
Chapter 219 - Howling Sea Sword Talisman




  After the three children each took a small piece of the Jade Scale Fruit, they were stimulated by the rich and warm spiritual power and roared at the same time.

  Some were passionate, some were crisp, and some were rough with a bit of meaning, one after another, resounding through the mountain peaks.

  "The Cloud-Stepping Lynx is a first-grade alien monster, the Wind Falcon is in the second-grade growth period, and the third-grade Lihuo Jiao is still in the larval stage. It is just right to divide the Jade Scale Fruit into three parts."

  After roaring to vent, the three children each found a place to absorb the spiritual power of the Jade Scale Fruit.

  Lu Xuan continued to patrol the spiritual field. When he met the grass puppet, he gently touched the huge gray grass tumor on its head and input a wisp of green wood source energy. The

  gray grass all over the grass puppet grew wildly, slowly turning green as it stretched, and then wrapped it tightly.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness probed into it and found that the grass rope inside was weaving rapidly, recreating the body of the grass puppet.

  After inspecting the spiritual field, Lu Xuan returned to the house, took a good bath in the dragon's blood, practiced the "Taixu Hualong Pian" for a while, and felt his body becoming stronger and stronger. There was

  only about a month before the opening of Langyue Blessed Land. Lu Xuan had the sword order in hand, and he was not in a hurry. He slowly cultivated the spiritual plants and waited for them to mature.

  Ten days later, he came to a rock wall.

  More than 20 abandoned flying swords were placed in a disorderly manner, and the vines of the sword-raising gourds were connected among them, forming a special rack for the flying swords that had become waste.

  Although there were many flying swords, they were all second-hand goods that Lu Xuan bought from the stalls of casual cultivators in Jianmen Town. They didn't cost much spiritual stones to accumulate.

  On the vines, five green gourds of different sizes were hanging high and low. The gourd at the lowest position absorbed the most sword intent, so it was the largest in size and matured faster.

  After learning that a gourd was about to mature, Lu Xuan came to inspect twice a day so that he could open the light ball reward as soon as possible.

  With his mind focused, the progress bar below the green mottled gourd at the lowest position was completely full.

  "It's finally ripe."

  Lu Xuan paid special attention to the gourd that nurtured the attacking sword energy, and picked the gourd as soon as possible.

  There was a natural stopper at the mouth of the gourd to prevent the sword energy nurtured inside from leaking out.

  As he shook it gently, a slight sword whistle came from the inside of the gourd, and the sword intent surged, as if it was about to shoot out from inside at any time.

  [Sword Nurturing Gourd, a third-grade spiritual plant, the gourd contains invisible sword energy, which is extremely powerful. ]

  Lu Xuan's thoughts swept through it, and then he focused his attention on the white light ball hanging on the vine.

  The light ball flickered slightly, and as the vines swayed gently, it moved Lu Xuan's heartstrings.

  He held his breath and reached out to gently touch the surface of the light ball.

  The light ball exploded with a bang, and countless tiny light spots turned into invisible sword intent, rushing into Lu Xuan's body.

  Lu Xuan only felt a slight tingling sensation on the skin touched by the light spots, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  [Harvest a third-grade sword nurturing gourd, and obtain a fourth-grade Xiaohai Sword Talisman. ]

  A talisman that was neither gold nor jade appeared in Lu Xuan's hand. The talisman was about three inches long and shaped like a sword tip. There were waves surging on the surface. Upon closer inspection, one could feel the infinite sword intent contained in it.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the talisman and he instantly learned the detailed information about the talisman.

  [Roaring Sea Sword Talisman, a fourth-grade talisman, can instantly release a raging sword intent when activated. A full-strength attack can severely injure or even kill a cultivator in the middle or late stage of foundation building.]

  [Consumable, can control the amount of sword energy activated by oneself. The more the amount, the stronger the sword energy.]

  "Fourth-grade talisman!"

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed.   

  This sword-raising gourd is indeed a spiritual plant species that can only be exchanged for a sword seal, and the light ball reward it harvested is extremely rich.

  This Xiaohai Sword Talisman is his most powerful means of attack so far.

  "Ordinary talismans are disposable consumables, but this fourth-grade Xiaohai Sword Talisman can be used multiple times. If used well, it can be of great help to me."

  Lu Xuan looked at the waves of sword energy that were churning in the talisman and couldn't help but sigh.

  "Now that I have entered the blessed land, I have another great support."

  He carefully put away the Xiaohai Sword Talisman, hung the sword-raising gourd around his waist, and held the ancient Yangxuan sword sheath in his hand. He

  casually performed a water mirror technique, and a tall, handsome, and bright-eyed boy appeared in the hazy mirror.

  He was dressed in a green shirt, with a green mottled gourd hanging around his waist, and holding an ancient long sword in his hand lazily and casually. His temperament was elegant and he looked like a banished immortal.

  "I became an immortal by practicing swordsmanship in Tian Sect?"

  "No, I became an immortal by farming in Jian Sect."

  Lu Xuan put away the gourd and scabbard, and withdrew his spiritual power. In an instant, he became an ordinary spiritual plant master.

  As the time for the opening of Langyue Blessed Land got closer and closer, Lu Xuan keenly noticed the changes in the atmosphere of the inner sect.

  Recently, the sword order has become the most popular item among the inner disciples. Many fellow disciples have tried to exchange for a sword order through various channels.

  Lu Xuan was not affected by it and cultivated spiritual plants with peace of mind.

  Soon, there were only three days left before the opening of the blessed land.

  During this period, Lu Xuan harvested another jade scale fruit and obtained a piece of Chigang jade spirit mine.

  Thirty-two water fireflies were about to mature. Lu Xuan estimated that it might take some time to enter the blessed land, and he would not be able to pick spiritual plants in time. Therefore, he used some Qingmu Yuanqi to fully ripen half of the sixteen water fireflies.

  He planned to use the remaining sixteen to condense seeds and expand the scale of planting later.

  Condensation of seeds needs to start some time after the spiritual plants are fully mature. The process is relatively complicated. Lu Xuan decided to start after returning from the blessed land.

  Among the sixteen second-grade water fireflies, due to the ripening and grade improvement, no perfect varieties were picked. Two were of superior varieties, five were of good quality, and the remaining nine were of ordinary quality.

  After picking, sixteen light balls appeared immediately.

  Lu Xuan touched it lightly, and thoughts and rewards came one after another.

  Among them, seven water fireflies brought cultivation rewards, ordinary quality rewards for one year of cultivation, good quality rewards for two years of cultivation, and superior quality rewards for three years of cultivation. In

  total, it brought Lu Xuan eleven years of cultivation.

  The spiritual energy in his body suddenly increased by a large amount, and he operated the "Great Five Elements Gong" to convert the spiritual energy into concentrated spiritual liquid and store it in the dantian.

  "Finally, I am not standing still."

  Lu Xuan felt the long-lost surge in cultivation, and then thought of when he was just promoted to the foundation-building realm, because he was busy improving the varieties of spirit fireflies and practicing hard for many days, he could hardly notice the rise of the cultivator. The strong contrast between the two made him feel happy and boundless. Six second-grade pills, Yunling   Pills,

  were opened from the remaining light balls. They can enhance the spiritual power in the cultivator's body, and they are also useful for Lu Xuan, who is in the early stage of foundation building. In addition, there are two third-grade talismans.   The Water Dragon Talisman, when activated, can produce a water dragon, which can cause damage to the enemy under the control of spiritual consciousness.   "It is equivalent to being able to instantly cast two intermediate spells, the Water Dragon Spell."   The practice method of this spell is included in the "Great Five Elements Kung Fu". Lu Xuan is self-aware. In addition to absorbing spiritual power, most of the rest of his time is spent on practicing the Five Elements Escape Spell and spells that can assist in cultivating spiritual plants.   (End of this chapter)

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