
Chapter 351 - Color-eating insect

  After a while, the three of them came to a huge mountain range.

  The mountains were rolling and undulating, with peaks and ridges.

  "Brother Zhong's cave is so big!"

  Lu Xuan looked around and marveled.

  "Spirit beasts are not like spiritual plants. They have a very large range of activities. Moreover, there are some special spirit beasts given to me by the sect, so I occupy this mountain alone."

  The burly monk explained to Lu Xuan and Liu Su while opening the formation.

  The three of them quickly shuttled among the spiritual trees on the mountain and soon came to a narrow valley.

  There was a bottomless mountain stream in the valley, and thunderous sounds came from it from time to time.

  "We are here, Brother Lu, wait a moment, I will call out the pair of Chi Yin beasts." The

  burly monk turned his head and said, making a strange low roar at the mountain stream.

  Soon, two spirit beasts broke out of the water and landed in front of the three people.

  "This is the pair of fourth-grade Chi Yin beasts. It was not easy to get them, so I really want to restore them to normal."

  "Please help me, Junior Brother Lu."

  "Lu will definitely do his best to help Senior Brother solve his problems."

  Lu Xuan said, and focused his eyes on the two Chi Yin beasts.

  The Chi Yin beasts are shaped like tigers and leopards, with black bodies, surrounded by thick black water, and a white horn on their heads. Thunder sounds can be heard from them from time to time, and they look very magical.

  "It's worthy of being a fourth-grade spiritual beast."

  Lu Xuan sighed and pointed to the one closest to him.

  "Is this Chi Yin beast the female beast?" The

  Chi Yin beast he pointed to looked bruised and battered, with messy hair, large and small scars, and even a small part of its forelimbs missing.

  Although it looked in a worrying state, it was very close to the other male beast, making lingering roars from its mouth and always trying to get close to the male beast.

  "You're still licking it even though you're so injured?"

  Lu Xuan was surprised at the female beast's attitude towards the male beast.

  "If I continue like this, I will be eaten up by the male beast sooner or later, and then I will be licked until there is nothing left."

  "Brother Zhong, have you taken these two Chi Yin beasts to any secret places or ruins recently?"

  he asked curiously.

  "About half a year ago, I took them to a ruin. That ruin seemed to have an unusual connection with the Tantric Buddhism."

  Zhong Hao recalled and said.

  "Maybe it has something to do with that, but it's just my guess. Brother, please let the two Chi Yin beasts show me some abnormalities so that I can observe them for a while."

  Lu Xuan said with a serious expression.

  The burly monk did not doubt him and controlled the two Chi Yin beasts to get closer to each other.

  The female beast's voice became more lingering, turning around and around, and melodiously beautiful.

  It leaned against the other male beast tightly, stretched out its pink tongue, and gently licked every part of the male beast's body.

  The male beast may know that it will cause great harm to the female beast. Its whole body from top to bottom expressed resistance and insisted on staying away from the female beast, but under Zhong Hao's control, it had to stay where it was and let the female beast do what she wanted.

  Slowly, under the constant teasing of the female beast, the male beast's training responded and began to echo the female beast's behavior.

  Lu Xuan keenly discovered that as the male beast's desire became more and more intense, its pair of pupils unconsciously turned pink and its eyes became unfocused.

  The two beasts became more and more intense.

  Lu Xuan maintained an extremely objective mentality and watched the battle on the scene expressionlessly.

  Suddenly, the male beast couldn't help himself and bit the female beast's body fiercely.

  The biting action became more and more intense, and suddenly, it bit off a large mouthful of the female beast's hair, and the wound was bloody.

  "That's it."   

  Lu Xuan nodded to the burly monk, who quickly separated the two beasts that were entangled.

  The male beast seemed to have completely lost its mind, and during the separation process, it tried its best to return to the female beast.

  Although the female beast was bitten by the male beast, she didn't seem to care much, and looked at the male beast that was getting farther and farther away from her with resentful eyes.

  "Brother Lu, did you find anything?"

  After stopping the two beasts from mating, the burly monk came to Lu Xuan and asked worriedly.

  "The male beast should have been invaded by some kind of existence, but if it was not noticed by the guardian spirit beast when it entered the sect, it should not be something particularly evil."

  Lu Xuan had read a lot of books on raising spirit beasts in the Sutra Library, and based on the records above, he guessed.

  "I think so too, but the biggest problem at the moment is that we have no clue about the existence that invaded the male beast, so we have no way to solve it."

  The burly monk nodded and said.

  "I'd like to trouble Senior Brother Zhong to give me some of the food that is usually used to feed the Chi Yin Beast. I want to see if I can tell something from the male beast's eating behavior."

  Lu Xuan said to the burly monk. Since he couldn't solve the Chi Yin Beast problem with his own experience, he had to use a plug-in.

  Zhong Hao took out a black pill and handed it to Lu Xuan.

  "The pill contains some water thunder spirit power. Usually, I use it to feed the Chi Yin Beast."

  Lu Xuan took the black pill and waited for the male beast to gradually calm down before stuffing the pill into the male beast's mouth.

  His mind was focused on the Chi Yin Beast, and a piece of information flashed through his mind.

  [The Chi Yin Beast is a fourth-grade spirit beast that is naturally proficient in water and thunder magic. ]

  [When invaded by the color-eating insect and mating with the beast companion, it will have the idea of ​​swallowing it into its stomach. ]

  Perhaps the so-called color-eating insect in the body of the Chi Yin Beast also shared some of the nutrients in the pill, and Lu Xuan took the opportunity to notice the detailed information of the so-called color-eating insect.

  [The color-eating insect is a strange insect that was bred and separated by a powerful Tantric monk who practiced Happy Zen. After entering the body of a cultivator or a demon beast, its body will gradually dissipate and become a lustful existence. When the target has lust, it will slowly manipulate the target's mind, causing it to lose control and devour the flesh and blood of the mating object, thereby strengthening the color-eating insect itself. ]

  [You can use a treasure that can generate great lust to condense the color-eating insect into a form and lure it out. ]

  "So it was this thing that was causing trouble..."

  Lu Xuan digested the information that appeared in his mind and sighed.

  "It's easy to lure it out after knowing it. There are some things in my hand that can generate strong lust."

  He pondered for a moment and said to the burly cultivator.

  "Brother Zhong, I have some clues. It seems that I have seen similar situations in a certain book."

  "This male Chiyin beast should have been invaded by a color-eating insect, which caused an abnormal reaction when mating with the female beast."

  "Color-eating insect?"

  Zhong Hao and Liu Su both looked confused and knew nothing about color-eating insects.

  "It is an extremely rare insect with no attack power. It comes from..."

  Lu Xuan introduced the origins of the color-eating insect to the two in detail.

  "I see. I wonder if Junior Brother Lu has a solution?"

  Lu Xuan muttered in his heart:

  "Yes, I do, but whether it is the Desire Pill or the Heart Sutra of Bliss, how can I raise my head in front of my fellow disciples after taking them out?"

  He was a little hesitant in his heart.

  "If Junior Brother can help me solve the problem of the Chi Yin Beast, this fourth-grade Chi Thunder Stone containing a large amount of lightning power will belong to you, Junior Brother."

  The burly monk took out a piece of spiritual ore with thunder and said.

  "Senior Brother, I have a plan, maybe you can try it."

  Lu Xuan glanced at the spiritual ore without leaving any trace and said.

  (End of this chapter)

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