
Chapter 321 - Pure Yang True Fire Talisman

  "This Earth Fire Heart Lotus is full of treasures."

  Lotus seeds, lotus leaves, rhizomes, and lotus flowers all have their own uses.

  Lu Xuan secretly sighed, but the most important thing at the moment is to open the light ball after the Earth Fire Heart Lotus matures.

  In the hot magma, there is a white light ball floating on the surface, flickering slightly.

  Lu Xuan took a deep breath, eased his expectations, and reached out to gently touch the surface of the light ball.

  Suddenly, a pure white flame condensed from countless tiny light points emerged from the light ball and merged into Lu Xuan's body.

  [Harvest a fourth-grade Earth Fire Heart Lotus and obtain the fifth-grade treasure "Pure Yang True Fire Scroll"].

  A thought flashed through his mind, and then a golden jade book appeared in his hand. The jade book

  was golden yellow, and when the angle changed slightly, there was a golden light refracting and surging. Holding it in his hand, he could feel a sense of heat.

  Lu Xuan gently opened it, and a majestic cry sounded, and a barefoot golden crow appeared in his eyes.

  The Golden Crow was burning with a faint white and gold flame, and it was lifelike, as if it could fly out of the jade book at any time. As he stared at it, he could feel a burning sensation in his heart.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the golden jade book, and the information about it instantly appeared in his mind.

  [The Pure Yang True Fire Scroll, a fifth-grade treasure, contains a wisp of the Golden Crow's residual soul. It is refined into a Golden Crow visualization picture. By staring at it day and night, one can learn to comprehend the supernatural power of the Pure Yang True Fire. ]

  [The Pure Yang True Fire, the most yang and most rigid fire, can burn everything in the world, and has a natural restraining effect on evil spirits. ]

  [At the same time, the Pure Yang True Fire Scroll can be used as a magic weapon, which can control the Golden Crow's residual soul in the jade book to attack the enemy, and can easily kill most late-stage foundation-building cultivators. ]

  [Releasing the Golden Crow's residual soul requires a lot of spiritual power, and the residual soul needs to absorb the Yang flame to replenish it after returning to the jade book. ]

  "A fifth-grade treasure! It can comprehend the magical power of Pure Yang True Fire!"

  Lu Xuan's heart was filled with a strong sense of surprise.

  The function of this golden jade book was beyond his imagination.

  It can visualize and comprehend the magical power that only Jindan cultivators can master, and it can also control the sealed Golden Crow residual soul, and use it directly as a fifth-grade magic weapon.

  "Breaking through to the middle stage of foundation building, the cultivation level has increased significantly, and the possibility of escaping from the secret realm has increased a little."

  "Now, I have obtained the fifth-grade treasure Pure Yang True Fire Talisman, which can release the Golden Crow residual soul inside, and improve it again."

  "Well, now I have a 97% grasp, and I just need the fourth-grade Hundred Pupils Weird Wood."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  He stared at the Golden Crow visualization picture on the jade book, and in an instant, he seemed to see a huge fireball covering the sky and the sun, and the fireball was so bright that it stung his eyes.

  "It is worthy of being a magical power. With my current spiritual power and soul, it is still a bit difficult to practice."

  He closed his eyes tightly, and then a large amount of spiritual power poured into the jade book.

  As more and more spiritual power was input, the veins of the barefoot golden crow became clearer and clearer, as if as long as Lu Xuan had a thought, he could fly out of it.

  "The spiritual power required is too much. With my current spiritual power storage, releasing the remnant soul of the golden crow once will consume more than half."

  "It can only be used at critical moments."

  In Lu Xuan's mind, the importance of "Pure Yang True Fire Talisman" was raised to the highest level, followed by the fourth-grade sword talismans.

  "The cultivation of the middle stage of foundation building has arrived, the earth fire heart lotus has matured, and the next is the hundred pupils strange tree."

  Lu Xuan glanced at the evil and strange tree hidden in the thick fog and thought secretly.

  In the next ten days, he stayed in the yard, cultivating spiritual plants and condensing the water firefly grass spiritual seeds.

  The changes brought about by the appearance of the boundless sea secret realm can be clearly felt even in Kongming Island, which is thousands of miles away.   

  When Lu Xuan occasionally went out for a stroll, he could find many monks with high cultivation and dusty bodies on the streets.

  They came and went in a hurry, buying a large number of talismans and elixirs from stalls everywhere, and selling many fresh monster materials.

  There was a strong sense of vigilance in his eyes when he looked at other people.

  The whole Kongming Island was filled with an atmosphere of restlessness, and there was no need to imagine the surroundings of the secret realm.

  His yard was located on a high place, and he could see a large area of ​​sea.

  After the breakthrough of cultivation, his spiritual awareness was greatly enhanced. In addition, the "Breaking Delusion Pupil Technique" had been introduced, and his eyesight was also improved. He could clearly see various escape lights flying over the distant sea from time to time.

  Seeing this situation, Lu Xuan also specifically asked Feng Falcon to try to go to the sea as little as possible to hunt monster birds and fish recently.

  Although it is known for its speed, most Qi training monks can hardly catch up, but I dare not guarantee that if it is unlucky, it will encounter a foundation building monk.

  Song Yu came to report the situation to him again.

  Regarding the secret realm, the second-grade water mirror talisman should not be used like a spirit stone.

  The scene of the secret realm was presented in front of Lu Xuan.

  At the foot of the huge water wall, a large number of magic tools and talismans could be seen attacking the virtual dragon beast hidden in it.

  The scene flashed by, and later there were cultivators setting up formations to resist the attack of the dragon beast.

  "Seeing that you are in such a hurry, has the secret realm changed?"

  Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged, and strands of spiritual rain fell.

  "Reporting to Uncle Lu, there are indeed some changes."

  "The Song family disciples I arranged around sent news that the formation restrictions outside the secret realm have been difficult to break for a long time. The nearby foundation-building cultivators and large family forces intend to work together to break the secret realm formation."

  "They spontaneously formed a group and excluded the rest of the small families and scattered cultivators. They must wait until they enter before they are qualified to enter the secret realm."

  Song Yu said in a deep voice.

  "With the joint efforts of many foundation-building cultivators, the progress is very fast. It may be possible to break the formation and enter the secret realm within a few days."

  "Uncle Lu, are we still sitting still?"

  A trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

  "Be patient." Lu Xuan soothed him.

  Song Yu's anxious mood eased a little.

  "The secret realm is not so easy to break through. Even if the outer formation is broken, what is inside is still unknown."

  "In the face of huge interests, those foundation-building cultivators who have joined together and the power of the big families are not iron barrels. They will naturally disintegrate."

  "Besides, I am a cultivator stationed on Kongming Island from the Tianjian Sect. Behind me is a big sect known to everyone in the cultivation world. Even if the opportunity to enter is a little late, no one will object to my joining that group."

  "As a vassal family of the Tianjian Sect, you have my support, so you don't need to worry about those. Just wait quietly."

  Lu Xuan said gently.

  "Yes, everything will be arranged by Uncle Lu."

  After seeing the many foundation-building cultivators surrounding the secret realm, Song Yu had completely given up the idea of ​​leading the Song family disciples to break into the secret realm alone.

  With the current highest level of Qi training in the Song family, they can only serve as cannon fodder among that group of cultivators.

  It is better to hold Lu Xuan's thigh honestly.

  (End of this chapter)

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