
Chapter 19 - The Fourth Level of Qi Training

  "Uncle Lu, I have found out clearly."

  "The pest in his house was solved by the fat white monk. I don't have a deep impression of the larvae corpses after cleaning them up. They should have been taken away by the monk."

  Not long after, Zhang Xiuyuan ran out panting, and the words in his mouth made Lu Xuan's heart tighten.

  "Investigate again!"

  He exhaled a foul breath and said firmly.

  He found two more casual cultivators and got the same answer.

  After solving the pest, Qin Ming took the larvae corpses away.

  In an instant, Lu Xuan's thoughts surged wildly in his mind, and a thread emerged, becoming clearer and clearer.

  "Why is it that Qin Ming, who is also a fourth-level Qi training cultivator, charges 10% or even 20% less than Fairy Lingyun and Sword Cultivator Li Xu?"

  "Why did he take away the corpse of the black budworm larvae after he dealt with them?"

  "Why am I, a second-level Qi training cultivator, not even qualified to earn that little bit of spiritual stones?"

  "Because it was Qin Ming who released the black budworm larvae!"

  "He released the adult black budworms into the spiritual fields of casual cultivators, quietly laid eggs, and used the vitality of the spiritual plants in the spiritual fields to breed and nourish the black budworm larvae. When the larvae grow up, he recovers them under the guise of cleaning up pests."

  "This also explains why the price of hiring Qin Ming is much lower than that of other fourth-level Qi training cultivators with the same cultivation level."

  "He is best at ice magic and can separate the black budworm larvae without harming the spiritual plants."

  "He can also freeze the larvae instead of freezing them to death, and then thaw them after taking out the larvae."

  "In this way, I can earn spiritual stones and easily take back the larvae parasitic on the spiritual plants, killing two birds with one stone."

  Lu Xuan suddenly realized why he was so aggressive.

  Not only did he earn his spiritual stones, but he also killed the black budworm larvae that he parasitized.

  More importantly, he was just a small casual cultivator at the second level of Qi training.

  "So, the black budworm larvae that were solved before and the adult insects that were killed in the middle of the night were all secretly placed in the spiritual field by him."

  Lu Xuan gritted his teeth when he thought of this.

  In other words, not only did he use spiritual plants to help him raise larvae, but he also spent spiritual stones to ask him to take the grown larvae back...

  If it weren't for the appearance of the white light ball, the timely purchase of the protective formation, and the acquisition of the Gengjin Sword Technique, his own spiritual field would only suffer from insect infestation again and again until he, a small casual cultivator, was eaten alive.

  "Sure enough, the weak will only attack the weaker."

  However, if you think that you are just a weak person and can be manipulated at will, you are wrong.

  The corners of his mouth pulled up slightly, and his eyes were bright.

  After returning home, Lu Xuan immediately surrounded the courtyard wall and carefully inspected every part of the protective formation. The

  straw puppet sensed the breath of its master, stretched out a gray straw rope, and followed him like a small snake.

  Lu Xuan confirmed that there was no problem with the formation, came to the side of the straw puppet, took out a broken spirit, and stuffed it into the huge tumor formed by the gray grass on its head.

  "There is a huge gap in strength, and there is a considerable conflict of interest. It seems that Qin Ming will not let me go."

  "Coincidentally, I don't want to let him go either."

  "It's just that in recent times, although my cultivation, magic, elixir, talismans, etc. have all improved greatly, Qin Ming is after all the fourth level of Qi training. I don't know how likely it is to win now."

  "The most urgent thing is to work hard to improve my strength and put aside the matter of cleaning up pests for the time being, so as not to be caught by him."

  Lu Xuan thought about it and decided to stay at home for the time being. While improving his strength, he was prepared for Qin Ming to break into the house.

  In the next few days, he stayed at home to cultivate spiritual plants and told Zhang Xiuyuan not to go out casually.

  The remaining fourteen Eclipse Moon Fruits had all matured after the last harvest, twelve of which were of good quality and two of superior quality.

  Lu Xuan picked up the fourteen slightly flickering white light balls.   

  "Harvest one Eclipse Moon Fruit and obtain the first-grade magic weapon Cracked Silver Blade (fragment)."*3

  "Harvest one Eclipse Moon Fruit and obtain the first-grade talisman."*6

  "Harvest one Eclipse Moon Fruit and obtain one Pei Yuan Pill."*3

  The rewards from the twelve high-quality Eclipse Moon Fruits were as expected by Lu Xuan.

  Three silver-white fragments of the Cracked Silver Blade filled the last gap in the sword blade.

  A thin sword blade appeared in front of Lu Xuan. The blade was a light silver-white color, which was extremely hidden whether in the day or at night.

  His spiritual power controlled the silver-white sword blade to dance freely in the air. The blade was extremely fast and extremely sharp.

  Lu Xuan took out a piece of rotten spiritual wood and tried it. The sword blade was as if it encountered nothing, and it cut the solid spiritual wood at the root like cutting tofu.

  With a thought, the silver-white sword blade that was swimming rapidly around him suddenly split into dozens of silver-white flakes of various shapes, like a group of silver butterflies, flying around Lu Xuan quickly.

  Then, dozens of silver-white flakes gathered together and fit together tightly, forming a complete short sword blade.

  "Finally, all the fragments of the Silver Blade have been collected successfully."

  Lu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. The complete Silver Blade was even sharper, and it could also split into dozens of fragments in an instant.

  In the previous incomplete time, although Lu Xuan was able to control all the fragments, he still felt a little stagnant.

  But now, even if there are more fragments, the control is smooth and natural, and it is extremely smooth.

  "The greatest value of this first-grade magic weapon, the Silver Blade, lies in its function of splitting fragments."

  "If it attacks in the form of a sword blade, it can only be regarded as a good first-grade magic weapon, but if it suddenly splits into many fragments during the battle and attacks the opponent, the value will rise by two levels."

  Lu Xuan controlled the silver-white sword blade, turned a few sword flowers, and couldn't let it go.

  This is also the best way for him to deal with Qin Ming at this stage.

  The six talismans are all first-grade talismans, and no new types of talismans have appeared.

  Lu Xuan carefully put them away. The first-grade talismans already have the ability to harm mid-level Qi training cultivators. If there are enough of them...

  All fear comes from insufficient firepower!

  Lu Xuan looked at the many talismans he had collected during this period, and felt relieved.

  In addition, there were three first-grade Peiyuan Pills.

  Two top-grade Eclipse Moon Fruits, and the light group opened two first-grade pill recipes for Peiyuan Pills.

  After Lu Xuan absorbed them, he felt that he had a very rich theory on refining Peiyuan Pills.

  It was as if he had read countless films even though he had not yet put them into actual combat, and his theory was quite solid.

  In the next ten days, everything was calm and there were no waves.

  Qin Ming seemed to have forgotten Lu Xuan. However,

  Lu Xuan did not dare to be careless and took precautions every day.

  In addition to coming to the yard to take care of the spiritual plants every day, he stayed in the house and stayed indoors.

  The Lingying grass in the spiritual field has been planted for quite some time. Under his meticulous and meticulous cultivation, the Lingying grass has gradually entered the mature stage in the past ten days.

  Lu Xuan harvested six Lingying grasses, four of which were of good quality and two of superior quality.

  As soon as the Firefly Grass seeds were planted, Lu Xuan used their current state to give them the best conditions for cultivation. The effort would be rewarded, and the probability of producing high-quality products was also greatly increased.

  Among them, three of the six light balls that appeared were rewards for several months of cultivation.

  "Harvest one Firefly Grass and gain six months of cultivation."*2

  "Harvest one Firefly Grass and gain nine months of cultivation."

  As the thought flashed through his mind, the spiritual power in Lu Xuan's body surged, raging wildly in his meridians.

  As if breaking through a non-existent barrier, the spiritual power gradually calmed down.

  "Finally broke through to the fourth level of Qi training."

  Lu Xuan showed a relieved smile on his face.

  After breaking through to the third level of Qi training for a while, Lu Xuan had been practicing hard, and with the three new light balls that appeared, he gained nearly two years of cultivation, which enabled him to break through in one fell swoop and become a mid-level Qi training cultivator.

  (End of this chapter)