
Chapter 350 - Scolding the Beast

  Although Lu Xuan disagreed in his heart, he did not show it on the surface.

  "Senior Sister Guan is good at alchemy. If there is a chance, I will definitely ask her for advice."

  He said humbly.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you are too polite. Junior Brother is good at cultivating spiritual plants. You can choose the spiritual plant varieties according to your needs. They are indeed suitable for refining pills."

  "That's what I said, but unfortunately I am dull in the way of alchemy. I only know how to refine two low-grade pills."

  Lu Xuan looked gloomy.

  "The experience of alchemy depends entirely on the pill formula experience package in the light group."

  He added in his heart.

  "Everything depends on human effort. I believe Junior Brother Lu will definitely achieve great success in alchemy."

  Guan Wan encouraged with a smile.

  Lu Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly: You are really good at judging people...

  After chatting for a while, Lu Xuan said goodbye to the woman in yellow and returned to the cave, but found an uninvited guest.

  "Junior Brother Huang, why did you come here without telling me? Please come and invite me."

  The visitor was Huang Yuan, who was in charge of the dragon python in Qianlong Lake many years ago.

  "Uncle Lu."

  Huang Yuan bowed respectfully.

  "I went into the inner sect to look for Uncle Yang Qingfeng for something. I learned from him that Uncle Lu had returned from another place, so I came to visit him specially."

  "You are thoughtful."

  Lu Xuan nodded gently and led Huang Yuan into the cave.

  "Looking at your cultivation, I guess you are not far from breaking through to the foundation-building realm."

  He served the spiritual fruit and brewed a pot of spiritual tea, with a smile on his lips.

  "It has been quite a while since I reached the perfect stage of Qi training. Recently, I have been honing my spiritual power, body, and soul to prepare for the breakthrough to the foundation-building realm."

  Huang Yuan answered truthfully.

  "Well, I will definitely succeed in one fell swoop."

  Lu Xuan encouraged Huang Yuan and shared with him his feelings when he broke through the realm at that time.

  "Uncle Lu, you haven't come to Qianlong Lake to see the former dragons for a long time. All the fellow disciples in Qianlong Lake miss you very much."

  Huang Yuan suddenly said after chatting with Lu Xuan for a while.

  Lu Xuan had been away for three years. The hundreds of thousands of dragons in Qianlong Lake had not had their blood drawn for a physical examination in the past few years, which made him and other fellow disciples worried about the health of the dragons.

  After hearing that Lu Xuan had returned to the sect, they sent Huang Yuan, who had a certain friendship with Lu Xuan, to invite him to give the dragons a physical examination.

  "Okay, I'll go to Qianlong Lake with you to see those dragon cubs and draw blood from them for a physical examination."

  Lu Xuan understood Huang Yuan's almost explicit tone and agreed readily.

  Last time, even the dragon blood drawn the last time has not been used up until now. Lu Xuan is preparing for a rainy day and just took this opportunity to search the dragons again. At present,

  he needs to use dragon blood for a blood bath in his cultivation of "Taixu Hualong Pian". The demand for the fifth-grade blood evil flower is huge. Recently, a fourth-grade blood spirit palm ginseng has been added. It is better to store more to be prepared.

  "Thank you very much, Uncle Lu. I will arrange for them to be ready!"

  Huang Yuan said happily.


  On the third day, Lu Xuan returned to the cave with thousands of bottles of dragon blood that were still warm.

  "Fortunately, there are enough bottles, otherwise there would be no place to put the dragon blood."

  He sighed, entered the spiritual field, and inspected the growth of the many spiritual plants in the spiritual field.   

  A few days later, Lu Xuan stayed in the spiritual field, spiritual power surged, and strands of spiritual rain fell, nourishing the spiritual plants in the spiritual soil.

  The whole mountain seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, hazy and ethereal.

  "Junior Brother Lu, are you there? A senior brother in the late foundation building stage wants to see you. I'll bring him to visit you."

  At the foot of the mountain, a soft female voice came from outside the flowing light array.

  "Yes, Senior Sister Liu."

  A quiet and fair face appeared in Lu Xuan's mind. It was Liu Su, who was also good at cultivating spiritual plants. The two had entered the Langyue blessed land together.

  He hurried out to greet them. In addition to Liu Su, there was also a burly young monk.

  The monk was naked from the upper body, and the lower body was wrapped in a short skirt made of animal skin. The muscles were knotted, and there were many strange patterns on the back of his chest. The patterns changed quietly with every breath, like a demon beast lurking in the monk's body.

  "Brother Zhong, this is Junior Brother Lu Xuan."

  "Junior Brother Lu, this is Senior Brother Zhong Hao, who is usually very low-key and not well-known, but has the cultivation of the late stage of foundation building."

  Liu Su introduced the two.

  "So it's Senior Brother Zhong. We met once in the secret realm where the Qingxuan Deer is. I wonder if Senior Brother still remembers it?"

  Lu Xuan said with a smile. He had some impression of this burly cultivator. At that time, he was invited to solve the obsession of the Qingxuan Deer. Among the other foundation building cultivators, this person had the highest cultivation.

  "Junior Brother Lu easily solved the obsession of the Qingxuan Deer at the end of his life, which impressed Zhong."

  The burly cultivator said in a rough voice.

  At that time, he originally thought that he had the greatest chance of solving the risk of Qingxuan Deer's alienation among the several people. Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan, who had just broken through to the foundation building realm, performed far ahead and solved the dying obsession of the fifth-grade Qingxuan Deer alone.

  "Brother Zhong, you are too kind. I'm just lucky."

  Lu Xuan said modestly and welcomed the two into the yard.

  "I wonder what's the important matter that brought you here, Senior Brother Zhong?"

  "To be honest, I have a little reputation in the sect for taming beasts, and I have raised many high-grade rare and precious beasts."

  "But recently, a pair of beasts have become difficult. I have tried many methods, but I can't solve them smoothly."

  "I learned from other fellow disciples that Junior Brother Lu has solved many beast problems for other fellow disciples, so I specially asked Junior Sister Liu Su to help introduce them."

  The burly monk paused and said slowly.

  "Oh? I don't know what the specific problem is? Junior Brother, if I have some confidence, I will definitely do my best to help you."

  Lu Xuan promised.

  "That's right."

  "I have a pair of Chi Yin beasts, one male and one female. They are rare fourth-grade spirit beasts with strong talents in water and thunder magic."

  "Recently, the female beast has entered the estrus stage and actively asked the male beast for it. According to common sense, the two beasts will mate and reproduce, but during the mating process, the male beast showed an extremely abnormal reaction."

  "As the relationship between the two beasts went deeper, the male beast gradually lost his mind, as if he was sinking into endless desire."

  "What's more terrifying is that he has an unusual desire for his mating partner."

  "It seems that he wants to eat the female beast."

  "Eat the female beast?" Lu Xuan asked in confusion.

  "Yes, there is indeed an act of biting the female beast's flesh and swallowing it. This happened three times in a row, and there was even an act of swallowing it."

  "I stepped forward to stop it and separated the two beasts. It was not until the desire subsided that the male beast regained some reason."

  The burly monk said in detail.

  "Seeing is believing. Please take me to your cave to see the Chi Yin beast."

  Lu Xuan said confidently.

  (End of this chapter)

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