
Chapter 445 - Dragon Turtle


  Lu Xuan opened his eyes with difficulty, only to feel a splitting headache. He had no memory of what happened before. His

  spiritual consciousness slowly seeped in, and his mind gradually became clear.

  "The monkey wine brewed by the sixth-grade old ape is really too strong, even my physique in the middle stage of foundation building can't stand it."

  Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Xuan felt a little uncomfortable, as if there was a layer of shell wrapped around him.

  Looking carefully, every part of his limbs, torso, neck, etc. was covered with a thin layer of stratum corneum.

  He shook his spiritual power lightly, and the thin stratum corneum suddenly shattered into countless powders.

  A deep black sword light gushed out of his fingertips, and the black wind whistled, rolling the powder and falling outside the house.

  "So light."

  He felt his body was lighter than ever before, and there was no impurity in his flesh and blood.

  "I didn't expect the old ape's monkey wine to have the effect of washing the marrow and cutting the meridians."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

  "I wonder if I can get it."

  Such a thought subconsciously emerged in his mind.

  At present, the only spiritual wine he has is the hundred-fruit spiritual juice. Although the taste is varied and extremely wonderful, it is time to enrich the variety of spiritual wine and change the taste.

  "The monkey wine should have special materials and even special brewing techniques. The possibility of getting it from the old ape is very small. Maybe we can take a roundabout route and find a way to get the spiritual fruit for brewing monkey wine from it. After planting it, we can see if the light ball can reveal the secret recipe of spiritual wine."

  His mind was full of thoughts.


  "Are you awake?"

  A crisp roar came from his ears.

  Lu Xuan looked in the direction of the sound and saw the white jade monkey quietly staying in the corner, staring at him closely.

  After finding that there was nothing wrong with Lu Xuan's body, the worry in the crystal red jade eyes dissipated.

  "Little white ape, have you been guarding me all the time?"

  Lu Xuan felt a little guilty. This white jade monkey had been guarding him after he was drunk, but he was thinking about its spiritual wine after he woke up.

  Damn it...

  The thought flashed through his mind, and his desire for the rare spirit wine immediately overcame the guilt in his heart.

  He stretched his body, and his bones made crackling sounds. He

  walked out of the house, and walked slowly on the clouds with a little bit of drunkenness left, and the little white ape followed closely behind him.

  After walking for a while, Sun Yun came towards him from afar.

  When he saw Lu Xuan, he was about to avoid him, but he saw the white jade little ape behind him.

  The moment he saw the white jade sky-supporting ape, Sun Yun's pupils couldn't help but dilate.

  He has been in the blessed land of the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave for decades, and he is naturally familiar with the little spirit beast in front of him.

  But what he couldn't figure out was how could the descendant of the sixth-grade guardian spirit beast follow Lu Xuan obediently?

  "Hello, Junior Brother Lu."

  With such doubts, he greeted Lu Xuan as he passed by, but his eyes were all on the white jade little ape.

  It was indeed the violent ape in the blessed land that suppressed all the spirit beasts!


  Lu Xuan nodded at him and passed by him. The white jade monkey seemed not to notice him and followed Lu Xuan past Sun Yun.

  The man and the beast came to the huge mountain where the monkey lived.

  On the top of the mountain, the huge old ape was sitting on a protruding flat boulder.

  In front of him was a set of celadon tea sets, with a brilliant aura. He held an ancient book in his hand, and his mind was completely immersed in the book.   

  "Senior, thank you for the cup of spiritual wine you gave me yesterday. I benefited a lot from it."

  When Lu Xuan saw the old ape put down the book and picked up the spiritual tea, he stepped forward and expressed his gratitude to it.

  "A little spiritual wine is nothing."

  "But you can recover from the effects of monkey wine in less than a day. Your spiritual consciousness and physical body are pretty good."

  A trace of admiration flashed in the old ape's eyes.

  "I accidentally got a body refining technique. I practiced for a long time and my physical body has improved a lot."

  Lu Xuan said vaguely.

  "Senior, this is the hundred fruit spiritual juice I brewed. It is brewed with dozens of spiritual fruits and has a variety of flavors."

  "Also, these are some fairy peach spiritual fruits. They are fragrant and crispy, and contain rich spiritual power. Please taste them, senior."

  He took out a pot of hundred fruit spiritual juice and some third-grade fairy peaches from his storage bag.

  The old ape gave him a precious monkey wine, so he naturally had to reciprocate.

  "Hundred Fruit Spiritual Juice? Such a familiar name. I remember it seemed to be the unique spiritual juice of a certain Jindan Zhenren in the sect. The old deer liked it very much and always drank it. I didn't expect you to brew it." The

  old ape's tone was somewhat nostalgic.

  It poured the spiritual juice into the teacup and took a sip, feeling the spiritual juice with the fragrance of many spiritual fruits changing and exploding in its mouth.

  "Not bad, it tastes like what I remember, and it seems to be even better."

  It nodded gently and commented on the Hundred Fruit Spiritual Juice.

  Lu Xuan's mouth curled up. This Hundred Fruit Spiritual Juice itself is extremely difficult to brew. After brewing it, he put it in the Drunken Immortal Gourd for a long time to nourish it, and the quality of the spiritual juice was further improved. After

  completing the feeding procedure, looking at the sixth-grade guardian spirit beast Baiyu Qingtian Ape sitting in front of him, Lu Xuan couldn't suppress his curiosity, and his mind quietly focused on the old ape.

  A thought flashed through his mind.

  [Baiyu Qingtian Ape, a sixth-grade spirit beast, the guardian spirit beast of the Tianjian Sect, has an extremely strong body and has the ability to move mountains and seas. ]

  [It has a violent and aggressive temperament. Once it falls into a frenzy state, its strength will increase terribly, but it will also cause chaos in its spiritual intelligence, and it will not distinguish between enemies and friends. ]

  [Cultivating one's character...]

  [The world is so beautiful, it shouldn't be so violent...]

  "A sixth-grade spirit beast, it is estimated to have the strength of the middle and late stages of the Jindan stage, it's really terrifying..."

  "It is as fierce and aggressive as the little monkey, but it doesn't have a violent temperament at all."

  Lu Xuan couldn't connect the elegant and easy-going old ape in front of him with the word violent.

  After learning the detailed information about the old ape, he and the little monkey sat obediently beside the old ape.

  "Senior ape, I just came to the blessed land of the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave, and I don't know much about the spirit beasts inside. Can you give me a brief introduction?"

  He asked the old ape respectfully.


  "There are many spirit beasts in the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave, all of which are raised by the Tianjian Sect. Most of them are second- and third-grade, and there are also quite a few fourth-grade spirit beasts. Their strength is already among the best in the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave."

  "In addition, there are five fifth- and sixth-grade spirit beasts equivalent to the Jindan realm."

  "I am one of them." "

  Among the remaining four, there is a pair of Xuantian Luan birds, which are the parents of the little Luan bird that often plays with the little ape."

  "They are all fifth-grade spirit beasts. A few years ago, they were taken to a cave by the sect's supreme elder to help break the mysterious restrictions of the cave."

  "In addition, there are two spirit beasts, one is a dragon turtle that has lived for thousands of years, and it is also sixth-grade."

  "There is also an old fox, fifth-grade strength, who has always been a loner and has a solitary and eccentric personality. You may not see it for another few decades."

  (End of this chapter)

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