
Chapter 80 - Bronze Bamboo

  In the corner of the spiritual field.

  Lu Xuan picked the diseased spiritual plants that were almost recovered one by one and put them into the storage bag.

  There were twelve first-grade diseased spiritual plants, and four second-grade spiritual plants that were purchased several times. They were still a while away from maturity.

  Since there was no white light ball reward, and the spiritual plants themselves were seriously damaged, Lu Xuan did not think about improving their quality, and just let them mature.

  There were still eleven first-grade blood jade ginsengs in the storage bag, so Lu Xuan took the Cloud-stepping Lynx and went to Baicao Hall.

  In Baicao Hall, seeing Lu Xuan appear, a hint of joy appeared on the face of Manager He.

  "Lu boy, what other spiritual plants have matured?"

  "Some of the diseased spiritual plants purchased last time have been cured, and more than ten blood jade ginsengs bought from the hall half a year ago have also matured, so I came here to deal with them."

  "Of course, the main thing is to see you, old man."

  Lu Xuan smiled and took the spiritual tea from a medicine boy and thanked him.

  "You are not thinking about me, but you are thinking about the spiritual stones in my hand. Come on."

  Lu Xuan first took out the twelve cured diseased spiritual plants and put them on the counter.

  The quality of these spiritual plants was identified by Manager He one by one. They were basically inferior to ordinary quality, and the price was a little lower than that of normal first-grade spiritual plants. Lu Xuan exchanged them for nearly 200 spiritual stones.

  "There are eleven blood jade ginsengs."

  Lu Xuan brushed his right hand, and eleven blood jade ginsengs appeared on the counter. Each one was exquisite and translucent, like blood-red jade, exuding a rich and pure spiritual energy.

  "This is..."

  The thin old man took over the spiritual plants for who knows how many years. He could tell at a glance that these blood jade ginsengs were of extraordinary quality. He held them carefully in his palm and examined them carefully.

  "Superior quality, it is rare to see. Many spiritual plant masters have not even cultivated blood jade ginsengs of this quality."

  "Good quality, not bad."

  "Is there a perfect quality one?"

  Manager He couldn't help but look up at Lu Xuan, who was sitting lazily beside him and drinking tea. He really couldn't imagine that this young man who didn't sit well could cultivate a perfect first-grade spiritual plant.

  Although Lu Xuan had sent several perfect quality non-grade Lingying grasses before, it would be much more difficult to grow a perfect quality spiritual plant.

  He collected his thoughts and counted the blood jade ginseng on the counter.

  "Eleven blood jade ginsengs, six of which are of good quality, four of superior quality, and one of perfect quality." "Twenty-five spirit stones per good quality plant

  , twenty-seven for superior quality, and thirty for perfect quality. What do you think?"

  "Okay, you decide."

  Lu Xuan waved his hand, indicating that the old man was the one who made the decision.

  "A total of two hundred and eighty-eight spirit stones, you keep them."

  Manager He quickly counted them and handed all the spirit stones to Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan smiled and took a small pile of spirit stones and put them in his storage bag.

  Together with the more than two hundred spirit stones brought by the twelve first-grade diseased spiritual plants, his net worth broke through to eight hundred spirit stones.

  Among the casual cultivators, he was considered to be very wealthy.

  "I never realized before that you have such a unique talent in cultivating spiritual plants. You can actually cultivate a first-grade spiritual plant of perfect quality."

  "No wonder you exchanged the method of refining spiritual seeds from the eldest lady a few days ago. It seems that you are quite ambitious."   

  Manager He teased.

  "What ambition do you have? You are just an ordinary spiritual plant master who cultivates spiritual plants day and night."

  Lu Xuan laughed.

  "The only thing that can be called ambitious is that you want to cultivate more and better spiritual plants."

  "Alas, you are so young, but you have given up cultivation, and you don't fight with others for opportunities. You are devoted to the path of spiritual plants. I don't know whether to say you are pure or stubborn."

  The thin old man sighed.

  "However, with your ability to cultivate spiritual plants, even if your cultivation is ordinary, you will be favored and sought after by many forces and become a hot commodity in their eyes."

  The two chatted for a while.

  "Last time, when I returned to the hall with the eldest lady, she told me that if there are any good spiritual seeds or spiritual plant seedlings, you will be given priority and be at the same level as the spiritual plant masters directly cultivated in the hall."

  Manager He suddenly said to Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan nodded to show that he understood. Under the free cooperation model, the spiritual plant masters certainly did not have as much right to choose seeds as the spiritual plant masters of Baicaotang. If there were good spiritual seeds, the spiritual plant seedlings would be considered for planting in Baicaotang's medicine garden first, and then they would be sold to the free cooperation spiritual plant masters at a low price.

  According to the old man, although the cooperation model between him and Baicaotang remained unchanged, the right to choose spiritual seeds and spiritual plant seedlings was a little greater.

  "Mr. He, do you have any good recommendations?"

  "I have several first-grade spiritual seeds with excellent quality. You can choose freely according to your needs."

  "In addition, there are a few second-grade spiritual plant seedlings named Tongguzhu. What do you think?"

  Lu Xuan lowered his head and pondered. He did not have much demand for first-grade spiritual plants at present. He had more than a hundred low-grade spiritual plants such as Lingying Grass and Xueyu Ginseng. He wanted to try to grow seeds himself. In addition, there was not much area left in the spiritual field, so he decided to focus on quality rather than quantity.

  "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. He, to get me those second-grade copper-bone bamboos."

  After a while, the old man took out five purple-red bamboos from the inside. The surface of the bamboos had a metallic luster, and the joints were protruding and dark golden.

  "This is the second-grade copper-bone bamboo. It is a top-grade material for refining magic tools, especially flying swords. It can also be added to some special elixirs after being ground into powder."

  Manager He introduced.

  "If you buy copper-bone bamboo seedlings in other places, it will cost about 40 to 50 spirit stones. You have a cooperative relationship with the hall, so you can take 35 spirit stones for each plant."

  "Okay, I want all five."

  At this moment, Lu Xuan, who was wealthy, said generously.

  He handed Manager He 175 spirit stones and took over the five second-grade copper-bone bamboo seedlings.

  Baicao Hall was not far from the house, and moving there would not have much impact on the vitality of the copper-bone bamboo seedlings. In addition, the third-grade Shengsheng bag was quite eye-catching, so Lu Xuan put it directly in the cloth bag, said goodbye to the old man, and got up to go home.

  Wang's family.

  "Father, according to the news from the new secret realm, the family monks have begun to contact the core area of ​​the secret realm, but the restrictions inside are too strong, so the progress is quite slow."

  "Also, there is an extremely difficult evil spirit in the secret realm. It can put on the skin of a dead monk and disguise itself as an ordinary monk, causing many unnecessary casualties."

  The handsome young man Wang Chong'an bowed his head and reported to the head of the Wang family.

  "It seems that it is difficult for the family to enjoy the secret realm alone. You spread the news and invite other family forces in the market to participate, so that they can work together to break the restrictions of the secret realm and share a piece of the pie."

  "As for those evil spirits, aren't the spirit beasts raised by your two fellow disciples the best at discovering and pursuing evil spirits? Invite them to explore the secret realm together and clean up those evil spirits along the way."

  "Yes." Wang Chong'an replied respectfully.

  (End of this chapter)