
Chapter 347 - Disaster Poison Body

  In an instant, Lu Xuan appeared in a valley.

  The sudden appearance of the two people caused a violent reaction in the valley.

  Various insects made strange hissing sounds, which were endless.

  Lu Xuan felt something in his heart, and looked up. A black-robed monk appeared in front of him and Ge Pu.

  The monk had a dull expression, and the black robe on his body seemed to be woven by countless slender black insects. A black insect fell off his sleeve and drilled into the valley. The sound of insects disappeared in an instant. When

  Zhong Jingshan saw Lu Xuan and the others, he pulled the corner of his mouth and nodded with a somewhat stiff movement.

  "Junior Brother Zhong, I will bring Junior Brother Lu to your insect valley today."

  "Okay, as you please."

  Zhong Jingshan left a few words and allowed Lu Xuan to move freely in the insect valley.

  Revisiting the old place, Lu Xuan was filled with emotion and came to the insect room he was once familiar with.

  Opening one of the rooms, a knife light suddenly flashed in the darkness.

  "Why, you don't even recognize me?"

  Lu Xuan chuckled, grabbed the knife light with his palm, and crushed it to pieces.

  A giant mantis more than half a meter long walked out of the darkness silently.

  The mantis had a pair of forelimbs shaped like sawtooth broadswords, and the surface of the forelimbs was glowing with a dark light.

  The compound eyes protruding high on the top of the head observed Lu Xuan, and the forelimbs raised in the air were lowered, and the movements were extremely relaxed and returned to the darkness.

  "This demon sword black mantis, whether it is the speed of attack, timing, or accuracy, has improved a lot compared to before. With one strike, ordinary third-grade magic weapons will probably be cut off instantly."

  Lu Xuan sighed and continued to the next insect room.

  The second-grade Yin Fire Ants were not very intelligent, and they did not have much impression of Lu Xuan, who had fed them a few years ago. They just retained the transformation rules that Lu Xuan had set for them.

  In addition, he also took a look at the jade spider that was as white as jade, and the seven-star glassworm that was still trying to excrete glass sand.

  Finally, he and Zhong Jingshan came to the insect room where the poisonous heart-eating insects were raised.

  There were five poisonous insects in the insect room, two large and three small. Among them, the two large ones were far away from each other, and the three small ones stayed together.

  Among the three larvae, Lu Xuan could tell at a glance that the so-called alien poisonous insect was obviously smaller than its brothers and sisters. It was listless and not as active as the other two larvae.

  While Lu Xuan was observing, Zhong Jingshan took out three pale green toads from a black cloth bag.

  The toads were the size of a washbasin. As soon as they appeared, they sprayed green venom at the three people.

  Zhong Jingshan waved his hand, and the three toads landed right in front of the three poisonous heart-eating insect larvae.

  Large and small green bumps appeared on the surface of the larvae, and green pus shot out from them, each wrapping a toad.

  The toad struggled hard under the pus, but because of the huge difference in rank, it didn't work for a long time, and was slowly decomposed and melted by the green pus.

  The three larvae excitedly rushed towards the green pus containing the essence of the toad's toxicity.

  With a strong suction from the mouth and nose, the green pus instantly entered the larvae without a drop left.

  After swallowing the green pus, the two larvae began to emit green poisonous smoke. The smoke became more and more intense. After being completely digested, the surface of the larvae became radiant. The

  other larvae had just swallowed the green pus and everything seemed normal.

  But as time passed, there were different changes.

  The poisonous smoke that came out of its body dissipated everywhere, and it looked extremely disordered. Green spots appeared on the surface of its body, and smelly pus flowed out from it.

  "It's like this again."

  Zhong Jingshan sighed softly and moved the larva that showed abnormal reactions in front of him.   

  With familiar movements, he took out a white jade talisman from the storage bag.

  The spiritual power was activated, and the holy white light was sprinkled on the talisman, which fell on the abnormal larva of the poisonous heart-eating insect, trying to maintain the larva's vitality.

  "It is this larva. Once it takes various poisonous insects and poisonous fruits, it will have various adverse reactions and will fall into the brink of life and death from time to time."

  "As far as I know, Junior Brother Zhong used similar methods to solve the larva problem before."

  "But Junior Brother Lu, you can see that this is not a long-term solution. It can only barely maintain the life of the larva and cannot let it grow well."

  Ge Pu said softly on the side.

  Lu Xuan nodded approvingly, expressing his affirmation.

  The pale green spots on the surface of the larva's body gradually disappeared, but the negative effects of swallowing the toad still existed.

  It lay motionless in the insect room, looking exhausted and exhausted.

  Looking at the larva like this, Lu Xuan had a thought in his mind.

  "The Hundred Poison Heart Devouring Worm is a fourth-grade demon worm, and this larva is a poisonous worm of a different species. If it can be raised, its strength should not be underestimated."

  "After feeding it food, I can know the status of various spirit beasts very well. Maybe there is a better way to solve the problem of this larva."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  The more he thought about it, the more possible it seemed, so he asked Zhong Jingshan next to him.

  "Brother Zhong, I am interested in this larva. I want to study the combination and refining of various toxins and do some related experiments."

  "If you are helpless with this larva, why not offer a price and transfer it to me?"

  He asked the black-robed young man tentatively.

  Zhong Jingshan pursed his lips and remained silent. Just when Lu Xuan thought he would refuse him, he uttered three words coldly.

  "For you."

  This Hundred Poison Heart Devouring Worm was what Lu Xuan had tried to cultivate. Although it was a fourth-grade worm, it could not grow normally due to its special physique. If it

  continued to be kept in his hands, he would die inexplicably at any time, so its value was greatly reduced.

  Hearing Lu Xuan's question, he directly gave a favor.

  "Ah? Then I, Lu, would like to thank Senior Brother Zhong."

  Lu Xuan hurriedly thanked.

  He brought the Hundred Poison Heart Devouring Worm larva back to the cave, waited for half a day, and when the larva's condition recovered significantly, he took out a poison pill from the storage bag.

  Before, he dealt with the blood-robed monk and the short monk in the secret realm. There were many poisons in the storage bag, which should be enough to feed the larvae.

  He just wanted to get information about the larvae, not to feed them formally, so he crushed the poison pill and fed as little as possible.

  The moment he saw the poison pill, although it was in a bad condition, the larva still showed its love for the poison pill, and couldn't wait to swallow the small piece of poison pill into its stomach.

  Lu Xuan concentrated his mind, and a piece of information emerged from his mind.

  [Hundred Poison Heart Devouring Worm, a fourth-grade demon insect, larval stage, alien species, with a poisonous body, can absorb and digest all kinds of poisons in the world, and refine toxins for its own use. ]

  [Due to my weak body and special constitution, I am extremely sensitive to various toxins. After swallowing, I will have various reactions. The stronger the poison, the stronger the reaction, and even my life may be in danger. ]

  [Let me take this poison, even if I die now. ]

  (End of this chapter)

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