
Chapter 179 - Substitute Evil Infant

  "Hmm? There's a ball of light?"

  Just as the straw puppet turned and left, Lu Xuan saw a fist-sized white ball of light floating behind him.

  With seven parts of expectation and three parts of doubt, he asked the straw puppet to stop and gently touched the white ball of light floating in the air.

  An evil baby cried out from the ball of light, as if crying and complaining, and then it turned into countless light points and poured into Lu Xuan's body.

  A thought flashed through his mind.

  A seven or eight-inch straw doll appeared in Lu Xuan's palm. The straw doll was gray-black and woven from countless fine hay. Holding it in the hand gave a strange feeling of real skin.

  The doll's head was a mess of gray-black hay, and the outline of the facial features could be vaguely seen on the wrinkled face.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the straw doll and he immediately understood the detailed information about it.

  [Substitute Evil Infant, a third-grade evil object, carried with you, dripped with essence and blood, and infiltrated into the spiritual consciousness, it will automatically trigger when the cultivator encounters a fatal blow, and dissipate on its own after being triggered. ]

  "A third-grade evil object can block a fatal blow for a cultivator?"

  Lu Xuan looked at the strange straw doll in his hand and said to himself in confusion.

  "A third-grade treasure can only block a blow, so the strength of the attack that this substitute can resist should be extraordinary."

  Lu Xuan did not hesitate. A drop of bright red blood flowed from his fingertips and dripped into the face of the straw doll. Then, a wisp of spiritual consciousness was separated and penetrated into the body of the straw doll.

  After absorbing his drop of blood, the substitute evil baby's tightly wrinkled facial features slowly stretched out, and it was vaguely similar to Lu Xuan.

  He realized that he had a close connection with the normal evil straw doll. With a thought, the seven or eight-inch substitute evil baby kept shrinking and became half a finger long, hidden between Lu Xuan's belt.

  "It has a few more defensive abilities. The third-grade Immaculate Jade can detect nearby evil spirits. The "Glass Bone Forging Method" and "The Great Void Dragon Transformation Chapter" enhance physical fitness. The substitute evil infant can block fatal blows. With the ordinary second-grade red scale armor magic weapon, the defense is already high enough."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

  "However, how can this grass puppet have a light ball reward when it breaks through?"

  He couldn't help but feel a little confused.

  Grass puppets are difficult to define. They are called spirit beasts, but they don't have flesh and blood. They are called puppets, but they have some simple autonomous behaviors. After breaking through, they have the intelligence of a two or three-year-old baby.

  This was bought at the casual cultivator market in Linyang Market when he was still in the second level of Qi training. According to the stall owner, this grass puppet is of the first grade, but it is on the verge of being abandoned. Lu Xuan saw that it was still somewhat useful, so he reluctantly spent a few spirit stones to buy it to help guard the spiritual field.

  Because the grass puppet patrolled the spiritual field diligently and faithfully every day, and had made great contributions by blocking a heavy blow for him when the monk attacked at night with a spear.

  Therefore, once the first-grade treasure, the grass spirit essence liquid, was opened from the perfect quality firefly grass light ball, Lu Xuan stuffed it into its tumor.

  Unexpectedly, after continuously absorbing the grass spirit essence liquid containing rich plant spiritual power, it actually broke through to the second-grade stage today.

  "Breaking through to the second grade and getting this special third-grade substitute evil infant is a bit unexpected."

  "According to the previous experience of raising red-bearded carp and iron-clawed crab, after they enter the mature stage, there will be a light ball reward. Unexpectedly, there will also be a reward when breaking through the own grade, and it seems to be more generous."

  The strength of the monster itself is constrained by the bloodline. For example, Xuantian Bailuan, who Lu Xuan has been keen on hugging recently, learned after feeding it that although it is currently a third-grade strength, it has the potential of a seventh-grade monster and will easily break through the grade during its growth period.

  However, the iron claw crabs that were previously raised were affected by their own blood and could only be at the first level, making it difficult to break through.

  Of course, if a large amount of resources were piled up to help it improve its strength, there would be a certain chance that it could break through to the second level, but that would not be worth the loss.

  "It seems that if you raise a high-level monster beast, you will get a light ball reward when it is in its growth period and its level is promoted, and you will also get a reward when it is fully mature."   

  "Although the Stepping Cloud Lynx is only a first-grade monster, the Wind Falcon is a second-grade monster. Now it is a first-grade monster in its juvenile stage, so they still have a certain potential."

  "Besides, if the bloodline is not enough, resources can make up for it. As an ordinary spiritual plant master, I still have this ability."

  Lu Xuan thought confidently. Turning his head, he saw the young Wind Falcon with its light blue wings spread out and its belly facing up, and he was furious.

  "Get up! Hurry up and absorb and refine the spiritual power!"

  "How can you sleep at such a young age?"

  The young Wind Falcon turned over with difficulty and looked at Lu Xuan in confusion.

  After seeing Lu Xuan's serious expression, his belly contracted and relaxed, pretending to be practicing hard.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan showed a helpless expression and entered the house.

  He took out several materials from the storage bag and placed them on the table one by one.

  After checking all the dragons and pythons in Qianlong Lake and exchanging them for the fairy peach and the flame fruit spirit seeds, he finally had time to prepare the potion to assist in practicing "Taixu Hualong Pian".

  He put in various materials and dragon essence blood on time and in the right amount according to the summary of the practice in his mind.

  The huge wooden barrel was filled with half a barrel of dark red medicine. Bubbles appeared and burst from time to time on the surface. A strong and violent blood rushed into Lu Xuan's mouth and nose, making every tiny part of his body restless.

  Lu Xuan held his breath and slowly immersed his whole body in the dark red liquid.

  He followed the exercise route of "Taixu Hualong Pian" to drive the spiritual power in his body to operate slowly.

  As time passed, Lu Xuan gradually felt a mysterious power pouring into his body, constantly stimulating and nourishing his tendons, bones, muscles, veins, etc.

  Unconsciously, an almost transparent dragon-shaped airflow appeared in the dark red liquid in the wooden barrel. The airflow circled and danced around Lu Xuan's body, wrapping him tightly inside.

  With a "crash".

  Lu Xuan emerged from the dark red liquid naked, and faint red lines could be vaguely seen on his chest, back, and limbs, like a giant dragon with bared fangs and claws.

  "It's been about an hour since I started practicing. These lines are just minor sequelae after absorbing the potion. They will disappear on their own after the potion's power is completely digested."

  "Then, I can prepare for the second soaking in the dragon's blood."

  Lu Xuan put on his robe and muttered to himself.

  He couldn't help but wave his arms, causing a whistling wind.

  "All my abilities have been slightly improved, including strength, speed, and physique..."

  Lu Xuan felt the subtle changes in his body. It was the first time he used potions to assist in practicing "Taixu Hualong Pian". The effect was very obvious, and he could feel the improvement in his body strength.

  When he made a full-strength attack posture, there was even a faint sense of majesty.

  When he relaxed, the faint majesty immediately disappeared, and Lu Xuan returned to his ordinary identity as a spiritual plant master.

  (End of this chapter)