
Chapter 421 - Nebula Sword Formation

  The Nebula Sword Qi was full of spirituality. It sensed the powerful threat of the deep black wind and thunder sword qi. The nebula rotated, and several meteor-like sword qi cut through the starry sky and attacked Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan was not afraid. He controlled the Wind and Thunder Sword, along with countless deep black sword beams, and faced the meteor sword qi head-on.

  With a puff.

  The first meteor sword qi shattered, and countless tiny sword qi burst like fireworks, blending into the ordinary sword qi in the sky.

  The remaining power of the Wind and Thunder Sword did not decrease. It cleverly adjusted like an antelope hanging its horns and faced the second meteor sword qi.

  The quality of the fourth-grade Wind and Thunder Sword itself was good. It was integrated into the Xunlei Sword Pill obtained by Lu Xuan before, and was warmed for a long time by the mysterious Yangxuan Sword Sheath, and its quality was further improved.

  In addition, Lu Xuan absorbed several experience packs of "Wind and Thunder Sword Sutra", and got a lot of opportunities to practice sword skills when cultivating the Wind and Thunder Sword Grass.

  Although the sword hidden behind this nebula is very good, it is not driven by a cultivator, and there is no spiritual power to mobilize. It relies entirely on the instinct of the sword, and it was quickly defeated in the direct battle with Lu Xuan.

  A three-foot flying sword fell into Lu Xuan's hand. The sword body was extremely magnificent, and it seemed to have nebulae flowing. With a slight tremor, the sword energy burst out at a very fast speed, and it was hidden with a special power.

  According to the usual practice, Lu Xuan pulled the Leiyin sword out of the scabbard and put it in the new flying sword.

  His mind was focused on the Yangxuan sword sheath, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  [Yangxuan sword sheath, unknown treasure...]

  [The fourth-grade nebula sword is being nurtured.]

  [Nebula sword, a set of flying swords, a complete sword has nine flying swords, scattered all over the sword pool. ]

  [The flying sword is forged with meteorite iron, which contains some star power and can attract star power. Multiple Nebula Swords can be arranged into a Nebula Sword Formation. The more there are, the stronger the sword formation is. The power of a complete Nebula Sword Formation is comparable to that of a fifth-grade flying sword. ]

  "Nebula Sword, a set of flying swords, can form a Nebula Sword Formation. Unfortunately, there is only one flying sword here."

  Lu Xuan was happy at first, but then he thought with regret.

  "A fourth-grade flying sword can form a sword formation comparable to a fifth-grade flying sword, which shows how powerful the Nebula Sword Formation is."

  "Should I take this incomplete Nebula Sword?"

  He hesitated.

  Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, as if he had discovered a great loophole.

  "Nine Nebula Swords form a complete sword weapon. If I find a few more Nebula Swords, can it be counted as one sword weapon quota?"

  "Well, it can even be said to be less than one?"

  The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible.

  There may be less than nine Nebula Swords in the Sword Pool, but if a few more are found, they can form a Nebula Sword Formation, which is far stronger than the power of the fourth-grade flying sword itself.

  "Given the desire and sensitivity of the Yangxuan Sword Sheath for high-grade swords, it is not a big problem to find the remaining Nebula Swords in the Sword Pool."

  "The key depends on how the Sword Hall defines it. It stands to reason that a few Nebula Swords cannot be considered a complete sword, but the right of interpretation is in the hands of the Jindan Master and the Sword Hall's seniors."

  "Well, let's find a few Nebula Swords first. If it doesn't work, we can come to the Sword Pool to search later. Anyway, we will soon know the method of condensing the seeds of the Wind and Thunder Sword Grass, and cultivate two fourth-grade Sword Grasses, and it will be no problem to have the qualification to enter."

  Lu Xuan thought confidently .

  He lifted the ancient scabbard at his waist and passed on a thought.

  "How about this new flying sword? Is there a wonderful feeling of being in the starry sky?"

  The end of the scabbard gently nodded, and was very satisfied with the newly inserted Nebula Sword.   

  "There are still several flying swords like this in the sword pool..."

  Lu Xuan's tone was full of temptation.

  "Do you want to experience double swords, or even multiple swords? If you want, find the other nebula swords for me, and I will satisfy you then."

  "Go! Scum scabbard!"

  Lu Xuan released the ancient scabbard in his hand. With the support of his spiritual power, the scabbard ignored the sword energy in the sky and swam straight in the low sky.

  After half an hour, Lu Xuan successfully found the second nebula anomaly and obtained the second nebula sword.

  The ancient scabbard felt the wonderful feeling of the two nebula swords for a while, and continued to search for the third nebula sword with full motivation.

  "Another nebula anomaly was found."

  Lu Xuan saw a nebula anomaly in a valley from a distance, and he was happy. He held the sword fruit in his hand and quickly shuttled through the sword energy in the sky.

  Soon, he came to a few feet away from the nebula anomaly. With two experiences of conquering, he was already experienced. The soul-enhancing post in his sea of ​​consciousness exuded a hazy aura, keeping his mind clear.

  Just as he was about to subdue the nebula vision, suddenly, a sword-energy lotus flower appeared under the vision. Its petals were long and thin, like a sharp sword. As the lotus flower spun, countless sharp sword petals rushed towards the nebula vision.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you and I discovered this nebula vision at about the same time, and we can't decide who owns it."

  "I have a great interest in the flying sword behind the vision. If you are the same, we can only rely on our own abilities to see who can subdue the flying sword."

  A young monk with a sinister temperament and pale skin walked out slowly, and the sword-energy lotus flower slowly spun and flew into his hand.

  "It turned out to be Senior Brother Bai."

  Lu Xuan had some impression of this sinister young man. His surname was Bai, and he was in the late stage of foundation building. Among the ten people who entered the sword hall, his strength should be in the top three.

  "To be honest, Senior Brother, I am indeed somewhat interested in this flying sword. Although I am weak and my sword skills are ordinary, I still want to compete with Senior Brother Bai for this flying sword."

  As it is related to the Nebula Sword Formation with the strength of the Jindan Realm, Lu Xuan will naturally not give up this third flying sword. Countless dark sword beams emerge from the Wind and Thunder Sword in his hand.

  "Okay, you and I will focus on competing for the flying sword. We should stop at a certain point and don't hurt the harmony of fellow disciples." The

  sinister young man originally thought that with his late foundation building cultivation and decades of immersion in the exquisite swordsmanship, Lu Xuan would leave tactfully.

  Unexpectedly, he was so short-sighted that he wanted to compete with him for the flying sword. He sneered in his heart and maintained the superficial friendship of fellow disciples.

  The lotus in his hand bloomed instantly, with countless layers of sword energy petals, and several small lotus seeds condensed from countless sword energy, each of which contained terrifying power.

  Just as he was about to seize the flying sword while dealing with Lu Xuan, the nebula image floating in the air changed dramatically.

  The rotating nebula collapsed instantly, and a magnificent flying sword shot out at lightning speed, flying directly in front of Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan reacted very quickly. When he was about to deal with the Nebula Sword, suddenly, a slight thought came from the scabbard, and the Nebula Sword directly sank into the crack of the scabbard and squeezed together with its two companions. The

  Yangxuan scabbard can warm the flying sword and improve the quality of the flying sword. It has a great attraction to the spiritual Nebula Sword. Coupled with the breath of the same source coming from the scabbard, the Nebula Sword chose to enter the scabbard on its own after sensing the unfavorable situation.

  "I wonder if Senior Brother Bai has heard of the sword choosing its master. This is probably the case with me, right?"

  Lu Xuan spread his hands and said with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)

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