
Chapter 345 - Soul-crossing Zen Incense Resentful Spirit Mud

  A dark yellow incense stick with lotus and Buddha smoke, a piece of black mud with uncertain shape and resentful souls coming out from time to time, and a small emerald green sword with strong vitality.

  During this period, he went to the Sutra Library several times, flipped through various books and materials in it, and found the origins of the incense stick and black mud.

  The incense stick is called Soul-crossing Zen Incense, a fourth-grade treasure. It is made by Buddhist monks collecting the incense of thousands of believers. It can calm the mind and save the resentful souls.

  Lighting incense sticks during practice can also prevent the invasion of inner demons and maintain an excellent state of practice.

  The black mud is called Resentful Soul Mud, a fifth-grade spiritual soil, which is mixed with strong resentment. It can be used to cultivate certain evil spirit plants and refine corresponding magic tools.

  Lu Xuan randomly found a leftover firefly grass spirit seed and tried it. He planted it in the resentful soul mud. The spirit seed was soon invaded by the resentment inside and became a waste seed.

  "The fifth-grade special spiritual soil is unfortunately not available for the time being. There are no spiritual plants suitable for growing in the resentful spirit mud in the underworld courtyard." The

  third-grade Wuling soil that Lu Xuan had obtained in the Langyue blessed land was spread on the surface of the cave spiritual field by Lu Xuan, which has a promoting effect on most spiritual plants.

  Although the resentful spirit mud in front of him is two levels higher in grade, it has great limitations and can only be used on a few special spiritual plants.

  Among the three treasures, only the emerald green sword has not been found. Lu Xuan is not in a hurry and inserts it into the Yangxuan sword sheath for warming. The emerald green

  sword is not like the previous purple lightning sword and wind and thunder sword. After being inserted, it will be struck by lightning and lightning. Instead, it constantly feeds back to the ancient scabbard. In addition, the size of the sword body is suitable, so the scabbard, which has always disliked flying swords entering its own, accepts it immediately.

  Inside the house, the dark yellow incense sticks are burning quietly, and the Buddha statue formed by the smoke is smiling with a flower, full of Zen, and the mellow and long fragrance lingers everywhere.

  Lu Xuan sat quietly on a jade cushion, circulating the spiritual fluid in his dantian. It was rare for him to have time to practice the "Great Five Elements Gong".

  Suddenly, his spiritual consciousness sensed a movement in the flowing light array at the foot of the mountain.

  He opened his eyes, and a crack appeared along the palm lines, and then a gray-white pupil emerged from the crack.

  Through the vision transmitted by the Void Nightmare Eye, he saw a white jade ape and an elegant white phoenix rushing towards the mountainside.

  "So it's an old friend."

  The two spirit beasts were the descendants of the spirit beasts that protected the Tianjian Sect, namely the white jade sky-supporting ape and the mysterious sky phoenix.

  Lu Xuan hadn't seen these two thighs in the development stage for three years, and he missed them a little. He opened the array and his figure floated out like a wisp of white smoke.

  "Welcome, welcome, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you so much."

  He came to the mountainside and greeted the two spirit beasts enthusiastically.

  The white phoenix chirped, as if blaming Lu Xuan for not being able to find anyone for so long.

  The little monkey, whose skin was as crystal clear as jade, hid behind the phoenix, and popped out his little head. A tuft of pure white hair on the top of his head added a bit of mystery to it.

  "I received a garrison mission for a sect, and I went on a long journey. I just returned to the sect recently."

  Lu Xuan explained with a smile. The two spirit beasts were extremely intelligent, so there was no need to worry that they would not understand.

  "After not seeing you for so long, have you missed my spirit fruit, spirit wine, and roasted monster meat?"

  Lu Xuan looked at the two spirit beasts with a smile, and asked tentatively.

  "Tsk, tsk!"

  Xuantian Bailuan chirped excitedly, nodding

  its little head continuously to show its agreement. The exquisite monkey behind it came out, blinking its fiery red and crystal eyes, nodded gently, and then retracted behind the wings of the phoenix.

  After Lu Xuan left, the two spirit beasts would come to the mountain where Lu Xuan was from time to time, just thinking about the spirit fruit banquet he often held.

  In the sect, although the monks who raised them were dedicated and responsible, the spiritual fruits had not changed. After eating them day after day for ten years, they had become tasteless and could not taste anything.

  But here in Lu Xuan's place, the spiritual fruits were of high quality, with rich combinations, the spiritual juice of hundreds of fruits had a unique taste, plus the monster meat made by various cooking methods, and the special snacks that were unique in this restaurant, so that they could fully experience the joy of food.   

  They even became somewhat dependent on Lu Xuan.

  "Come on, come on, use the ice and fire second heaven spirit fruit to fill your stomach first."

  Lu Xuan waved his hand, and a large number of flaming fruits and ice radish fruits floated out of the storage bag, forming a small mountain of spirit fruit.

  He also poured cups of hundred-fruit spirit juice for the two guardian spirit beasts and his own spirit beasts.

  "Try the specialty I brought from other places, the dried Kongming spirit fish smoked by special means."

  He took out an exquisite jade box, which contained Kongming spirit fish processed by different means.

  Some of them were smoked by unknown spiritual wood, with a strong fragrance that made people salivate.

  "Wait a minute, I'll go grill a few fresh ones."

  Some of the Kongming spirit fish meat was frozen with a hundred-year-old ice, and the meat quality was not affected at all. When it was taken out, it looked like it had just been slaughtered, extremely fresh.

  After a while, he took out the grilled spirit fish, evenly divided it into several parts, and placed them one by one in front of the spirit beasts.

  The spirit fish itself tasted extremely delicious and contained rich spiritual power. After being grilled by Lu Xuan with various spices, the beauty was even higher.

  The White Jade Sky-supporting Ape, the Black Sky White Luan, and their own spiritual beasts all ate with relish and enjoyed themselves.

  "Try the Immortal Peach to relieve your greasiness. However, although this spiritual fruit is delicious, you can't eat too much."

  Lu Xuan took out a few pink and white Immortal Peach, cut them into small pieces, and handed them to the Luan bird, the ape and other spiritual beasts.

  According to the information obtained from the Immortal Peach before, eating too much spiritual peach can enhance the charm of the eater, plus the miasma that can affect lust during the cultivation process.

  Lu Xuan was afraid that if he took out too much Immortal Peach, it would cause these spiritual beasts to explode their armor and wings.

  When he thought of the situation of a group of beasts fighting in chaos, Lu Xuan couldn't help but shudder and drive away the picture in his mind.

  "That picture is too beautiful, I dare not think about it."

  He looked at the many spiritual beasts nervously, fearing that the situation would get out of control.

  Fortunately, there were not many spiritual peaches, and the spiritual beasts only felt the deliciousness of the spiritual fruit and did not have any other thoughts.

  After the spiritual peaches were eaten, seeing that there was no abnormality, Lu Xuan was completely relieved.

  "Can you two Daoists leave the sect on weekdays?"

  After having a good meal and a good drink, Lu Xuan pretended to ask casually.

  "You can leave, but the distance is limited, and you can't stay for too long."

  The phoenix chirped crisply, conveying a thought to Lu Xuan.

  "I may need your help in a few years, so please help me."

  Lu Xuan said solemnly.

  The two spirit beasts were fed so much delicious food by Lu Xuan, and on this basis, they have established a deep friendship with him. Seeing Lu Xuan's question, they nodded heavily. The

  White Jade Sky-supporting Ape seemed to sense that there was a fight, and a hint of hidden excitement flashed in its shy eyes. It pointed to the back of its head, indicating that Lu Xuan could activate the hair it gave him.

  Long ago, the little monkey gave Lu Xuan a white hair, and said that as long as it was within a certain range and the spiritual power stimulated the hair, it could arrive at the fastest speed. Seeing the

  two little promises, Lu Xuan was more confident in killing the monk behind the Holy Infant Fruit Plant.

  (End of this chapter)

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