
Chapter 524 - Rebellion of Spiritual Beasts

  "It seems that I have to visit the underworld courtyard more often in the future."

  Lu Xuan returned to his original appearance, driving the Wind and Thunder Sword, and flying at high speed in the air.

  In the past, he only planted some underworld spiritual plants and took the time to visit them, but now it is different. There is a disaster-level evil spirit in the yard. Although it is still in its infancy, he is still worried that it will cause trouble.

  To be safe, he decided to visit the lower courtyard more often in the future.

  After a while, he passed through the protective formation and entered the sect.

  After passing through many restrictions and arriving at the inner sect, he slowed down his flying speed and slowly flew towards the cave.

  "Hello, Senior Brother Lu!"

  Two people came to greet Lu Xuan warmly, each riding on a spiritual crane.

  Because Lu Xuan had helped the spiritual crane solve the fertility problem of the entire tribe before, the tall spiritual cranes under them all chirped happily, as if blaming Lu Xuan for not finding them as a flying tool.

  Lu Xuan stopped the flying sword under his feet, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

  "Hello, two junior brothers."

  At the same time, he did not forget to nod to the two spiritual cranes.

  Although he usually behaved quite low-key, more and more inner disciples knew him, especially when they opened up a new blessed land together before, and met many fellow disciples in the Dan Palace and the Sword Hall. In addition, there was the task of exchanging monster corpses for Dust-Cleansing Pills and Sword-Raising Gourds some time ago, which made him quite famous in the sect.

  "Brother, just came back from outside the sect?"

  The two looked at the direction where Lu Xuan came from and guessed.

  "Yes, I went to the nearby Jianmen Town to deal with a batch of low-grade spiritual plants that were cultivated, and bought some food needed by spiritual beasts. The harvest was not bad."

  Lu Xuan said half-truthfully.

  "Haha, it's quite convenient to go to Jianmen Town from the sect."

  "By the way, Senior Brother Lu, is your task of exchanging for Dust-Cleansing Pills still valid?"

  The two asked the question they were most concerned about.

  "It is still effective at the moment, but I don't have many Dust Purifying Pills left. If you two want to exchange them, you'd better do it as soon as possible."

  "However, I still have a lot of sword-raising gourds that I cultivated myself. The quality is pretty good. They can also be an option."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  "Okay, thank you for your reminder, Senior Brother Lu. We will come to visit you in your cave as soon as possible."

  The two said goodbye and left.

  Lu Xuan stepped on the Wind and Thunder Sword and continued to slowly rush to the cave.

  His spiritual awareness far exceeded that of ordinary late-stage foundation-building cultivators. Even though he was already a long distance away from the two, he could still hear their whispers.

  "This Senior Brother Lu is just as the rumors say, kind and generous to others."

  "I heard that Senior Brother never goes out to explore secret realms or compete for opportunities. He stays in the cave and cultivates spiritual plants wholeheartedly. Even in the sect, not many fellow disciples have seen him."

  "Maybe not many have seen him, but there are quite a few who have heard of him. After all, Senior Brother Lu's attainments in the field of spiritual plants are well-known. He can be said to be the best person below the Jindan stage."

  "It's a good choice to have a place to stay in the sect with the ability to cultivate spiritual plants and live out the life in peace and stability."

  "Yes, those of us who often go out to explore secret realms may not be able to come back one day and die outside." "It's

  hard to say who is right or wrong, but only in this way can there be a chance of getting opportunities and living forever. To be a spiritual plant master, if you don't take the initiative to strive for it, then the road of cultivation can be seen at a glance."

  The two walked farther and farther away, and their voices gradually exceeded the range that Lu Xuan could hear.   

  "So in the eyes of my fellow disciples, I am a kind, enthusiastic and sincere spiritual plant master."

  "If they knew that I cultivated so many evil spiritual plants that feed on flesh and soul, and even raised a disaster-level evil spirit, I don't know how my image in their eyes would collapse."

  Lu Xuan's mouth curled up, thinking secretly in his heart.

  Back in the cave, he opened the Flowing Light Talisman Array, and the fat bird and a group of spiritual beasts rushed to surround him.

  He comforted them for a while, came to the spiritual field, and took out the black gold rock from the storage bag.

  The dark yellow rock was spread flat in the spiritual field, and countless tiny golden lights were dazzling.

  Lu Xuan's mind moved, and he performed the Earth Attraction Technique.

  The black gold rock is a fourth-grade spiritual ore with an extremely hard texture. However, after absorbing many experience packs and performing thousands of times, the Earth Attraction Technique he mastered has reached the master level. Slightly improving his spiritual power, he quietly changed the dark yellow rock.

  The rock and the structure of the spiritual soil below changed slightly and simply merged together.

  Lu Xuan laid a simple spirit gathering formation, slowly gathering the gold spiritual power in the black gold rock, and then planted the white bone killing sword grass into the black gold rock.

  The spiritual consciousness penetrated into the sword grass spiritual seed, and instantly entered a world of killing, with endless killing thoughts coming in waves.

  Lu Xuan embraced the origin and kept his mind clear. The bright sword heart in the sea of ​​consciousness rotated rapidly, comprehending the killing sword intent.

  After his mind showed a trace of fatigue, he withdrew and patrolled the spiritual field to observe the growth status of the spiritual plants.

  From time to time, according to their subtle needs, he accurately performed the basic techniques of cultivating spiritual plants such as the spiritual rain technique and the wood growth technique, or provided them with the five elements of spiritual power, sword energy and sword intent, etc., to ensure their different growth needs.

  In this way, after cultivating the spiritual plants in the cave for a period of time, the sect's true disciple Huo Lin'er came to the door.

  "Junior Brother Lu, I haven't seen you for a while. Your spiritual plants have grown more beautifully."

  Huo Lin'er followed Lu Xuan to the small courtyard halfway up the mountain.

  "Brother Huo, thank you for your praise. I wonder what you want to talk to me about?"

  Lu Xuan asked as he brewed a pot of steaming spiritual tea for the boy in a fiery red robe.

  "I do have something to talk to you about. It's related to the Wan Yao Ku Fudi that you have been in charge of for more than half a year."

  Huo Lin'er's face straightened and he said in a solemn tone.

  "What happened in the Wan Yao Ku Fudi?"

  Lu Xuan asked, with a bit of urgency in his voice.

  In the Fudi, there are two spiritual beasts, Xuantian Luan Bird and Little White Ape, who have been friends for many years, as well as a group of spiritual beasts such as lions and beasts that have been domesticated for a short time. In it, he also met the old dragon turtle, a cross-species friend of different ages, and the mysterious and sincere old fox. Naturally, Lu Xuan is very concerned.

  "Recently, there have been many cases of spirit beasts in the blessed land actively attacking their own kind or sect monks."

  "This should be relatively common, right?"

  Lu Xuan looked puzzled. According to his previous experience in managing the blessed land of the Ten Thousand Demons Cave, although there are not many cases of spirit beasts suddenly becoming violent and bloodthirsty, this situation still occurs from time to time.

  There are usually three ways to deal with this kind of spirit beasts. For

  the mildest ones, they will be tamed for a period of time to completely subdue the spirit beasts. For those who

  attack more than once and injure other spirit beasts or sect monks, they will be directly suppressed and put in solitary confinement until they get better. For the

  most serious cases, those who refuse to change after repeated warnings and even cause heavy casualties, they will be killed in one fell swoop, or put in the forbidden area for live spirit beast experiments.

  (End of this chapter)

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