
Chapter 482 - Mutated Fire Spirit

  "Now I'm quite wealthy."

  Lu Xuan comprehended the several fourth-grade sword tactics and sword formations he practiced, and came back to his senses, and couldn't help but sigh.

  Considering the harvest from the spiritual plant light group in the underworld, he currently has many fifth-grade magic tools and treasures.

  Void Nightmare Eyes, "Pure Yang True Fire Scroll", Soul Containment Post, "Shen Yan Jing", Gluttonous Insect Capsule, Holy Infant Pill, Illusionary Five Elements Formation, Thorn God Awl, Mirage Sound Orb, Qingfei Feather Clothes, and the Transparent Sword Heart he just got.

  There are eleven of them, even the Jindan Zhenren in a large sect like Tianjian Sect may not be more wealthy than Lu Xuan.

  "Unfortunately, there are not many that can be used to fight and kill the enemy. There are only a few kinds of "Pure Yang True Fire Talisman", "Spiritual Awl", "Mirage Sound Orb", and the illusion of the void nightmare can also play a good effect."

  Lu Xuan sighed. Previously, in the early stage of foundation building and even in the stage of Qi training, he cultivated many fourth-grade spiritual plants, and the light ball rewards received a lot of bonuses. He got many fifth-grade magic tools, treasures, and skills by crossing the level. Now that he has broken through to the late stage of foundation building, he may not have such good benefits.

  "But fortunately, there are still many fifth-grade and sixth-grade spiritual plants, and the light ball rewards will only be better."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart, and was extremely fortunate that he had tried his best to get various high-grade spiritual plants.

  He returned to the small courtyard, raised the several spiritual beasts in the cave, and then went into the house to start practicing.

  After a few days, he was concerned about the recent situation of the Black Demon Abyss Secret Realm, so he came to the General Affairs Hall where the largest number of fellow disciples were.

  There are various sects or personal tasks here. From the requirements of those tasks, you can get a glimpse of the leopard and feel the invisible changes in the cultivation world.

  At the same time, there are a large number of fellow disciples in the General Affairs Hall, and you can get a lot of dynamics from the sects and even the cultivation world.

  Lu Xuan restrained his cultivation and stood quietly in the corner of the General Affairs Hall.

  Looking up, he saw various tasks flashing on a wall of the hall. Lu Xuan keenly noticed that many of the tasks invited fellow disciples to kill monsters and evil spirits. In addition, the demand for healing and soul-restoring elixirs, as well as magic tools and talismans was obviously much higher than usual.

  "It seems that the cultivation world is not peaceful."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

  He poured a trace of spiritual power into his ears and listened quietly to the discussions of his fellow disciples around him.

  "Have you heard about a big event that happened a while ago? A very evil monster was slaughtering people in a city affiliated to our sect. In the end, it was solved by several true disciples in the sect."

  "It's worthy of being a true disciple of the half-step Jindan stage. It can actually destroy the evil monster of the disaster level."

  "Alas, the cultivation world has not been very peaceful recently. When I returned to the sect not long ago, I heard that there was a market for casual cultivators where thousands of casual cultivators were sacrificed alive. I don't know where the evil monster came from."

  "Not only that, I have a good friend whose elder is the sword hall master uncle, who has the cultivation level of the middle stage of foundation building. As a result, he accidentally died during an encirclement and suppression of evil monsters."

  "Hiss... The sword hall master uncle who was in the middle stage of foundation building is dead?!" "

  It should be true."

  "What are you worried about? If the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up. The cultivation world has long become a stagnant pool. Only when there is a shocking turmoil will we have a chance to compete for a chance and make a leap into the sky."

  "That makes sense. How many people with mediocre qualifications have seized similar opportunities and changed their fate..."

  Everyone was talking about it.

  Lu Xuan looked calm, and had a certain understanding of the current situation in the outside world.

  "Defying fate and changing destiny? If it were that easy, it wouldn't be called defying fate."

  He sighed secretly, not caring about the thoughts of most of his fellow disciples.

  Perhaps some Qi training disciples would gain great opportunities from the turbulent cultivation world, but that was also gained by stepping on the bones of countless unfortunate people.

  Under the huge waves, the Qi training disciples couldn't even stir up a single wave.

  "Fortunately, I have the light ball, so I don't need to risk my life to compete with countless cultivators for that little bit of illusory opportunity."

  He returned to the cave with a lot of emotion in his heart.

  "Hang on, you must hang on."   

  "I'm just an ordinary spiritual plant master. Killing evil monsters has nothing to do with me."

  "Just stay in the sect. Unless there is a danger of exterminating the sect, there is no need to go out and take risks."

  Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Although Lu Xuan just wanted to stay in the sect quietly, trouble still came to him.

  Half a month later, a fiery red communication talisman flew outside the cave.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual power was stimulated, and Huo Lin'er's familiar voice came from inside.

  "Junior Brother Lu, are you in the cave? Uncle Qingxu has something to ask you."

  Lu Xuan frowned slightly, and had no choice but to come to the cave where True Man Qingxu was. True

  Man Qingxu was a mid-stage Jindan cultivator and the owner of the Pure Glazed Tea spiritual plant. In order to comprehend a powerful technique, he entrusted the spiritual tea to Lu Xuan for cultivation.

  He came to a huge cave with a misty fairy air.

  Entering the cave, under the guidance of an inner disciple, he came to where True Man Qingxu was.

  "Disciple Lu Xuan, I pay my respects to Uncle Qingxu."

  Lu Xuan respectfully saluted an old man with a long beard.

  "Nephew Lu, no need to be polite."

  The old man smiled slightly.

  Lu Xuan looked up and glanced at Huo Lin'er, who was wearing a fiery red robe next to the old man.

  "Nephew Lu, I wonder how my Pure Glazed Tea is going?"

  The old man's huge sleeves fluttered like waves, and it seemed that gusts of cool breeze were surging from his body.

  "Uncle, the spiritual tea was placed in a broken secret place by my nephew for cultivation. It is growing well now."

  "That's good. Thank you for your hard work, nephew."

  "I called you here this time because I have something to ask you."

  "Recently, the sect found a mutated spiritual plant in a family that is dependent on our sect."

  "Several old guys took a look together, but they couldn't see what it was. I heard that my nephew Lu has extraordinary attainments in spiritual plants, so I called you over to take a look."

  "That family has a high status in our sect and produces a large number of cultivation resources needed by the sect. It is of great importance. Please observe and identify it carefully."

  True Man Qingxu said solemnly.

  "My nephew will do his best."

  Lu Xuan promised.

  Seeing this, the old man nodded to Huo Lin'er, who had been silent beside him.

  Huo Lin'er quickly took out a Ganoderma lucidum from his storage bag.

  The Ganoderma lucidum was red, as if there were flames flowing in its branches and leaves.

  Lu Xuan noticed with his sharp eyes that on the surface of the Ganoderma lucidum, there were black and red thin lines, swimming inside the Ganoderma lucidum like fish. Wherever it passed, strands of flames gathered towards it and merged into the thin lines.

  "This is a Fire Spirit Ganoderma, a third-grade spiritual plant, which contains pure fire spirit aura. It is the main material for refining many third-grade and fourth-grade elixirs. It can also assist in practicing fire-related magic and has a wide range of uses."

  "However, recently, the cultivators in that family discovered that these mysterious black and red thin lines appeared in the body of the Fire Spirit Ganoderma. The origin is unknown, and they are slowly absorbing the vitality of the Ganoderma lucidum."

  "No matter how hard we try, we can't get rid of these thin lines. In desperation, we can only send it to the sect as quickly as possible and ask for help."

  (End of this chapter)

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