
Chapter 81 - Seed Preservation

  After opening the courtyard gate, the Cloud-Stepping Lynx that had been lying on Lu Xuan's shoulder jumped down and came to the edge of the spiritual spring pond without looking back, staring closely at the lone red-bearded carp seedling in the pond.

  Lu Xuan glanced around the spiritual field. Everything was normal. The grass puppets were very responsible in patrolling the entire spiritual field.

  He came to the area where the diseased spiritual plants were cultivated before and took out the five copper-bone bamboos.

  Using the earth-attracting technique, the structure of the spiritual soil quietly changed, revealing a crack that fit perfectly with the roots of the copper-bone bamboo seedlings without any gaps.

  After all five copper-bone bamboo seedlings were planted, Lu Xuan's mind focused on the purple-red bamboo. Suddenly, a piece of information about copper-bone bamboo flooded into his sea of ​​consciousness.

  [Copper-bone bamboo, a second-grade spiritual plant, the cultivated bamboo is very tough and can be used to refine magic tools, especially suitable for refining flying swords, and can also be used as a material for some special elixirs. ]

  [After adding copper and iron ore during the cultivation process, it will promote the growth rate of copper-bone bamboo, and the spiritual ore will be more effective. The smaller the ore volume, the faster the copper-bone bamboo absorbs and digests it. ]

  [If you have a copper-bone body, how can you break through yourself and grow taller? ]

  "You need copper and iron ores, and the spiritual ore will be more effective."

  "Although the cultivation conditions are a bit strange, it's not difficult, much easier than the third-grade Jiao vine."

  Copper and iron spiritual ore is quite common in the casual cultivator market, and the price is not very expensive.

  Lu Xuan first performed a round of spiritual rain magic, and strands of spiritual raindrops fell down and merged into the spiritual soil near the copper-bone bamboo, so that it was absorbed by the bamboo roots.

  He planned to let the copper-bone bamboo adapt to the spiritual soil environment first, and then buy spiritual ore a few days later to speed up the cultivation.

  Two days passed in a blink of an eye. Lu Xuan inspected the spiritual field and heard Wu Wenjing's call from the next door.

  "Daoyou Lu, come and have a drink!"

  Lu Xuan shook his head and smiled, took out a piece of dried monster meat from the kitchen, and brought the Cloud-stepping Lynx to the home of the monk surnamed Wu.

  "Daoyou Wu, is there anything on your mind?"

  After a few cups of warm spiritual wine, Lu Xuan saw that the old man was distracted and his eyes were drifting, so he asked.

  "Daoyou Lu, do you know what's going on in the market recently?"

  "I've been staying at home to take care of and cultivate spiritual plants. I haven't gone out these days."

  Lu Xuan shook his head to indicate that he didn't know.

  "Daoyou Lu can be said to be oblivious to the outside world and is devoted to cultivating spiritual plants..."

  Wu Wenjing sighed and continued.

  "It is rumored that the group of cultivators of the Wang family who opened up the secret realm have already entered the core of the secret realm, but the restrictions are difficult to break, so they invited other family forces in the market to intervene."

  "The outer area of ​​the secret realm is also open to the public, and many independent cultivators are eager to try and enter the new secret realm to find opportunities."

  "So Fellow Daoist Wu is unwilling to be lonely and wants to wade into the muddy water?"

  Lu Xuan looked at Wu Wenjing with a smile.

  "Yes, I am indeed a little tempted."

  Wu Wenjing smiled bitterly.

  "The monsters and evil spirits in the outer area have been almost cleared out during the Wang family's exploration. At the same time, it is also the time when there are the most resources, so many cultivators want to find out."

  "Anyway, I don't have any ideas."

  Lu Xuan saw that Wu Wenjing seemed to want to invite him to enter the outer area of ​​the new secret realm together, and directly pointed out his attitude.

  "Even if there are no monsters and evil spirits in the outer area, Fellow Daoist Wu has the confidence to seize the cultivation resources from other cultivators?"

  "Fellow Daoist has much more experience than me, and you should know that sometimes people of the same race are much more terrifying than monsters and evil spirits."   

  When Wu Wenjing heard this, his old face turned pale and blue, and after a long time, he exhaled deeply.

  "Thank you for reminding me, Brother Lu. I was obsessed."

  "For decades, I have been able to calm down and not think about opportunities and treasures, but when I really encounter such an opportunity, I always have some fantasies in my heart."

  "The deadline is approaching, but I am still unwilling to

  accept it." Lu Xuan was silent, not knowing how to persuade him. He understood the situation of the cultivator surnamed Wu. The lifespan of a Qi training cultivator is more than a hundred years, and no one can accept that he is approaching death little by little.

  If he sees a glimmer of opportunity to change his fate, it is like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, using all his strength to break free.

  In his heart, he was lucky that he had a white light ball reward for cultivating spiritual plants, otherwise, he would probably be like Wu Wenjing, floating up and down in the sea of ​​suffering in cultivation, unable to withstand any wind and waves.

  "It's better to stay in the market. I'm old and weak, not as good as before. I've fallen behind in fighting for many years. If I really go to the secret realm, I guess any cultivator of the same level can defeat me."

  The old man said with a wry smile, his eyes dim.

  Lu Xuan didn't say anything and raised his glass.

  Wu Wenjing clinked his glasses and looked at Lu Xuan.

  "Sometimes I really don't know how to evaluate you. You are so young, but you look more like an old man than an old man like me."

  "Such a good opportunity, but you can still keep your state of mind and remain unmoved. You are much more stable than me."

  "Haha, this is what it means to have no desires and no demands."

  "It's enough for me to be an ordinary spiritual plant master in peace and stability."

  Lu Xuan maintained his personality very well.

  After the two of them had enough wine and food, Lu Xuan returned home and continued to plant spiritual plants. By controlling the real-time status of the spiritual plants, he took good care of them meticulously.

  Another five days passed quickly.

  In the past few days, Lu Xuan bought a pound of non-grade ore from the casual cultivator market and tried to see what effect it would have if he mixed it into the copper bone bamboo.

  During this period, five of the nine blood jade ginsengs left behind matured, three were of good quality, and two were of superior quality.

  The five white light balls that appeared also brought rewards.

  [Harvest one blood jade ginseng and obtain a second-grade elixir Blood Soul Pill.]*3

  [Harvest one blood jade ginseng and obtain the second-grade secret technique Burning Blood Arrow.]*2 From

  the five light balls, Lu Xuan obtained three second-grade Blood Soul Pills and left them in his storage bag, waiting for the opportunity to use the Burning Blood Arrow.

  After absorbing all the two Burning Blood Arrow experience packs, his understanding of this secret technique has been further refined.

  Because of his reluctance to waste his blood essence, although Lu Xuan has not yet used it, he also feels that the release speed and power of the secret technique have increased a lot.

  In addition, he plans to try to cultivate the remaining four blood jade ginsengs into blood jade ginseng spirit seeds.

  After the spiritual plants in the cultivation world mature naturally, if they are not picked and continue to grow for a period of time, some will directly wither and merge into the world.

  Some will gather the essence of spiritual plants and condense spiritual seeds, which will spread through various channels. When they encounter abundant spiritual power and a suitable environment, they will germinate and grow new spiritual plants. The

  spiritual seeds condensed naturally have different qualities and are small in number, so they may not be able to cultivate spiritual plants.

  The seed condensation method summarized by the cultivators after countless years can not only condense more spiritual seeds, but also ensure the quality of the spiritual seeds, so that most of them can be successfully planted.

  Lu Xuan left four blood jade ginsengs just to try whether the seed condensation method passed down to him by Baicaotang is feasible.

  (End of this chapter)