
Chapter 178 - Ice and Fire, Grass Puppet Breakthrough

  In the spiritual field, Lu Xuan found an empty area and took out the white jade box containing the Charming Peach Spirit Seed.

  He carefully examined the three spirit seeds in the box. Unconsciously, the pink smoke in the gully of the spirit seeds became more and more dense. In Lu Xuan's sight, the spirit seeds instantly became extremely charming. It

  suddenly became a peach-shaped **, and soon became a peach-shaped **, which made the bloody Lu Xuan imagine.

  "Bold! I can see at a glance that you are not a proper spirit seed!"

  Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged, and he cast a purification spell on himself. In an instant, his mind was clear and his thoughts were peaceful.

  The peach core spirit seed returned to its original appearance.

  "It is indeed an improper spirit peach. Fortunately, I have a way to deal with it."

  "Under the purification spell, I have no desires. Women will only affect the speed of my farming!"

  Lu Xuan cast the earth-inducing technique, and the inside of the spiritual soil changed quietly. Three circular holes appeared, just in time to take the three Charming Peach Spirit Seeds into it.

  His mind was focused on a magical peach seed, and then a thought flashed through his mind.

  [The magical peach is a third-grade spiritual plant. It can bear fruit for the first time in about three years, and then bear fruit every two years until its life limit. The mature spiritual fruit contains rich spiritual power and is extremely delicious. It is very popular among cultivators and spiritual beasts. ]

  [The spiritual fruit can be eaten directly, and has a natural anti-aging effect. Long-term use can also increase the charm of the eater. It can also be used to refine certain special elixirs or brew spiritual wine. ]

  [During the growth of the spiritual plant, it will release miasma that can arouse the inner desires of cultivators and monsters. After the miasma is collected in large quantities through special means, it can be refined into certain strange instruments. ]

  [The road to cultivation is long, so enjoy life in time. ]

  "Enjoy life in time? For me, planting spiritual plants is the greatest pleasure."

  Lu Xuan recalled the thoughts in his mind and sighed.

  After entering the sect, he came into contact with more and more types of spiritual plants. In Linyang Market, due to the low grade of spiritual plants, most of them are disposable spiritual plants, and it is difficult to harvest them a second time after they mature.

  Now, there are annual Yin Huai in the spiritual field. The longer they survive, the better. Of course, they will also be limited by their own vitality.

  In addition, with the newly planted periodic Mi Xian Tao, new spiritual fruits can be harvested every once in a while until the life limit of the spiritual plant.

  "The third-grade spiritual plant is equivalent to the foundation-building realm. Naturally, it will not have infinite life. Only within the life cycle can spiritual fruits be picked repeatedly."

  "But this is already quite good. After all, each spiritual fruit can harvest a light ball reward."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

  He came to the other end of the spiritual field and continued to perform the earth-drawing technique to put ten flaming fruit spiritual seeds into the spiritual soil.

  His mind was focused on one of the spiritual seeds, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  [Flame fruit, a second-grade spiritual plant, mature spiritual fruit contains rich fire spiritual power. When eaten, it will produce a slight explosion in the mouth. The spiritual power can warm the limbs and bones, and can also be used as a refining material for some spiritual wines and brews. ]

  [When cultivating, according to the growth progress, it is necessary to perform fire-based spells below the second grade to stimulate the spiritual plant and accelerate its growth. ]

  "The fire-type spiritual fruit, the Fiery Fruit, plus the previous ice-type spiritual fruit, the Ice Divine Fruit, both types of spiritual fruits of ice and fire are fed to the high-grade spiritual beasts in the sect at the same time, so that they can feel the shock brought by the two worlds of ice and fire."

  Lu Xuan looked at the Fiery Fruit in the spiritual seed state, and the pale white Ice Divine Fruit with branches and leaves not far away, and thought proudly.

  In this way, the spiritual plants in the cave now include the non-grade spiritual firefly grass, the second-grade streamer wood, Yinhuai, Fiery Fruit, Ice Divine Fruit, Sword Grass, the third-grade Jiao Teng, Jade Scale Fruit, Sword Cultivation Gourd, and the Charming Immortal Peach, and finally the only fourth-grade Xuanchong Teng.

  In addition to the third-grade ghost-faced stone mushroom, thorn bone, poisonous shuttle wood, and the fourth-grade hundred-eye strange wood in the small courtyard of Jianmen Town.

  Unknowingly, Lu Xuan has planted a variety of high-grade rare and precious spiritual plants, and the growth in the spiritual plant is amazing.

  Lu Xuan sighed, calmed his mind, and patrolled the spiritual field to check the growth status of each spiritual plant.   

  In the firefly grass area, the remaining seventy-seven firefly grasses gradually entered a fully mature state.

  Lu Xuan picked all of them and got ten firefly grasses of perfect quality. Most of the others were of superior quality, and a few were of good quality.

  Seventy-seven white light balls, he picked them from one end to another. Although the rewards in the light balls were not rich, the harvest itself was a pleasure for him, so he never tired of it.

  The absorbed light balls brought Lu Xuan more than ten years of cultivation rewards.

  After absorbing them one by one, he felt that the spiritual power in his body was unprecedentedly full, and his dantian had a faint sense of expansion that was about to be filled.

  "It's almost time. Plant another batch of firefly grass, harvest a wave of cultivation, and then you can impact the foundation-building realm."

  Feeling the spiritual power in his body, Lu Xuan had a sense of unreality.

  More than three years ago, he was just a small cultivator of the second level of Qi training, with ordinary qualifications and ordinary background. Every day he thought about how to survive and how to earn a little broken spirit.

  But now, the foundation-building realm that was high above and untouchable in the past seems not so far away.

  Therefore, he is more determined to plant spiritual plants.

  Among the remaining light balls, the rewards were mainly first-grade medicinal elixirs and talismans, with a few earth-inducing and wood-growing experience packs, which were better than nothing.

  The rewards from the ten perfect-quality firefly grasses were not bad, including three second-grade sword energy talismans, four drops of first-grade treasure grass spirit essence liquid, and three experience packs of the essence-refining pill recipe.

  Lu Xuan put more than seventy mature firefly grasses into a long white jade box, collected various rewards, and summoned the grass puppet in front of him.

  "Here, I'll give you something delicious."

  He took out a drop of grass spirit essence liquid and stuffed it into the tumor formed by the gray grass on the huge head of the grass puppet.

  A crack appeared in the gray grass tumor, which absorbed the grass spirit essence liquid containing rich plant spirit energy.

  Suddenly, the gray grass tumor quickly turned green and spread from the top of the head all the way down to the two long and thin legs like chopsticks.

  "Hmm? Is it going to break through or what?"

  Lu Xuan suddenly realized that something was wrong with the grass puppet in front of him. The gray grass that made up its body suddenly scattered and flew around in disorder. The huge tumor formed by the gray grass expanded and contracted, and some unknown changes occurred inside.

  Then, the green color on its body instantly dissipated, and new gray grass stretched out from its body and drilled into the gray grass tumor like a worm.

  Lu Xuan sensed that countless gray grasses reorganized into the body of the grass puppet through the tumor. The

  new torso still had a large head and a small body, and the limbs were particularly eye-catching, but the overall appearance became much tighter and tighter, and the huge tumor on the head seemed to be a little bigger.

  Lu Xuan focused his mind on it and found that the grass puppet's intelligence had also improved. It only had some simple behavioral patterns before, but now it has a low-level intelligence, equivalent to a two or three-year-old baby.

  Deep in its heart, it seemed to have absolute trust and dependence on Lu Xuan, and the four words "guarding the spiritual field" appeared from time to time in its only intelligence.

  Lu Xuan experimented and found that it could release and control several times more gray grass than before, and the toughness of the gray grass was much stronger. When it was condensed together, it was comparable to some first-grade magic tools.

  But the speed of the display was still not fast or slow, always in its own rhythm.

  "This second-hand grass puppet I bought at the casual cultivator market a long time ago has been with me for the longest time. I fed it with the first-grade treasure, the grass spirit essence liquid, and now it has finally broken through."

  Lu Xuan looked at the stupid grass puppet in front of him and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

  "It still looks better with a little green."

  He smiled slightly, took out a drop of grass spirit essence liquid, and stuffed it into the huge grass tumor that was a few times larger.

  (End of this chapter)