
Chapter 344 - Mayfly Grass Spiritual Grass Beads

  Soon, a foundation-building cultivator walked out of the inner hall of the Sinong Hall.

  "I was wondering who needed so many high-grade spiritual seeds. It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Lu."

  The cultivator, wearing a plain green robe, greeted Lu Xuan with a smile.

  "Fellow Daoist Qu is hello."

  Lu Xuan returned the greeting.

  He had met this cultivator several times before. He had exchanged experiences in cultivating spiritual plants with Liu Su.

  "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Lu to have such a deep attainment in spiritual plants that he would spend so much money to buy four fourth-grade spiritual seeds at the same time."

  "These sword seals are almost all my assets. I have no choice but to love spiritual plants. I can't move when I see high-grade spiritual seeds. I just want to buy them."

  "As for whether I can cultivate them successfully, it depends on my own luck."

  Lu Xuan said nonsense.

  "Fellow Daoist Lu, I think there will be no problem."

  In the previous communication, the cultivator had already understood Lu Xuan's attainments in spiritual plants. With a wave of his hand, all the spiritual seeds floated in front of Lu Xuan.

  "Two fourth-grade earth fire heart lotus spirit seeds, a total of 520 sword seals."

  "Black insect vine spirit seeds, 240 sword seals, mayfly grass spirit seeds, 270 sword seals."

  "Twenty flame fruit and ice radish fruit spirit seeds, each with 15 sword seals, a total of 600 sword seals."

  "All spirit seeds, a total of 1,630 sword seals."

  "Thank you, fellow Daoist Qu."

  A large number of small sword-shaped seals flew out of the storage bag. Lu Xuan took all the spirit seeds and said goodbye to the monk named Qu.

  After a while, he returned to the cave with a spirit crane.

  Although it had been more than ten years since the spirit crane's fertility problem was solved, the spirit cranes in the sect still refused to accept Lu Xuan's spirit stones, so he had to feed them a spirit fruit as a reward.

  "With so many new spirit seeds, I will be busy for a long time."

  Fortunately, the cave in the inner sect was large enough to plant these new spirit seeds.

  Lu Xuan found an empty spirit field and used the earth-drawing technique to bury forty flame fruit and ice radish fruit spirit seeds in the spirit soil.

  Before he left the sect, he had chosen the method of condensing the seeds of these two spiritual fruits. Unfortunately, he came back a little late, and all the spiritual fruits on the spiritual plants had missed the opportunity to condense seeds, so he had to buy some spiritual seeds again.

  The second is the black insect vine, which will produce the fifth-grade space magic weapon, the gluttonous insect capsule after it matures.

  There are still some insect eggs of different grades used to cultivate the black insect vine. Lu Xuan took them out and put them into the body of the black insect vine.

  The insect eggs provide nutrients for the growth of the black insect vine, and the black insect vine secretes special spiritual objects to promote the growth of the monster insects.

  Then, he came to the branch of the earth fire and threw two fiery red lotus seeds the size of the thumb tip into the hot magma.

  The last earth fire heart lotus matured and produced the fifth-grade "Pure Yang True Fire Scroll". The light ball reward of the fire spirit plant may be beneficial to the cultivation of the sixth-grade Phoenix Tree. In addition, the lotus seeds can purify the evil aura and reduce the risk of alienation, so he bought two spiritual seeds.

  Finally, there is the fourth-grade Mayfly Grass spiritual seed.

  The spirit seed is like a ball of spiritual energy that has been condensed countless times, the size of an egg, and inside it is a transparent mayfly, which changes life and death in that small world.

  Lu Xuan plans to plant this mayfly grass in a spiritual field covered with Wuling soil.

  He casts the earth-drawing technique, and a tiny crack appears, and the spirit seed of the spiritual energy ball is included in it.

  With his mind focused, a thought emerges from his mind.

  [Mayfly grass, a fourth-grade spiritual seed, is extremely delicate and needs to be carefully cared for during the cultivation process. If you are not careful, it will die. After it matures, it can be used to refine pills to enhance the soul of the cultivator. ]   

  "This mayfly grass is really rare for refining elixirs to enhance the soul."

  "It needs to be carefully cared for during the cultivation process. There can't be any mistakes, otherwise it will cause the spiritual plant to die. This may be the reason why spiritual seeds are relatively rare."

  Lu Xuan secretly sighed in his heart. Anyway, he can grasp the real-time status of the spiritual plant at any time, and he doesn't have to be distracted by cultivation and adventure. It is not difficult for him to take good care of it.

  "The spiritual plants in the cave have expanded a lot, and I have to work harder to cultivate them."

  "From today on, I will be an ordinary spiritual plant master, cultivate spiritual plants, and raise spiritual beasts."

  Lu Xuan looked at the spiritual plants all over the mountains and sighed in his heart.

  For a period of time, he stayed in the cave with peace of mind, and spent every day with spiritual plants and spiritual beasts.

  Occasionally go out to see a few friends he met before.

  Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  [Harvest a third-grade Zangyuan grass and obtain a third-grade treasure Naling grass bead. ]

  Countless light points poured into Lu Xuan's body, and a green spiritual bead appeared in his hand.

  The spirit seed exudes a strong vitality, which makes people feel close and comfortable.

  Lu Xuan's mind is focused on the green spirit bead, and he instantly learns detailed information about it.

  [The spirit grass bead is a third-grade treasure. It contains pure and rich plant spirit energy. It can be used to practice corresponding exercises and refine corresponding instruments. ]

  "It contains a lot of plant spirit energy. It can be used to feed the grass puppet and replenish the green wood source energy."

  The grass puppet had been fed with grass spirit essence liquid before, and from time to time, it would shoot a fine green wood source energy, but it would consume the stock in Lu Xuan's body.

  Now with this third-grade spirit grass bead, there is no need to worry about the cultivation of the grass puppet and the replenishment of green wood source energy.

  His mind moved, and the grass puppet that was diligently patrolling the spirit field not far away came towards him with a huge head and two thin legs.

  The green spirit bead was stuffed into the huge gray-black tumor on his head.

  Strands of plant spirit energy spread out, and after a few breaths, the gray-black tumor turned green and continued to extend downwards.

  The whole body of the grass puppet woven from the nameless gray grass turned green.

  Under the perception of the spiritual consciousness, the green spirit bead slowly rotated in the huge gray grass tumor, and countless fine grass ropes merged into it, constantly absorbing the pure plant spirit energy in the spirit bead.

  "Thank you for guarding the spiritual field during this period of time. I'll feed you some good things and change your skin by the way."

  Lu Xuan looked at the grass puppet in green and chuckled.

  The grass puppet was not very intelligent. It only knew that the spirit bead that had just entered the tumor was of great use to it. It ignorantly conveyed a grateful thought to Lu Xuan, and continued to inspect the spiritual field with two chopstick-like slender legs.

  This was the eighth Cangyuan grass he had harvested during this period. The previous seven light balls produced five foundation-building pills and two foundation-building pill recipe experience packs. The latest one produced a new treasure, the Naling grass bead that had just fed the grass puppet. There

  were twenty third-grade Cangyuan grasses, and a total of nine were left.

  "When they are all mature, I will hand them over to Senior Sister Guan Wan in the Alchemy Palace."

  "All of them have been successfully cultivated, and there are many plants of good quality. I should be able to give a satisfactory explanation to the Alchemy Palace."

  "Maybe I can get another batch of Tibetan Yuan Grass Spirit Seeds, and by the way, I can get some Foundation Establishment Pills and Pill Formulas from the Light Group."

  Lu Xuan thought happily, and returned to the house to take out the three treasures he got from the secret realm.

  (End of this chapter)

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