
Chapter 78 - The Foundation of Life


  Hearing Lu Xuan's request, He Yuntong subconsciously refused.

  The method of refining spirit seeds, like the pill formula, is extremely valuable in Baicaotang and has never been circulated to the outside world.

  "You can change to something else. If it must be a spirit plant, when the hall needs to cultivate new second-grade spirit plants, I can decide to give you more cultivation qualifications."

  Lu Xuan shook his head. He wanted the second-grade spirit plants, but with the ability to cultivate high-grade spirit plants, it would naturally come to him. Compared with giving fish, he is more looking forward to teaching people how to fish.

  "Baicaotang can condense so many kinds of first- and second-grade spiritual seeds. I only need the method of producing one of the first-grade spiritual plants. My appetite is already small."

  "As for the method of condensing the spiritual seeds of Lingying grass, it's just a side effect."

  "Lingying grass is the most common basic material in Baicaotang. It is cultivated by many spiritual plant masters. Even if I plant more, it will not have much impact on the entire market."

  Lu Xuan said nonchalantly. In fact, he valued the method of condensing the spiritual seeds of Lingying grass more in his heart. After all, it has only been found that it can bring cultivation rewards. It would be best if he could master the method of producing seeds by himself.

  "What's more, I have three red cloud pine nuts in my hand, two of which are of top quality, and one is of perfect quality that is rare among thousands of nuts."

  "If Fellow Daoist He offers them to Senior Sister Xu from Lishan Sect and meets her needs for spiritual pets, it will definitely leave a deep impression on her and establish a deep relationship with her."

  "Senior Sister Xu comes from a famous and upright family. Whether it is cultivation or background, she is a first-class existence. It goes without saying that there are benefits to being on good terms with her."

  Lu Xuan's tone was full of temptation.

  He did not disclose the fact that he cultivated high-quality red cloud pine nuts to anyone. After the red-clothed girl left, He Yuntong from Baicaotang followed closely and wanted the remaining pine nuts in his hand as soon as he opened his mouth. Lu Xuan quickly figured out the source of the matter.

  Hearing Lu Xuan's words, He Yuntong's face was uncertain. She admitted that what Lu Xuan said made sense. Even if a casual spiritual plant master knew the method of condensing spiritual seeds, the number of spiritual plants he planted was extremely limited.

  And the next opportunity to please the disciples of the sect like this, I don't know when I will encounter it next time.

  "Okay, I agree to your terms."

  She hesitated again and again, but finally agreed.

  "But you have to make a vow that you must not spread the method of refining spirit seeds to the outside world without the permission of Baicaotang. The spirit seeds you condense can only be cultivated by yourself, and you must not use them to seek benefits."

  "That's what I should do."

  Lu Xuan agreed readily. These two conditions were nothing to him.

  He Yuntong took out a piece of talisman paper with black lines on a white background from her storage bag, and circulated her spiritual power. On the talisman paper, the tadpole-like black lines instantly flowed, and under the control of her spiritual consciousness, three lines of small black characters were formed.

  Then, the talisman paper bent and changed, forming a paper bird.

  With its wings spread, it soared into the sky and disappeared in a few breaths.

  A moment later, a middle-aged alchemist followed the bird formed by the talisman paper and found the location of Lu Xuan's courtyard.

  "Junior Brother He, I brought the jade slip you asked for. It has two methods of refining spirit seeds engraved inside. One is the first-grade blood jade ginseng spirit seed, and the other is the ungraded firefly grass spirit seed." The

  middle-aged alchemist handed He Yuntong a blue jade slip and said with his head down.

  "Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Zhang."

  He Yuntong nodded and took the jade slip.

  The middle-aged alchemist withdrew very tactfully.   

  "This is a jade slip for passing on skills. It already contains the method for refining the spirit seeds you need. Just put it on your forehead and the corresponding knowledge will be transferred to your mind. After absorbing it, the jade slip will lose its effect and destroy itself."

  "After you swear, you can trade immediately."

  Lu Xuan made a vow to the inner demon, took the jade slip for passing on skills from He Yuntong, and handed three red cloud pine nuts to her.

  The transaction was concluded, and He Yuntong and He Guanshi beside him did not stay for long and left first.

  Lu Xuan came to the house and carefully looked at the blue jade slip in his hand, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

  With the improvement of the level of life, it is difficult for cultivators to give birth to blood offspring, and the same is true for spiritual plants.

  The spirit seeds produced by wild spiritual plants are relatively rare. They need to be condensed by chance in a specific environment after the spiritual plants mature.

  After generations of observation, exploration, and experimentation, spiritual plant masters have gradually summarized the method of refining spirit seeds, which can condense spirit seeds in a targeted and quantitative manner and cultivate spiritual plants on a large scale.

  Lu Xuan was just a casual cultivator before. He gradually changed his fate after he got the white light ball by chance. He had never systematically studied the knowledge of spiritual plants, let alone practiced the methods of refining spiritual seeds that were tightly held in the hands of the sects and families.

  "This is the foundation of a spiritual plant master."

  He sighed, put the blue jade slip on his forehead, and probed into it with his spiritual consciousness.

  Suddenly, a large amount of information flowed into his sea of ​​consciousness like a river bursting its banks.

  The jade slip in his hand shattered silently, turning into dozens of pieces of broken jade and falling to the ground.

  After a while, he digested and absorbed the information that appeared in his mind.

  The timing, techniques, special tricks, etc. of refining spiritual seeds passed through his mind quickly like a horse-drawn tour.

  "With the method of refining the spiritual seeds of the firefly grass, if I leave the market and go to a new place in the future, I don't have to worry about not being able to find the spiritual seeds of the firefly grass."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly, and decided to leave some seeds for this batch of 120 firefly grasses when they matured, in case of emergency.

  As for the first-grade blood jade ginseng spirit seed, it seems to be more valuable than the spirit firefly grass spirit seed, but in fact it is just a bonus for Lu Xuan, and other first-grade spirit seeds can replace it.

  After absorbing the knowledge in his mind, Lu Xuan took out the book "Common Spiritual Plants and Their Treatment Methods" from the red-clothed girl.

  With the help of the dim candlelight, he read the book in his hand attentively. The

  more than one hundred spiritual plants and their picking and storage methods recorded in the classics are very useful to him now, and he can build a spiritual plant master system in a relatively systematic way.

  The various and strange methods of picking and storing spiritual plants opened his eyes.

  For a moment, he completely forgot the passage of time and immersed himself in the ocean of knowledge.

  On the bed, the cloud-stepping lynx curled up and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

  But every time Lu Xuan turned the book and heard a slight movement, the two tufts of gray hair on its pointed ears would shake gently, and it was very concerned about Lu Xuan's every move.

  It was not until midnight that Lu Xuan read through the book and closed his eyes to rest. The two tufts of hair on the tips of the lynx's ears naturally drooped down and remained motionless.

  Outside the house, the spiritual field was covered with thick white fog. The straw puppet walked tirelessly between the ridges of the spiritual field with its slender legs.

  (End of this chapter)