
Chapter 422 - The Path to the Harem of the Scabbard

  "How could this happen?"

  A trace of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the sinister young man.

  This was not the first time he entered the sword pool, but it was unheard of for a sword to throw itself into his arms, not to mention witnessing it with his own eyes.

  Even if it was Jian Wuxia, a true disciple with an innate sword body, the swords in the sword pool would only behave obediently in front of her, and would not be sent to her on their own initiative.

  "Is it really the sword that chooses its master?"

  He looked puzzled, and said secretly in his heart.

  As a genius of the sword of the Tianjian Sect, he came to the sword pool, used the sword, and said harsh words, but was suddenly intercepted by a spiritual plant master!

  This made him, who had always been proud, unable to accept it.

  "Since this sword has fallen into the hands of Junior Brother Lu, I can only give up and say goodbye."

  The sinister young man snorted coldly, turned his head and entered the subtle sword energy in the sky, and disappeared in a few moments.

  There was no way. If the sword was still ownerless at the beginning, he could still rely on his superb skills to defeat Lu Xuan and compete for the sword.

  But after the sword fell into Lu Xuan's hands, the nature of the fight was different.

  It changed from normal competition to robbery.

  In the sword pool controlled by the Jindan Zhenren, it was very unlikely to hide the treasures of the fellow disciples, and it was likely to be severely punished afterwards.

  "I didn't expect you to have a good eye."

  Lu Xuan pulled the third Nebula Sword out of the Yangxuan Sword Sheath and couldn't help but sigh.

  The Nebula Sword was full of spirituality and was at the forefront of the fourth-grade flying swords. After sensing the magical features of the scabbard and the aura of the same source inside, it did not go head-to-head with the Yinjiu youth, but took the initiative to surrender to the ancient scabbard.

  "It's that fellow disciple, although he looks average, he is barely abiding by the rules in the sword pool. Otherwise, if you want to win this Nebula Sword, you need to consume a few fourth-grade sword talismans."

  Lu Xuan muttered to himself, letting the scabbard sense it, and went in the direction it pointed.

  After nearly an hour, he found the fourth Nebula Sword.

  Four flying swords with nebula flows were inserted into the ancient scabbards, making the scabbards feel pain and joy.

  As the number of nebula swords increased, the difficulty of finding them also increased.

  The time to stay in the sword pool was only half a day. During the process of searching for the sword, Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness was greatly weakened, and the speed could not be too fast. After all, there were subtle sword qi everywhere, and the sword qi in the sky was moving at high speed. If Lu Xuan increased the speed too much, I am afraid that the sword fruit would not be able to react.

  In addition, the area of ​​the sword pool is vast and the depth is unknown. Lu Xuan is quite satisfied to find four nebula swords.

  The time for treasure hunting is always short, and half a day passed in a blink of an eye.

  "Okay, the time is coming, let's meet here."

  Only a low voice was heard, and countless sword qi in the sword pool was stirring endlessly. At the center, a huge sword qi rose to the sky like a pillar of light. In any corner of the sword pool, you can see the huge pillar of light of sword qi.

  Under the threat of the huge sword energy light column, the tiny sword energy in the entire sword pool slowed down a lot, and the threat to the monks in the sword pool was also reduced.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan and the other ten people used their own methods and rushed to the direction of the light column at full speed.

  When Lu Xuan came in front of the light column, he looked around carefully and did not see the Jindan Zhenren in the sword pool.

  Six fellow disciples had been waiting under the light column for a long time, with different expressions, satisfaction, regret, and regret.

  Lu Xuan saw Jian Wuxia standing quietly and moved closer to her.

  "Senior Sister Wuxia, there is something I don't understand, and I want to ask you for advice."   

  Lu Xuan whispered.

  "Please tell me, Junior Brother Lu. I will tell you everything I know."

  The moment Jian Wuxia opened his eyes, he was like the edge of a sharp sword, extremely sharp. Seeing Lu Xuan, his upper eyelids drooped, and his expression gradually softened.

  "It's like this. I know the rules of entering the Sword Hall. Each disciple of the Sword Hall can only subdue two swords at most."

  "But I have a doubt. If a sword is a sword formation composed of several flying swords, if you find part of it, should it be counted as one flying sword, or multiple flying swords?"

  Lu Xuan briefly introduced the situation he was facing, but did not reveal the specific information of the Nebula Sword Formation.

  "Junior Brother, you found a sword that can be used to practice the sword formation? That's pretty lucky."

  Jian Wuxia's clear words were full of surprise.

  "Though Junior Brother Lu's situation is rare in the Sword Pond, it has happened before."

  "There are many swords in the Sword Pond, such as the mother-and-child sword blades, the yin-yang complementary swords, and the sword formations that Junior Brother mentioned."

  "They are only considered a complete sword when they are all ready, so finding some of them, even if they are several flying swords, will count as a quota."

  Jian Wuxia transmitted the message.

  "Then I'm relieved. Thank you, Senior Sister Wuxia

  , for clearing up my doubts." Lu Xuan let out a long sigh. If he didn't follow the rules and was caught on the spot by his uncle who had reached the Jindan stage, the scene would not be very good.

  After the ten people gathered, the light column instantly wrapped the ten people in it. In the chaos, the ten people appeared in the familiar Sword Hall.

  Lu Xuan came to the outside of the Sword Hall with five flying swords and took the fat bird Feng Falcon from a disciple of the Sword Hall.

  Sitting cross-legged on the broad pale green wings of the Feng Falcon, feeling the whistling wind, he felt very happy.

  After returning to the cave, he took out five fourth-grade flying swords from the storage bag and inserted the four nebula swords into the Yangxuan sword sheath.

  "At first, only the Xunlei sword light without a specific form entered the scabbard, followed by the third-grade purple lightning sword, the fourth-grade wind and thunder sword, and the mysterious emerald green small sword."

  "Then there is the fourth-grade thunder sound sword and the four fourth-grade nebula swords."

  "The scabbard started with the route of no flying swords and was unwilling to have any relationship with any flying sword."

  "Slowly, it changed to the route of a single flying sword, allowing a certain flying sword to be fixedly inserted for a certain period of time to slowly warm up the sword body."

  "Then, the flying swords were constantly changed, and until now, there are a large number of flying swords as spare tires, and any flying sword you want can be replaced."

  "Unconsciously, the once simple scabbard has opened its harem road."

  Lu Xuan looked at the ancient scabbard that was stuffed full, and was filled with emotion.

  Ignoring the scabbard and its harem swords, Lu Xuan brought the Thunder Sound Sword to a remote corner of the mountain.

  Passing through the pink miasma that made him think a lot, Lu Xuan came to a bamboo with a strange shape.

  The main trunk of the bamboo was like crystal jade. At the junction with the spiritual soil, a large number of developed rhizomes protruded from the soil, densely packed together, and each rhizome had tiny cracks. As soon as

  Lu Xuan appeared, many cracks opened one after another, and countless noisy and strange sounds rushed into his ears, making him feel dizzy.

  When Lu Xuan was about to cast a purification spell to calm himself down, a gray vine quickly crawled out of the pink miasma, and countless slender rhizomes were like gray tentacles, blocking all the cracks on the bamboo rhizomes, without missing a single one.

  (End of this chapter)

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