
Chapter 525 - No One Knows Spiritual Beasts Better Than Me

  "The spiritual beasts in the blessed land occasionally attack their own kind or cultivators, but not as frequently as this time."

  Huo Lin'er said solemnly.

  "There have been no less than ten such incidents in recent times."

  "Moreover, the spiritual beasts that have fallen into a state of rage have one thing in common: they have all entered the Black Demon Abyss not long ago."

  "Either they are used as vehicles, or they fight side by side with their fellow disciples to help break the formations and bans, and fight against evil beasts together."

  "That being said, it is indeed a bit abnormal."

  Lu Xuan nodded slightly.

  "The most important thing right now is that if we can't find the source of the chaos of the spiritual beasts, then it's not just the dozen or so spiritual beasts, but more importantly, the tens of thousands of spiritual beasts in the entire blessed land."

  "It may even affect the entire sect."

  Huo Lin'er told Lu Xuan the most serious consequences that the chaos of the spiritual beasts may lead to.

  "So, Senior Uncle Cangwu decided to invite several of the most famous fellow disciples who raise spiritual beasts in the sect, including you, Junior Brother Lu, of course."

  "Okay, without further ado, I will go with you, Senior Brother."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  The two quickly came to the formation hall and used the teleportation formation inside.

  Not long after, Lu Xuan landed on a familiar thick cloud, and several cloud houses in front of him were looming in the white clouds.

  "Nephew Lu, you are here."

  A familiar voice sounded in Lu Xuan's ears.

  Before the voice fell, Cangwu Zhenren, who was naked from the waist up and looked like he was made of fine iron, appeared in front of him with a smile on his face.

  "Hello, uncle."

  Lu Xuan bowed his head and clasped his fists in salute.

  "No need to be polite. I have to trouble you, nephew Lu this time."

  A light but irresistible spiritual power lifted Lu Xuan up.

  "It's my nephew's job."

  Lu Xuan said modestly.

  "Among the inner disciples invited this time, in addition to you, there are two others who have extremely deep attainments in spirit beasts. Nephew, please go into the cloud house and rest for a while."

  Lu Xuan nodded in agreement, and entered the largest cloud house in the middle with Huo Lin'er.

  The moment he entered the house, Lu Xuan felt slightly relaxed.

  After breaking through to the late stage of foundation building, he had not seen the Jindan Zhenren in the sect. He was inevitably a little uneasy, worried that after meeting, the Jindan Zhenren would see his true cultivation at a glance, which would bring unnecessary trouble.

  Fortunately, Qingqiu Yuyi's ability to isolate auras was good, and the Jindan Zhenren did not deliberately spy on Lu Xuan, so he successfully got away with it.

  "Brother Lu."

  As soon as he entered the house, a handsome young man came out to greet him. It was Sun Yun who had been staying in the blessed land to raise spirit beasts.

  When Lu Xuan just entered the blessed land of Wan Yao Ku, he was angry that the blessed land was controlled by him in the middle of the journey, so Sun Yun had some minor friction with him. However, after seeing Lu Xuan's attainments in spirit beasts and his friendship with several fifth-grade and sixth-grade guardian spirit beasts in the blessed land, he was convinced.

  "Brother Sun, are the dragon turtles, Qingqiu foxes and other spirit beasts in the blessed land safe?"

  Lu Xuan asked the handsome young man.

  "There is no abnormality in these guardian spirit beasts at present."

  "That's good."

  Lu Xuan was relieved and asked some simple questions about the spirit beast chaos.

  After a while, Cangwu Zhenren returned to the cloud house, followed by two inner disciples. One of them was burly, with knotted muscles, and the aura was like a ferocious monster.

  The other one had a cold temperament and gorgeous lines on his cheeks. His eyes fell on Lu Xuan. The four looked at each other, indifferent and ruthless like the pupils of a poisonous snake.

  "This is Lu Xuan, who has extremely high attainments in spirit plants and spirit beasts."   

  "Junior Brother Lu, this is Zhong Hao, who has a strong ability to communicate with spirit beasts."

  "This is Chen Luo, who has reached the perfect stage of foundation building. He likes to hunt and kill all kinds of monster beasts, dissect and study them, and knows many monster beasts like the back of his hand. He also has a secret healing technique."

  "Hello, two senior brothers."

  Lu Xuan greeted them with a smile.

  "I have long heard of Junior Brother Lu."

  Chen Luo nodded.

  "Junior Brother Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet you in the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave."

  "But with your attainments in spirit beasts, it would be unreasonable not to meet you."

  The burly Zhong Hao walked forward and patted Lu Xuan's shoulder very familiarly.

  The two had met several times before. They first met when they solved the obsession of Qingxuan Deer. Later, a pair of Chiyin beasts raised by Zhong Hao had a breeding problem. It was Lu Xuan who came forward to help solve it, and he also got a pair of Chilei Stones to solve the problem of cultivating the Falling Thunder Wood.

  Later, Lu Xuan was introduced to tame young spirit beasts such as lions and beasts, so they had a certain friendship.

  After the three of them arrived, Master Cangwu led them to a forbidden area.

  Inside the forbidden area, more than ten spirit beasts of different shapes were bound tightly by rope instruments, and each of them had a collar full of runes hanging around their necks.

  The spirit beasts' auras were not stable, and they seemed to be on the verge of exploding at any time. Their eyes were red, and the moment they saw Lu Xuan and the others, they roared one after another, and there was no trace of their previous domestication.

  Sensing the abnormality of the spirit beasts, the rope instruments lit up with a faint spiritual light, and deeply penetrated into the skin of the spirit beasts.

  "Nine disciples, who will try first?"

  "Let me do it. I am relatively good at communicating with spirit beasts. Let's see if I can hear something from them."

  Zhong Hao took the lead and walked to the front. His spiritual power surged, and he let out a beast roar, as if guiding the abnormal spirit beasts.

  After a while, he retreated, with a bit of dejection in his expression.

  Seeing that everyone was looking at him expectantly, he shook his head.

  "The roars of these spirit beasts are unclear, and I can't hear anything."

  "It seems that they are in a relatively confused state, not clear, and can't express what is happening to them."

  He reported to Master Cangwu.

  When he communicated with the spirit beasts, he could only roughly sense their thoughts, and it was difficult to understand the subtle situation of the spirit beasts with great accuracy.

  Now, these spirit beasts were in an abnormal state and could not express themselves clearly, which made his communication ability even more discounted.

  "Let me try."

  When Lu Xuan was about to step forward to try, Chen Luo, who had a cold temperament, took a step ahead of him.

  "I have raised all these spirit beasts and killed them all. I know their habits, physical characteristics, and strangeness very well."

  "No one knows them better than me."

  Chen Luo's tone was full of unquestionable confidence.

  A layer of spiritual light appeared on his palm, and he held down a demon beast and carefully explored and rubbed every part of its skin.

  Then, several white and tender alien insects drilled out from the back of his neck and drilled into the acupoints on the spirit beast's face.

  After a moment, they returned to Chen Luo's body.

  Chen Luo stood there, pondering for a moment, his expression showing a bit of thinking.

  "Junior Brother Chen, how is it?"

  "Everything inside the body is normal. I can't detect anything in the blood, organs, bones, flesh, etc."

  "It is basically certain that something has invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of these spirit beasts, but what exactly is it and how to find it, Junior Brother, I can't think of any way for the time being."

  (End of this chapter)

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