
Chapter 348 - The useless bug strikes back, I become an old grandfather?

  "The Poisonous Body of the Evil..."

  Lu Xuan digested the thought that flashed through his mind and muttered to himself.

  "It turns out that it has a special sensitive physique that can absorb and digest various poisons and refine toxins."

  "But this physique is a double-edged sword. If you are not careful, there will be a risk of death."

  He noticed that after the larva swallowed the small piece of poison pill, gray and white lines appeared on its head, and the lines revealed a faint breath of death.

  However, the larva didn't care about it. Regardless of the discomfort of the body, it conveyed to Lu Xuan the idea of ​​continuing to enjoy the poison pill.

  The desire for poison is far stronger than fear.

  Lu Xuan sighed and fed the remaining poison pill to the larva of the Poison Heartworm.

  The larva swallowed it in one gulp.

  Lu Xuan was worried about it and waited quietly by the side.

  Sure enough, after a while, the gray and white lines on the larva's head became more and more obvious, extending down to the tail.

  The body trembled slightly, giving people a sense of withering and death.

  Slowly, the gray and white lines became more and more dense, as if a gray and white flame was forming on the larva.

  Lu Xuan hurried to check the current state of the larva.

  [Hundred Poison Heart Devouring Insect, fourth-grade demon insect...]

  [After swallowing the second-grade Corpse Flame Pill, a large amount of corpse poison gathered and spread in the body.]

  [Corpse Flame Pill, a poison pill made from the corpse oil of dead monks as the main material, contains severe corpse poison]

  [It can be controlled by ice treasures to prevent the spread of corpse poison, and then use treasures with rich vitality to dispel the corpse poison.]

  "Fortunately, the detailed status shows the origin of the poison pill and gives a solution."

  Lu Xuan's mind moved, and he took out a fist-sized ice crystal from the storage bag. It was the hundred-year-old ice soul from the ice radish fruit light group.

  The hundred-year-old ice soul was tightly attached to the larva. Under the influence of its extremely cold and pure breath, a thin layer of frost quickly spread on the larva's body, and the trembling body slowly calmed down.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan separated a strand of the Qingmu Yuanqi in his dantian and infiltrated into the larva's body.

  The Qingmu source energy is the essence of the life of the fifth-grade Qingxuan deer. It contains extremely powerful vitality. Wherever it passes, the gray and white lines are like snow exposed to the scorching sun, melting rapidly.

  After dozens of breaths, all the abnormalities on the larvae's body disappeared, and even the sequelae of swallowing poisons before were much better.

  The little heart-eating worm was stunned in place, and it seemed that it had not reacted.

  In its memory, it has never felt so comfortable. It

  usually feeds on poisons. Because of its special physique, it has an unparalleled desire for all kinds of poisons, but every time it swallows a little poison, it will experience all kinds of torture. It has

  experienced more than one trial on the edge of life and death when it is still in the larval stage.

  Fortunately, Zhong Jingshan is good at controlling insects and is a true disciple of the Tianjian Sect, which can pull it back from the line of life and death.

  Although the poison caused it serious damage again and again, the larva of the hundred poisonous heart-eating worm still enjoys the poison and its original intention remains unchanged.

  It was used to the previous experience, and after swallowing the poison, it felt unprecedented relief.

  There is a clear difference between Zhong Jingshan and Lu Xuan's detoxification methods.

  After the larvae swallowed the poison, Zhong Jingshan could only use his own cultivation and resources to forcibly detoxify it according to the approximate nature of the poison.

  Although Lu Xuan's cultivation and resources were far inferior to Zhong Jingshan's, he had a unique talent in controlling insects.   

  As long as you feed the larva a little bit of poison, you can understand the specific state of its body, prescribe the right medicine, and restore the larva to normal at the fastest speed and the best means.

  The larva excitedly spewed poisonous smoke at Lu Xuan, and lightly jumped and pounced on him.

  "I can't bear it."

  Lu Xuan knew that the larva was expressing its gratitude to him, but he still felt uncomfortable when he saw such a hideous insect covered with poison rushing towards him, and hurriedly grabbed the insect with his palm.

  "Follow me well in the future, I promise you won't have the same painful experience as before."

  He said to the larva in his palm.

  After signing the contract, the larva and Lu Xuan had a close connection. Hearing Lu Xuan's words, the weird head nodded slightly.

  "When you swallow more poison, I promise you will grow faster than your two brothers and sisters. When you return to the insect room, you can show off."

  Lu Xuan teased.

  "It seems like a familiar plot."

  "My parents have special identities (fourth-grade demon insects) and powerful backgrounds (true disciples of the Tianjian Sect). They grew up in a small family, with other people eyeing them covetously (Insect Chamber), and my brothers and sisters are extremely talented."

  "Although I have a special talent (poisonous body), I behave like a waste. My strength is far weaker than my brothers and sisters. I am ridiculed on a daily basis and even treated as a discarded chess piece and abandoned."

  "Until I met a mysterious person who guided me on the path of cultivation and helped me solve various problems encountered along the way. My strength improved by leaps and bounds."

  "When I return to the Insect Chamber again, I can surprise and stunned my parents, relatives, and the forces behind them, and give them a good slap in the face."

  "Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. Don't bully the weak young insects!"

  "What a counterattack for a waste!"

  Lu Xuan became more and more excited the more he thought about it.

  "So, I have become the legendary all-powerful grandfather?"

  "Well, I make a living by growing spiritual medicine, so I'll call him 'Medicine Old Man'..."

  Lu Xuan put away this boring thought in his mind. After placing the larvae, he inspected the spiritual fields, performed different basic spells, and cultivated many spiritual plants. The

  rock turtle swam around very lively in the small lake. The Lihuo Jiao occasionally glanced at this little brother who appeared inexplicably. The green-horned dragon carp stayed in the corner, trying to reduce its presence.

  Under the lake, three hair-thin black shadows quietly poked out from the ancient dragon fossils. They were the dragon skeleton grass seedlings that had just broken through the stone.

  The purple jade coral occupied a corner of the lake bottom and grew quietly.

  The wind falcon lay by the lake, belly up, basking in the sun, the cloud-stepping lynx shuttled through the dense forests, and the two-headed armadillo occasionally emerged from the stone cave, holding a little bit of Wuling soil and taking it to his cave.

  In the remote corner of the mountain, the pink miasma was diffused under the fairy peach, exuding its unique charm.

  The gray vines of the demon ghost vine stretched out to form a vine forest, surrounding all the fairy peaches, enjoying the aphrodisiac effect of the pink miasma.

  After a long time, it retracted the vines and turned into a normal form, like a gray venomous snake, crawling quickly in the spiritual field. When it came

  across a favorite spiritual plant, it deliberately stopped and left a light trail of mucus to mark it as its own.

  After returning from Kongming Island, the demon ghost vine discovered that many high-grade new spiritual plants appeared in this unique blessed land.

  This made it feel a strong sense of happiness, and it regularly checked the spiritual plants that left marks every day, more punctually than the straw puppets.

  Everything seemed calm and leisurely.

  (End of this chapter)

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