
Chapter 511 - I can tell at a glance that you are not human

  Without the protection of the formation, Duobao Tower, as the last piece of pure land in the ghost den, was instantly assimilated by the dense Yin Qi. It

  completely became a world of Yin Qi.

  Lu Xuan felt a trace of Yin and cold breath trying to merge into his body.

  A Yunshan Jade Scroll appeared on his waist, purifying all the Yin Qi lingering around him, protecting his body from Yin Qi contamination.

  The situation was extremely chaotic, and Lu Xuan Wuxia went to contact Brother Ge Pu, intending to escape from this ghost den first. The

  green shoes on his feet emerged with green light, and he followed behind the fastest more than ten or twenty powerful monks, and quickly rushed to the edge of the ghost den.

  The ghost den was full of paper figures and Yin objects.

  Lu Xuan looked up suddenly, and a paper house about ten feet long and wide fell from the sky. There were flowers, birds, insects and fish painted on the paper house. There was an amazing suction force coming from it, and it was about to suck him in.

  A few feet away, a pale paper monkey flew towards him lightly, seemingly slowly but actually fast, and arrived in front of Lu Xuan in an instant.

  Lu Xuan remained calm in the face of danger, and ten flaming red stone beads appeared in front of him. They were the third-grade explosive flame beads that came out of the flaming fruit.

  He had already noticed that the paper man Yin object was extremely difficult to deal with, so he used ten at once.

  Ten flaming red stone beads fanned into the paper house from the bottom. With a thought, a red flame shot up into the sky, burning the paper house to black ash.

  Lu Xuan held the Wind and Thunder Sword, and the black wind whistled, with infinite subtle sword energy inside, and arcs jumped and rolled towards the paper monkey.

  The pale monkey maintained a creepy smile and allowed his body to be pierced by the wind and thunder sword energy.

  Lu Xuan snorted coldly. Among the many sword techniques, he was most immersed in the "Wind and Thunder Sword Sutra" and absorbed the most sword experience packages. In addition, the fourth-grade Wind and Thunder Sword itself was quite good, and it was integrated with the Xunlei Sword Pills obtained earlier, which complemented the "Wind and Thunder Sword Sutra" and was considered the most powerful of his conventional methods.

  As expected, under the impact of countless sword energy, the pale ape's body turned into countless fragments, and no new paper figures condensed for a long time.

  Lu Xuan thought he had dealt with the ape and was about to leave when he immediately noticed that countless paper figure fragments turned into long and thin paper strips on the spot, like countless strange insects, attacking Lu Xuan from all directions.

  "It's really difficult."

  Lu Xuan sighed, and a red talisman silently slid into his palm.

  The spiritual power stimulated the Great Sun Sword Talisman, and the sword energy in the middle of the talisman was as bright as a scorching sun. The thick yin energy in the ghost den sizzled, as if the snow on a sunny day was melting rapidly.

  The strange insect paper tape sensed something was wrong and was about to retreat when countless red sword qi burst out like the light emitted by the scorching sun. The sword was so powerful that it chopped all the strange insects into nothingness.

  Lu Xuan thus got a chance to catch his breath and quickly left the ghost den.

  His cultivation was average, and the only paper evil spirits that were targeting him were the paper house and the pale ape. He successfully came out of the ghost den.

  As soon as he appeared, he had no time to relax. The mud and rocks under his feet quickly softened, and a passage that could only accommodate one person appeared. Lu Xuan's body was covered with a layer of dark yellow spiritual light, and he drilled into the mud and rocks and disappeared.

  After a while, Lu Xuan, who had consumed a lot of spiritual power, emerged from the soil. After his

  spiritual consciousness scanned the surroundings and confirmed that it was relatively safe, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  "It was a correct decision to practice the Great Five Elements Kung Fu. The five elements escape techniques in it are really suitable for me."

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart. A long and thin crack appeared in the sky above his head. The Void Nightmare Eyes centered on him and kept wandering around, observing whether there were any traces of evil spirits or monks. The

  fourth-grade magic weapon Qingfu Lu under his feet emitted spiritual light. He chose a direction, used the Floating Light Body Technique, and quickly shuttled through the jungle.

  After nearly half an hour, Lu Xuan stopped and recovered most of the spiritual power in his Dantian.

  "I have been running for so long, I should be safe now."

  He restrained his breath and swallowed a pill to restore his spiritual power.

  "Fellow Daoist, fellow Daoist."   

  After a short rest, a hurried voice came from behind.

  Lu Xuan turned around and saw that it was the female cultivator of the Hehuan Sect who had traded with him before, the cultivator named Fan.

  At this moment, she was in a very embarrassed state. I don't know if her clothes were caught by the trees, revealing large patches of snow-white, bright red, and black parts that were looming and very tempting.

  "Fan Daoyou, stop it."

  Lu Xuan shouted softly.

  "You and I have only met once. In this case, it is better to keep a safe distance from each other."

  Hearing this, the female cultivator named Fan stopped and gently patted her sweaty body, panting rapidly.

  "Daoyou, you have made a big deal with me for tens of thousands of spirit stones. Why are you so indifferent and ruthless?"

  "Trading is trading. In this wilderness, even fellow disciples should be wary of each other, let alone people who have only met once?"

  Lu Xuan said coldly.

  "Daoyou, I finally escaped from the evil spirits. I have used up all my magic tools, talismans, and elixirs. Now the evil spirits are everywhere. It is difficult for a weak woman like me to survive in such a situation." "

  I wonder if I can rely on you, Daoyou. I have learned the secret art of love. I can let you take my essence and get endless pleasure while improving my spiritual power. As long as you are willing to protect me, I will be at your disposal."

  The female cultivator surnamed Fan said with her head down, her fingers tightly pinching the corner of her clothes. She seemed to think of something, and a faint blush appeared on her face, which made people love her.

  Seeing that Lu Xuan did not react, she showed off her graceful figure and slowly approached Lu Xuan.

  "Okay, then you stay with me for a while."

  Lu Xuan seemed to be infected by her pitiful appearance and said softly.

  When the female cultivator got closer and was about to thank Lu Xuan,

  suddenly, with a crashing sound, the sword energy like a huge wave swept over, and in the incredible eyes of the female cultivator, she was overturned.

  The curvy body of the female cultivator surnamed Fan was shattered into countless pieces in the blink of an eye, revealing the paper figurine skin that was shattered by the sword energy.

  "Hehe, how can you be so heartless?"

  Lu Xuan jumped back, and another fourth-grade Great Sun Sword Talisman appeared in his hand.

  "Bold evil spirit, I can tell at a glance that you are not human!"

  Countless red sword energy shot out, slashing the already shattered paper figurine skin into powder and turning it into nothingness. The

  Roaring Sea Sword Talisman attacked by surprise, and the Great Sun Sword Talisman, which had a certain restraining effect on evil spirits, completely killed it. Under the effect of the two fourth-grade sword talismans, the female cultivator who was possessed by the paper figurine evil spirit was easily killed in one encounter.

  "I have been observing the surroundings for so long, but I haven't seen any cultivators. It's really suspicious that they suddenly appeared out of nowhere."

  "More importantly, it's not easy for me, a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building, to escape from the ghost den. I used the Five Elements Escape Technique and the fourth-grade Qingfu Shoes magic weapon to escape here."

  "You are a female cultivator who is good at the Yin-Yang Harmony Technique. It's okay for you to escape from the ghost den, but your speed is faster than mine?"

  "How is it possible..."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly as he looked at the female cultivator who was completely transformed into nothingness in the countless sword qi.

  (End of this chapter)

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