discover who and what was and is behind all this. But can he handle the truth? What happens if he were to learn that he was being punished for crimes against the celestial Dragon Emperor and heaven itself? Could he truly be capable of such a thing and if so, what will he do then? One could definitely say that Nix is an anti-hero, since he is not benevolent but would not stand for injustice happen to the innocent or those, he deems worthy enough to care for and about. Nix is cold, apathetic & keeps everyone & everything at arm's length. Despite his cold, arrogant, apathetic & aloof exterior, Nix surprisingly has a big soft heart for animals & children, as well as all things cute & adorable but he would never admit it. ML: Hey what about me? Nix: What about you? Who are you again anyways? ML: ...? Solaris & Author: eating popcorn & booked peanuts (I know they aren't for everyone, don't come for me) ML: Nix how can you say that? Mrs_TNT do something he's being hateful again for no reason! Why must he always push me away? What did I ever do to him? Author Mrs_TNT: Is that a serious question right now? Well, I guess you'll have to read to find out. This story begins at the end of his first imprisonment and follows Phoenix as he tries to recover his memories from before he was imprisoned and bound to the Jailer System as well as gain power and complete the missions given by Solaris until he can finally be free and exact his revenge before he has his soul annihilated so that he never reincarnates again. I may do flashbacks or even write a prequel after this novel is finished depicting his long, long journey just to get to the beginning of this novel. Be Warned! There will be several triggering topics addressed in this novel, though it is not a dark romance it does touch on abuse: neglect, mental, verbal, physical and sexual. This is a Boy Love, LGBT or gay romance novel that will have explicit scenes. I will not be putting warnings up as I go along. I am working through some of my own trauma through writing this novel, so I understand it is not for everyone. That said this is very loosely based off some of my own experiences and any coincidences between names, places or events is just that a coincidence and have nothing in common unless I state other wise and will credit it if I do as well. Cover art was made by me using A.I. image generator and editing it myself. I hold all rights to this novel.

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44 Chs

1st World A/B/O: 20


The Chef x The Movie Emperor 

Nix's P.O.V.:

 "I realize that though that all may be really bad it sadly is not the worst part." Phenix nearly spart out as he was unable to hide the bitterness or disgust in his voice. 

 "How can it get worse? Jagiya, you know you can tell us anything. Forget what she said and remember we will always believe you, no matter what you tell us. You are not a liar." Beyol Eun-Ha said in a comforting tone, but it was belied by the look on forced and tight smile she now sorted on her usually gentle face. It was easy for Nix to see the anger that was raging beneath the surface as his nuna did her best to stay calm and reassure him. 

 In fact, he had never seen the Beyols as angry as they are now. His mother alone not only looked fierce she looked like a wild animal ready to devour the threat towards her offspring. For a beta woman who was petite in stature she looked extremely capable of taking down even an alpha in this moment. The rest of his family was not fairing any better.

 He then proceeded to tell them all about the nasty lies and rumors that Lee Eun-ae had been spreading about him for years. He also explained that it was because of her that he had been isolated and bullied by his classmates who were under the impression that he was the one talking bad about them and thought he was better than them. He also told his family how Lee Eun-ae had been telling anyone and everyone how he was promiscuous and had loose morals and was a gold digger, who was looking for a golden thigh to hug and hump in order to get away from my "pathetic, working poor, upper lower-class family."

 "That fucking bitch! I will kick her ass myself!" Everyone was so taken aback by Mrs. Tae Eun-Kyung's outburst and her use of swear words that they were rendered speechless. It was already beyond comprehension that Lee Eun-ae would say those false and hateful things about Phoenix but to hear their equally kindhearted and gentle mother speak this way was almost too much to comprehend and handle.

 'Oh, My, Galaxies! My new mother can actually have that kind of aura. I have no doubt she would kill Lee Eun-ae if given the chance. I need to do something and calm her and everyone else down.' He thought to himself before speaking up.

 "Everyone please calm down, I have a plan, but I will need your help to make sure it works. I know that you all do not believe her lies and what I am upset with the most is how she talked about you all. That is my bottom line, and she knows it. I will take her down but for now she cannot know that I know about all this, so I need you all to act as normal as possible if she comes around or contacts you. I do not put it past her to hire a water army and enlist her fans to come after me and defame me once she finds out I will be on The Chef and The Celebrity. I know she will come after not just me but you as well if you do or say anything. The longer we all act like we are still in the dark the better. I plan to set a trap for her to fall into and make it to where she can never crawl out. I want her only way out to be death. I know that may be very hard to handle and comprehend coming from me of all people, but I do not care. No one, absolutely no one is allowed to come after those I love. She will pay dearly for all she has done. I understand if you are disappointed in me or even lost respect for me, but this is how I fell. I am done hiding my true self from everyone and that includes you all as well." 

 Once he finished speaking, he sat quietly and held his family's gazes, showing his resolve and determination. Though he was keeping up a strong and almost in different outward appearance on the inside he was fighting to keep his rising anxiety at bay as he waited for their answers. Luckily, he did not have to wait long just a mere 30 seconds or so, but those few seconds felt like a lifetime to him.

 "Alright son, we will all listen to you and do as you ask. In return we ask that you be even more cautious and diligent against her. Do not let her deceive or gas light you again." Mr. Beyol Shin said with a tone that spoke of how much he struggled to hold back his anger and sadness for his son. The rest of the Beyols agreed though they too were struggling to keep their anger and instincts to protect Nix in check.

 As difficult as it is for them to accept, they all understand that he is a grown man now and that they need to respect his wishes to deal with this problem as he sees fit. Although they were a bit taken aback by his cold determination to take that "fucking bitch" Lee Eun-ae down they were equally happy to know that he was no longer the naive and wide eye Bong Tae-Hwan he used to be. They all thought that it was rather fitting that he goes by Phoenix, now that he is no longer the same. 

 He felt so relieved that his family agreed and handled the news of everything fairly well; honestly, they took it way better than he was anticipating. He smiled, stood up and walked to his father, who quickly embraced his son if a big bear hug. Beyol Shin had never been this worked up in his whole life, to think his poor son has been dealing with all this own his own. Mrs. Tae Eun-Kyung felt the same and also hugged Phoenix as tight as she could when he and her husband were done hugging. Phoenix then went and hugged each of his siblings.

 "Thank you, thank you all so much for everything you do for me! I know you do it because you love me unconditionally and do not expect a thank you in return, but I want to say it and I want, no I need each of you to understand just how much it means to me and how grateful I am to have you all! I promise to do all I can to make you proud and to give you all you have given me. I honestly would not be here now if it were not for you all!" 

 And that was the truth Phoenix honestly would not be here if it were not for the Beyol family, as it was Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan's greatest wish to give back to and take care of his family that had always selflessly and unconditionally taken care of him. They all smiled at each other as they shared this precious moment with each other, which strengthened their familial bonds and love for one another. Noticing the time Mrs. Tae Eun-Kyung urged her children to hurry up and get dressed and out the door for work and school.

 Beyol Joon and Phoenix were tasked with clearing the table and when they finished, they each bowed to their parents and nuna. Beyol Young-Jae bid them all a good day and left for work, while Mr. and Mrs. Beyol along with Beyol Eun-Ha left to start the food prep for the day. Both Phoenix and Beyol Joon rushed to their rooms to quickly get ready and grab their stuff. He then he and Beyol Joon quickly left to change and grab their bags in order to head out the door for school.

 Once in his room Phoenix looked through the closet and was utterly disappointed and disgusted with the options that hung in it. "Should I just burn all these horrific clothes? Hmm, no that would be a waste, I will just donate them to a homeless shelter or something. There are always those who need anything they can get. I know, all too well because that was me more times than I can count but that is all in the past now. Solaris, please remind me to take these to a shelter or even an orphanage oh and to donate a bunch of new and nicer clothes and toys to a few orphanages."

Solaris who jumped up on the bed simply replied, "Yes Mama Phoenix" and made himself comfortable while he gave his Mama privacy to get ready. After all he was a good little phoenix-dragon and not a perv, who gawks at someone while they change. 

 Phoenix unlike Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan refused to dress in the drab and cold and unobtrusive clothes that that nasty bitch Lee Eun-ae convinced him to wear. Instead, he had Solaris pull some of his favorite pieces from The Nursery. Once he decided on an outfit, he quickly styled his hair and stepped back to look at himself in the long body mirror that hung on the back of his bedroom door.

 Today he wore a v neck, rolled ¾ length sleeves in a stunning pearlescent white silk button down blouse, tucked in so that accentuated his slim waist and toned arms and chest. Paired with black form fitting pants that emphasized his round perky butt and elongated his slim but toned legs with the pin stripes in the same pearlescent white color as his blouse. He paired them a black belt with a silver buckle, amethyst earrings that complimented his beautiful eyes, layered delicate silver chain necklaces, his communicator on his left wrist and a silver and amethyst special ring on his right middle finger. He wore a pair of black leather booties that were made up of a monster hide he had attained from a previous world he visited. He looked elegant, timeless, beautiful and yet sexy as hell all at the same time.

 Thanks to the shell being a dominant omega and Phoenix enhancing the body to its optimal state he did not need any makeup as his skin was flawless, but he decided to add a little lip gloss. What stunned Phoenix the most was discovering the body had a single beauty mark delicately located on the outside of the underside of his left eye. It was a soft brown color that complimented his ivory skin with its soft pink almost neutral undertone. He was surprised because he had always had this particular beauty mark in every life he lived and world he had been to. He was not sure why it was this way, but he never thought much about it. But now it plucks at his curiosity, just one more thing to think about later when he has the chance to.

 This particular leather hide was feather light in weight, skip proof, and were damage proof and needed special mana infused tools to penetrate or cut. This leather was typically used for mid-grade armor in that world but in this world, they would make for the perfect shoe to wear in the kitchen because of their properties they would keep his toes and feet safe from anything that may drop on them, not to forget that they are also skid proof which is highly important when working in a professional kitchen.

 "Damn, and I did not think this body could look any better, but I was so incredibly wrong! Why in tarnation did he not realize that Lee Eun-ae was jealous and just wanted to make sure that people did not pay more attention to him. That crazy, bigot, black lotus bitch truly has an inferiority complex when it comes to the shell. Ha, I cannot wait until she sees the 'new' me! What do you think Solaris? How do I look and please be honest." He asked out loud since they were alone in his bedroom.

"Solaris, what do you think? Do I look ok, or should I change?" He asked and had to bite his lower lip to stifle a nervous laugh. Nix was not sure why but the little guy's opinion was very important to him.

Hi my lovely little phoenixes, dragons & phoenix-dragons,

Once again, thank you all so increadibly much for your continued support for my novel. If you feel it deserves it please show your support through powerstones and comments. Being stuck in the bed all the time due to health issues, is very lonely so getting it interact with yall is the hightlight of my day. = ) I hope you all have a wonderful, morning, day, evening or night when ever or where ever you are. ^^ xx (kisses)

If you have some idea(s) about my story please feel free to comment it and let me know.

Mrs_TNTcreators' thoughts