
Chapter 20 - Is this the second level of Qi training?

  From the other three white light balls, two Gengjin sword tactics and a first-grade talisman, the earth wall talisman, appeared.

  After using it, it can stimulate a thick earth wall about ten feet high, which has a good protective effect.

  Lu Xuan digested the Gengjin sword tactics in his mind and carefully experienced and comprehended the exquisiteness of the sword tactics.

  While the spiritual power was running, a golden stream of light appeared almost instantly and passed through a boulder with a whoosh.

  He felt that the sword tactics he mastered had reached a small success level. When urging it, it consumed less spiritual power, was faster, and the power was much higher.

  The six mature firefly grasses and the six white light balls brought by them further improved Lu Xuan's combat power.

  He even wished that Qin Ming would come later, preferably until all the firefly grasses matured, and he could even accept the ripening of red cloud pine or sword grass.

  However, he also knew that this was wishful thinking. After the opponent understood his bottom line and the law of action, he would naturally take action quickly.

  That night, everything was silent.

  A figure quietly emerged outside Lu Xuan's yard without causing a sound.

  "Damn kid, quite cunning, hiding in the house all the time."

  "However, you think hiding at home will be safe, it's too naive."

  Qin Ming stood quietly outside the yard, looking at the black thorns on the bluestone wall, a trace of mockery on his face. Relying on

  his cultivation level that was two small realms higher than Lu Xuan, he was fearless, and with a cat-and-mouse mentality, he even met Lu Xuan.

  Unexpectedly, the little casual cultivator at the second level of Qi training was quite cautious. He had been hiding in the house for a while and no longer went out to help people clean up pests.

  He waited around for a few days, and the other party didn't go out, so he simply came over.

  "Basic protective formation, if it is a first-grade formation, it will play a significant role. This kind of protective ability, just break it directly."

  He pointed one hand at the thin layer of spiritual energy shield outside the yard, and several sharp ice spikes emerged, spinning, with a low whistle, directly breaking the protective formation.

  When he came to the window, his spiritual sense sensed that there was no movement in the house, and the broken protective formation did not seem to arouse any vigilance from the little casual cultivator.

  "Your spiritual perception is too poor. You are still sleeping so soundly. Well, let you die in your sleep and suffer less."

  Qin Ming muttered to himself. Then, a half-zhang long ice spear appeared above his head. The tip of the spear trembled slightly, and the white jade-like spear body exuded a biting coldness.

  The ice spear made a slight sound and stabbed at the monk on the bed like a sharp arrow.


  The ice spear went straight through the whole bed, but Qin Ming felt something was wrong. He walked towards the wooden bed, and a layer of frost armor appeared around him. He wanted to check it out.

  As soon as he entered the room, a golden stream of light instantly pierced Qin Ming's head at an extremely fast speed.

  The frost armor was easily penetrated by the golden stream of light, and it seemed that it was about to pierce directly into his head.

  Feeling the fatal threat brought by the golden stream of light, in an instant, a jade plate on Qin Ming's waist shattered silently, and a layer of hazy spiritual light was generated on the surface of his body, rapidly expanding, blocking the remaining golden stream of light outside.

  "How dare you!"

  Qin Ming looked at the rapidly melting Gengjin Sword Art, and a trace of fear flashed across his face.

  He was already cautious enough, and he even added a Frost Armor Technique to protect himself when he came in, but he didn't expect that a spiritual plant master at the second level of Qi training would release such a lethal sword art. The

  Frost Armor Technique, which had made countless contributions in the past, was so vulnerable!

  If it weren't for the jade tablet magic weapon that sensed the danger and protected him in time, he might have fallen under this sword art.

  After the fear, there was a look of regret.

  This jade tablet magic weapon that blocked the fatal blow for him was extremely difficult to obtain. It cost him nearly two hundred spirit stones, and he always carried it with him to prevent any accidents.

  But he didn't expect that such a precious jade tablet magic weapon would be consumed by this small casual cultivator at the second level of Qi training!   

  "Very good, your attainments in sword tactics far exceed my imagination, but that's all."

  "I will make you regret wasting my top-level protective magic weapon!"

  He looked at Lu Xuan, whose figure emerged from the darkness in the corner, and said with a sinister look.

  "I am just an ordinary spiritual plant master. Why do you, a noble cultivator of the middle level of Qi training, have to kill me like this?"

  Lu Xuan said indifferently.

  "The mistake is that you killed so many of my larvae and earned the spiritual stones that should have belonged to me."

  "The biggest mistake is that you are just a casual cultivator of the second level of Qi training, do you understand?"

  Lu Xuan didn't say much, and hooked his finger at Qin Ming.


  Being provoked by a spiritual plant master of the second level of Qi training, Qin Ming's heart was filled with evil fire, and his spiritual power was activated.

  Dozens of ice cones emitting bone-chilling coldness quickly appeared in front of him, covering all possible directions for Lu Xuan to avoid.

  Lu Xuan had a blank expression on his face, and he threw his hands, and more than ten first-grade talismans were used at the same time.

  In an instant, densely packed sword blades attacked Qin Ming like a rain of arrows, mixed with red fireballs, blue-gray wood thorns, etc.

  "They are all white spiritual stones..."

  A thought flashed through Lu Xuan's mind quickly. This attack almost emptied all the talismans he had collected during this period. He was fighting a spiritual stone war!

  At the same time, a pale silver-white sword blade followed behind the many sword qi, not conspicuous at all.

  Seeing so many sword qi attacking him, Qin Ming cursed in his heart, pressed with one hand, and a thick ice wall suddenly rose in front of him.

  He really has a deep attainment in ice magic. The frost armor technique can be so thin that it can freeze the black budworm larvae as thin as hair, and it can also quickly form such an ice wall with strong protective ability.

  Hundreds and thousands of sword qi whistled in, and with the sound of ding-dong, countless fine cracks appeared on the ice wall. Under the impact of the sword qi behind, the cracks spread rapidly, and large and small ice cubes fell. With

  a bang.

  The red fireball hit the crack, and the ice and fire blended, and a violent explosion occurred in an instant.

  A huge hole appeared on the ice wall.

  A silver-white sword light quietly passed through and pierced Qin Ming's head.

  "Come on!"

  A flying sword flew out from Qin Ming's waist, facing the silver-white sword blade.

  Just when the two were about to touch, the silver-white sword blade suddenly split into dozens of thin fragments.

  The fragments carried a sharp sword intent, and in Qin Ming's bloodshot expression, they attacked various parts of his body.

  The largest thin piece went around the back of Qin Ming's head and gently scratched it. A thin line appeared on the back of his neck, and then bright red blood spurted out.

  The moment the head fell off, Qin Ming's only remaining consciousness saw that his limbs, heart, lower genitals and other places were pierced with one or more thin fragments.

  "Is this the second level of Qi training?"

  Endless regret surged in his heart, and then his consciousness fell into endless darkness.

  (End of this chapter)