
Chapter 77 - Spirit Seed Condensation Method

  "As expected of a sect disciple, you are generous!"

  Hearing the compensation offered by the red-clothed girl, Lu Xuan secretly sighed in his heart.

  Although the red cloud pine nuts he gave to the four-eyed red goblin were of superior quality, they were much more valuable than ordinary pine nuts.

  But no matter how high they were, they were only first-grade spiritual plant materials, and their prices were cheaper than the first-grade magic tools and elixirs. Just exchanging for first-grade magic tools could earn a lot of spiritual stones, not to mention three first-grade Peiyuan pills.

  However, he had no interest in magic tools and pills.

  There were many first-grade and second-grade spiritual plants in the spiritual field. Any mature first-grade spiritual plant would not be less valuable than a first-grade magic tool. As for Peiyuan pills, he already had two bottles in his storage bag, so he was naturally not interested.

  "Although the magic tools and pills compensated by Daoyou are expensive, they are not what I need at the moment."

  Lu Xuan declined.

  "I don't like to practice, but I am obsessed with cultivating spiritual plants. If you have suitable spiritual seeds, or the techniques and books for cultivating spiritual plants, that would be great."

  "Spirit seeds? Techniques?"

  The girl in red lowered her head and thought. She usually only practiced the techniques and spells, and never got involved in spiritual plants. How could she have spiritual seeds on her?

  The techniques she practiced were mainly for killing, and she never thought of practicing low-level spells that could cultivate spiritual plants.

  "Got it!"

  She took out a dark yellow book from her storage bag.

  "This book is "Common Spiritual Plants and Their Treatment Methods". It records more than a hundred kinds of low-grade spiritual plants commonly seen in the cultivation world, as well as the corresponding picking techniques, storage methods, etc."

  "I was afraid that I would miss some spiritual medicine, so I kept it in the storage bag. I didn't expect it to be useful today."

  The girl in red stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly, and seeing Lu Xuan's puzzled expression, she continued.

  "It contains only some basic common sense, and does not involve any sect secrets. You can check it out without worry."

  "Okay, thank you very much, fellow Daoist."

  Lu Xuan responded quickly. He was born as a casual cultivator and had almost no foundation in spiritual plants. He could get to this point because of his control over the real-time status of spiritual plants in the spiritual field and the extra rewards of the white light ball.

  This spiritual plant book is only the most basic thing for sect cultivators, but it is particularly important to Lu Xuan, and it can make up for the lack of relevant knowledge.

  The value of the dark yellow book cannot be directly measured by spiritual stones, but one thing that is certain is that it is much greater than the red cloud pine nut that Lu Xuan took out.

  After Lu Xuan took the dark yellow book, the girl in red felt relieved. She glared at the four-eyed red goblin who sneaked out to ask for spiritual fruits. While chatting with Lu Xuan, she looked around.

  She was a little curious about Lu Xuan, who could grow high-quality red cloud pine nuts.

  A thick white fog spread over the spiritual field in the backyard, blocking the exploration of the red-clothed girl's spiritual consciousness.

  "Daoyou Lu, your dense fog array is quite extraordinary. It can actually block my spiritual consciousness."

  She casually scanned the mist-hidden maze and retracted her spiritual consciousness. After all, the owner of the spiritual field, Lu Xuan, was right in front of her, and she couldn't be too polite.

  "I can't help it. My own cultivation is ordinary, and all my wealth is in the spiritual field. In order to protect my family business, I had to buy this second-grade defense array."

  "Besides, the outbreak of evil spirits in the market some time ago was also a major reason why I had to buy it."

  Lu Xuan said lightly.

  "The market is like this. The safety of cultivators is not well guaranteed."

  "But Daoyou Lu has the means to cultivate spiritual plants, so maybe you can try to enter the sect."

  "The sect can provide you with an environment where you can plant with peace of mind, with a wide variety of spiritual seeds and spiritual veins with rich spiritual energy. Those large sects that rank at the top even have blessed lands, which are very suitable for spiritual plant masters like Daoyou Lu."

  "I'm just a casual cultivator with ordinary qualifications. How could a sect take me in?"

  Lu Xuan said self-deprecatingly. He couldn't help but be fascinated by what the red-clothed girl said.

  There were only a few foundation-building cultivators in Linyang Market, and growing a third-grade spiritual plant was almost Lu Xuan's limit.

  With conventional means, he could only grow the Qingmiao Spiritual Tea provided by Baicaotang, and he would need to find higher-grade spiritual seeds himself.   

  Only in the sect can one have the opportunity to obtain rare spiritual seeds and grow higher-grade spiritual plants.

  He took the opportunity to ask the girl in red about how to join the sect. After a conversation, the girl in red left with the satisfied four-eyed red goblin.

  Lu Xuan did not take out the remaining four red cloud pine nuts in his storage bag. The girl did not have what he wanted, so he planned to wait for a price to see if he could get it later. After

  putting the dark yellow book into the storage bag, Lu Xuan inspected the spiritual field and carefully cultivated the spiritual plants.

  "Lu boy? Are you home?"

  The loud voice of Manager He suddenly came from outside the courtyard gate.

  "I'm coming! What wind brought you here!"

  Lu Xuan smiled and replied loudly, and hurried forward to open the door. The thin old man entered the courtyard.

  What surprised Lu Xuan was that Manager He was followed by the granddaughter of the foundation-building alchemist, He Yuntong.

  "Fellow Daoist He."

  He greeted.

  "Daoyou Lu, I came to bother you today because I have something to ask for."

  He Yuntong said with a smile. Lu Xuan noticed that her attitude was much more sincere and enthusiastic than the two times he had met before.

  "I wonder if I can help you?"

  "Lu boy, have you cultivated a red cloud pine with good quality?"

  The old man next to him put down the spiritual tea in his hand and asked.


  Lu Xuan admitted.

  "Does Daoyou have any pine nuts of good or superior quality?"

  He Yuntong asked quickly, with a look of expectation.

  After the girl in red returned to the Wang family garden, she learned that the girl had exchanged a red cloud pine nut from Lu Xuan when she was talking to everyone. She

  paid attention to it in her heart. When she returned to Baicaotang, she asked Manager He to bring it to Lu Xuan's house, hoping to get another red cloud pine nut from him and give it to the girl in red to curry favor with her.

  Seeing her expression like this, Lu Xuan thought for a while and took out three red cloud pine nuts from his storage bag.

  "Two of them are of superior quality, and this one is of perfect quality?"

  He Yuntong said with eyes wide open, very surprised.

  The thin old man at the side looked at Lu Xuan, a look of relief appeared on his face.

  "What do you want?"

  He Yuntong quickly collected her emotions, looked at Lu Xuan, and asked softly.

  Lu Xuan took out three red cloud pine nuts, two of which were top-grade and one was perfect. She, who had been in charge of Baicaotang for a long time, immediately understood that Lu Xuan wanted to make a deal with her.

  "I want two methods of refining spirit seeds, one for the spirit firefly grass spirit seed, and the other for any grade of spirit seed."

  Lu Xuan said in a deep voice with a firm tone.

  The girl in red couldn't get things related to spirit plants, but it was not certain from He Yuntong.

  As far as he knew, Baicaotang had mastered many methods of refining spirit seeds, and this was what he had been thinking about and dreaming of.

   During the doubling period, I would like to ask for a monthly ticket, sob...

  (End of this chapter)