
Chapter 419 - Thunder Sound Sword

  "This sword energy image looks pretty good."

  A snow-white dragon phantom formed by countless sword energy flashed in front of Lu Xuan.

  Among the many beast sword energy images he had seen before, they were all ordinary tigers and leopards, which did not arouse Lu Xuan's interest.

  But the sword energy of this one in front of him was much stronger than before, and the shape looked extremely extraordinary, so Lu Xuan became a little curious. The

  green shoes under his feet appeared with spiritual light, and his figure suddenly accelerated several times, following the snow-white dragon sword energy phantom. When

  he got close to the dragon phantom and observed the surrounding situation, Lu Xuan pounced on the snow-white dragon like a sharp arrow.

  The sword energy dragon noticed Lu Xuan's action and shook its tail vigorously. Suddenly, countless snow-white sword beams rushed towards Lu Xuan from all directions.

  Although the various sword energies in the sword pool will not actively attack the sword hall disciples carrying sword fruits, it does not mean that the disciples will be allowed to act recklessly. When they encounter disciples who want to subdue them, they will also fight back.

  Lu Xuan waved the Wind and Thunder Sword in his hand, and the deep black sword energy swept like a hurricane, facing the snow-white sword light, wrapping many sword lights in it, and destroying it with a ferocious posture.

  The snow-white dragon shadow has already produced a trace of spirituality. Seeing that Lu Xuan is extremely difficult to deal with, the shadow differentiated into countless fine sword lights, and its figure directly dissipated in the sword energy.

  "Still want to escape?"

  "Scabbard, for your own happiness, lock it."

  Lu Xuan passed a thought to Yang Xuan's scabbard. The spirituality of the scabbard was far stronger than the previous snow-white dragon shadow. Hearing Lu Xuan's words, it trembled slightly, broke free from Lu Xuan's waist, and pointed in a direction from a distance.

  After a moment, Lu Xuan passed through the sword energy and found the snow-white dragon that condensed again.

  The dragon shadow hid in a dark cave, hiding its figure very well.

  Although the cave was dark, Lu Xuan, who practiced the pupil technique, could see the scene inside.

  Deep in the cave, a snow-white sword floated quietly in the low sky, its color was like bright moonlight, but it was swallowed by the endless darkness, so it did not reveal the dazzling sword body. In

  the sword pool, Lu Xuan could not use the white bone magic puppet to lure it out, so he had to rely on his strong body to subdue the snow-white flying sword directly. The

  snow-white dragon phantom hiding in the dark sensed the danger, hummed, and turned into a huge virtual flying sword, stabbing Lu Xuan fiercely.

  It was very fast and came in front of Lu Xuan in an instant.

  Lu Xuan's expression did not change, his hands were clasped together, and he directly caught the huge flying sword phantom.

  He had taken countless spiritual fruits that strengthened his physical body, and practiced the "Glass Bone Forging Method" and "Taixu Hualong Pian" and other superior body training methods. When he caught the flying sword phantom, his palms did not even scratch the skin.

  The huge force from his hands surged to the sword phantom, directly shattering the dragon phantom, and countless tiny sword beams burst out everywhere, landing on the cave wall, leaving countless tiny sword marks.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan came to the snow-white flying sword and picked it up gently.

  The sword was snow-white all over, about three feet long, with many small scales distributed on the hilt, extending all the way to the sword body.

  "To know the quality of the flying sword, we need to use the scabbard to check the goods."

  The snow-white flying sword fiercely stabbed into the ancient scabbard.

  At the crack of the scabbard, a thin film of spiritual energy symbolically blocked it, but was directly penetrated by the snow-white flying sword, all the way to the deepest part of the scabbard.

  As early as when he got the Yangxuan scabbard, by injecting sword energy, Lu Xuan was able to observe its detailed state. Seeing the snow-white flying sword inserted into the scabbard, his mind was focused on the ancient scabbard.

  [The Yangxuan scabbard, an unknown treasure, is extremely spiritual and is forged from the outer sword stone...]

  [The fourth-grade flying sword, the Fish Dragon Sword, is being nurtured.]

  [The Fish Dragon Sword, a fourth-grade sword, is forged from the spine of the monster white fish dragon and is extremely sharp.]

  "The fourth-grade Fish Dragon Sword..."   

  Lu Xuan muttered to himself.

  He learned the ins and outs of the snow-white flying sword inserted into the scabbard through the specific state of the scabbard.

  "A fourth-grade flying sword is already pretty good, but should I spend a chance on it?"

  Lu Xuan was quite satisfied with this fourth-grade Fish Dragon Sword. After all, although he had many fourth-grade sword symbols in his hand, there was only one Wind and Thunder Sword of the same grade flying sword, which showed how rare the fourth-grade flying sword was.

  "I don't have the active attraction like Jian Wuxia. I mainly rely on my own strength to subdue the flying sword. It's not a big problem to deal with a fourth-grade flying sword."

  "The most important thing is that I have the support of the Yangxuan Sword Scabbard."

  "The scabbard is extremely sensitive to the sword qi anomalies derived from the sword, and can sense the location of the anomalies, which saves me a lot of time looking for it."

  "After finding the sword, I can also insert it into the scabbard to learn the detailed information of the sword, which is also a big advantage."

  "With enough strength and unique advantages, there is no need to rush to confirm the only two chances."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly and decided to temporarily abandon the Fish Dragon Sword in his hand.

  He slowly pulled the snow-white flying sword out of the scabbard. When it was fully pulled out, the subtle sword energy seemed to be pulled into a thread.

  "I don't ask for eternity, I just ask for having it once."

  "It's good to have experienced a new flying sword."

  "I'll find you a better one later."

  Lu Xuan promised the scabbard that was reluctant to part with it.

  A dim snow-white dragon shadow flew out of the sword body, entangled the Fish Dragon Sword, and merged into the darkness again.

  Lu Xuan left the cave, bent his body, and continued to shuttle slowly in the sword energy.

  After walking for half an hour, he encountered several flying swords of the same grade as the Fish Dragon Sword. Each had its own advantages, but they could not make Lu Xuan very satisfied. In the end, he let the scabbard experience them and then separated them.

  Suddenly, a burst of thunder exploded in his ears.

  The thunder seemed to contain the power to scare away all evil spirits, and there was a hint of Zen in the aftertaste, as if the Vajra defeated the demons, with compassion and thunder. The

  Yangxuan scabbard trembled violently, and the reaction was very strong.

  He could not wait to fly forward, guiding Lu Xuan to search for the sword behind the thunder.

  "Such a big reaction, do you like this kind of person who looks dignified but can make a lot of noise?"

  Lu Xuan speculated secretly.

  Thunders burst one after another, as if blocking Lu Xuan's direction.

  There was no evil spirit in his body, and his cultivation was entirely increased by the light ball, without giving evil spirits the opportunity to pollute and invade. The thunder had little effect on him, but it caused the blood to vibrate. With

  a strong body, he could quickly control the vibrating blood.

  After a while, Lu Xuan found a silver-white dagger under the guidance of the ancient scabbard.

  There were subtle golden lines on the dagger, as if endless thunder was striking down.

  He inserted the silver-white dagger into the Yangxuan scabbard and instantly learned detailed information about the dagger.

  [Leiyin Sword, a fourth-grade flying sword, was forged with meteorites from outer space and the secret techniques of Buddhism. When urged, it can stimulate sword energy and thunder sound. The thunder sound is fierce and overbearing, and contains the power of Buddhism. It has a miraculous effect on evil spirits and evil cultivators. ]

  (End of this chapter)

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