
Chapter 441 - The Thigh of the Thigh

  "My fellow brothers and sisters, I am fortunate to have participated in the alchemy exchange meeting today. I have benefited a lot from it and learned a lot from you. I am very grateful."

  After everyone finished the exchange, Lu Xuan stood up and said sincerely.

  "I am still a newcomer in alchemy, but I still have some confidence in cultivating spiritual plants."

  "If you get spiritual plants that you are not sure you can cultivate, you can entrust me to cultivate them. I guarantee success."

  "The more bizarre and rare the spiritual plants are, the better. I like spiritual plants that are a bit challenging."

  "In addition, if you accidentally get some unknown spiritual seeds, you can also come to me to exchange for other treasures, or buy spiritual stones and sword seals. The price will not disappoint you."

  Lu Xuan said enthusiastically, mixing with several alchemy masters.

  The Alchemy Hall is the richest force in the Tianjian Sect, and these fellow disciples are the most outstanding alchemists in the Alchemy Hall.

  Most of the spiritual stones in the hall are in the hands of these few alchemy masters. Who knows, some rare and precious spiritual seeds will be sent to Lu Xuan one day.

  When several people heard what Lu Xuan said, they all agreed.

  Spiritual plant masters and alchemists are a match made in heaven.

  Lu Xuan returned to the cave with the promises of several people.

  He came to the spiritual field and cultivated spiritual plants for half a day without realizing it.

  A red light flashed, and Huo Lin'er, wearing a bright red robe, appeared outside the formation on the mountainside.

  "Brother Huo Lin'er, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing recently?"

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan hurriedly opened the Liuguang Fu formation and let Huo Lin'er, the true disciple, in.

  "Junior brother Lu, I saw you planting spiritual plants as soon as I came!"

  Huo Lin'er smiled on his tender face and said in a mature manner.

  Lu Xuan led him into the courtyard and brought spiritual fruit and spiritual tea.

  "Junior brother, your spiritual fruit and spiritual tea tastes good."

  Huo Lin'er tasted the spiritual fruit and praised.

  "I came here today to find you, junior brother."

  He straightened his expression and said seriously.

  "Please speak, senior brother." Lu Xuan said in a deep voice.

  "As far as I know, Junior Brother seems to have a close relationship with the descendants of the two guardian spirit beasts of the sect?"

  Huo Lin'er asked. When he was helping Lu Xuan to kill the evil cultivator, he encountered the White Jade Sky-supporting Ape and the Mysterious Sky Phoenix Bird fighting against the evil cultivator.

  Although the two spirit beasts were of extremely high rank, they were still in the growth stage, so they usually stayed in the sect and rarely went out.

  However, Lu Xuan was able to invite the two spirit beasts out to join forces to fight against the evil cultivator, which shows the friendship between the two.

  "Yes, I do have some friendship with the white ape and the phoenix bird."

  Lu Xuan told the truth without any intention of hiding anything.

  When dealing with the evil cultivator behind the Holy Infant Fruit that day, the figures of the white ape and the phoenix bird were not only seen by Huo Lin'er, but also by the two true disciples Ge Pu and Zhong Jingshan, so there was no need to hide the relationship with the white ape and them.

  "A long time ago, when I was picking spiritual fruits in the cave, the white ape and the phoenix were attracted by the spiritual fruits I planted, so I gave them some to taste."

  "From then on, we became friends because of the spiritual fruits. After a few visits, we gradually became familiar with each other and became friends of different races."

  He said half-truthfully.

  "This time, I came here to have a certain relationship with them."   

  Huo Lin'er continued.

  "The White Jade Sky-supporting Ape and the Mysterious Sky Luan Bird are both the sect's guardian spirit beasts, and they are the highest grade ones."

  "Those spirit beasts have many uses. Spirit beasts with outstanding bloodlines and strong strength can protect the sect's safety. Ordinary guardian spirit beasts can be used to guard the sect's dangerous places, become large long-distance vehicles, seal evil demons, etc."

  "Most of the time, they live in a blessed land in the sect, and only leave the blessed land when they are needed. The blessed land naturally includes the elders of the white ape and the Luan Bird."

  "They all have the strength of a Jindan Zhenren."

  Huo Lin'er added.

  Lu Xuan was secretly shocked. The White Jade Sky-supporting Ape and the Mysterious Sky Luan were already its thighs, but there were even more powerful elders behind them? Isn't that the thigh of the thigh?

  "The blessed land is usually managed by a Jindan uncle. Recently, that uncle has something to do and is about to go out. The other uncles are either traveling around, practicing in seclusion, or being entangled in trivial matters. In the end

  , no one is looking after the blessed land." "Originally, the blessed land was managed by the true disciples, but the true disciples who stayed in the sect were not good at dealing with spirit beasts, so I recommended you to the uncle."

  Huo Lin'er said slowly.

  "Brother, do you want me to raise a sect-protecting spirit beast with the strength of a Jindan Zhenren?"

  Lu Xuan couldn't help asking.

  "Spirit beasts are raised by special people. The elders of white apes have a very high degree of freedom. What I have to do is to keep an eye on them. If they do something against the rules, I will discipline them a little."

  "Even a fourth-grade sect-protecting spirit beast can execute your orders very well."

  Lu Xuan heard this and lowered his head to think about the gains and losses.

  The "gains" are obvious. Being able to show up in front of the Jindan uncle may leave a good impression and gain a lot of opportunities.

  As for the "loss", although Lu Xuan was confident that he could learn the detailed status of the spirit beasts and raise them according to local conditions, he was not confident enough when facing the spirit beasts with the strength of the Jindan.

  Under the huge gap in strength, even if he knew the detailed situation of the spirit beasts, it would be useless. They might not accept the restraint obediently.

  If there was any mistake, Lu Xuan would be hard to escape the blame.

  "Brother Huo, my cultivation is average. There is a fellow disciple named Zhong Hao in the sect. His cultivation is higher than mine. He is in the late stage of foundation building and has unique skills in raising spirit beasts. He may be more suitable than me to take care of the sect's spirit beasts."

  He pondered for a moment and suggested to Huo Lin'er.

  "Hahaha, Junior Brother Lu, you two have the same idea."

  "Another senior brother has asked Junior Brother Zhong, and he told me that Junior Brother Zhong, who is good at raising spirit beasts, highly recommends you, Junior Brother Lu, and directly said that your level of raising spirit beasts is far below yours."

  After the burly monk Zhong Hao found the mysterious color-eating insect and helped him solve the problem of breeding the pair of Yin-chiring beasts, he was completely impressed by Lu Xuan's level of raising spirit beasts.

  "This Zhong Hao, what big truths are you talking about."

  Lu Xuan heard this and sighed secretly.

  "Junior Brother Lu, don't worry, the spirit beasts have been completely domesticated by the sect, even if they have some characteristics, it is harmless.

  Therefore, it is not difficult to manage the blessed land and watch over them. If you do it well, you may get a great opportunity. Senior Brother also believes in your level of raising spirit beasts, so he tried his best to recommend you to the uncle who has reached the stage of Jindan."

  Huo Lin'er probably guessed Lu Xuan's inner worries and comforted him.

  "Okay, then I'll go to the blessed land and if it works, I'll temporarily take charge of the secret realm. If I don't have the ability, I'll have to decline."

  Lu Xuan finally made up his mind and said fiercely.

  "Isn't it just about raising a big thigh? I can raise a small one, but I can't raise a big one?"

  Not only do I have to hug a big thigh, I also have to hug the thigh of the big thigh!

  He thought to himself.

  (End of this chapter)

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